Origami Angel

A picture of Ryland Heagy on the left, And Pat Doherty on the right.

I’m going to jump straight to the point. 
A band I’ve been listening to for the past two or three years, called Origami Angel doesn’t get enough credit. 
Origami Angel is a two-person band.
Ryland Heagy As the Singer/Guitarist, 
And Pat Doherty as the drummer. Origami angel is a Washington DC band, and they have a total of 3 albums out right now. 
Which are… Somewhere City, Brightest Days, and Gami Gang. 
My personal favorite is Somewhere city, and my favorite song from that album is The Air Up Here. But that’s not to say that I like their other albums any less. 
This band has a somewhat consistent genre which is indie rock.
Which is one of my favorite genres of music. 

Somewhere City, Released Nov 15th, 2019

Somewhere city is what might call a world building album. It was released on November 15th, 2019. This song has a total of 10 songs that span over the course of 30 minutes. What I mentioned earlier about a “world building album.”
What I mean is, this song builds an entire world from only 10 songs. Some talk about amusement parks, some talk about nostalgia, and childhood homes. 
and others talk about the special people in the lives of the artists. By far this has to be one of my favorite albums. 

The Brightest Days, Released June 16th, 2023

The Brightest Days album is also one of my favorite albums. It was released June 16th, 2023, and has a total of 8 songs. This album isn’t like the previous, I wouldn’t call it a world building album, but nonetheless It still packs a punch. This song mainly has to do with summer, and Childhood memories. Cloudy days, and sunny days. 
In order of popularity, I think this one reigns second.  Right under Somewhere city. I forgot to mention but my favorite song from this album has to be My PG County Summer.


#GamiGang, Released April 30th, 2021

And last but not least, The Gami Gang Album. This Album was released April 30th, 2021. Also, one of their biggest albums, with a total of 20 songs, the take course over the span of 50 minutes. This song is nothing like the previous two. This album hits hard. The genre is heavily rock i would say. But still one of their best. I would have to say that my favorite song from this album has to be, Noah Fence. 
And with this final album this concludes my thoughts on this band. 
I heavily recommend checking them out if you’re a fan of indie rock. 
Thanks for reading.

Overthinking. (Is that a good title?)

Do you guys overthink much?
For me, Overthinking is like a straitjacket, or one of those Chinese finger traps. 

The more I try to get away from it, the more trapped I get.
I start replaying scenarios over and over in my head. Constantly. 

Should I have said this? Should I have done that? 

What would have happened if I did that?

Sometimes all these thoughts crawling around in my head feel like ants.

It’s sort of a blessing and a curse at the same time though. On one hand, I think of multiple scenarios that could go wrong. And if one of them comes up, I feel much more prepared then if I hadn’t thought of it. But at the same time, overthinking has caused me to keep my mouth shut more than once. 

I remember overthinking about the stupidest of things. 

One time someone waved in my direction, I smiled and waved back. And then I realized that they weren’t waving at me, but at someone behind me. I for real spent the next two or more days with that scenario in my head. Like a broken record player. But at the same time, when you overthink about what might happen, and that something does happen, doesn’t it feel like a sort of relief.
Like, “Ok I’m prepared for this.” and you have that pre-generated response.
I swear it’s even worse for texting. If I’m texting someone, and I get a message saying something like “ok, sure”. I completely dissect that message. 

“Was that an ‘Im tired of talking to you ok sure’?” 

“Was that an ‘I don’t care about this topic ok sure’?”

“What if it was a normal ok sure and if I ask about it that will just make them more annoyed?”

As much as it sucks to overthink the smallest of things, it’s probably helped me out more often than not. 

Sometimes I wish I could turn my mind off, and kind of just, watch everything play out.
Sorry this post is kind of all over the place. 

A Brief Review of Rambo

So, me and my roommate just recently watched “Rambo”.  And I don’t think people fully Grasped the concept of the movie.  Many might see it as just an action-packed Thrilling joy ride, with explosions and Gunfights. But that’s just the surface of the film, the tip of the iceberg. When you look closer, really getting into the movie, you can see that Rambo Isn’t just about a soldier. I think it takes a little more understanding to really see the meaning behind this movie. 

Here’s a Sum of everything that happened in Rambo. 
Spoiler Alert!

Rambo is what most people would call a drifter. A Drifter, by Google Definitions is, “A person who is continually moving from place to place, without any fixed home or job.”
After the Vietnam War, soldiers came back to more than unpleasant conditions. They were mocked, cursed and treated horribly.
Rambo Had just landed back in America, and with no friends or family to return to, he unwillingly became a drifter. Roaming from town to town, in search of something, anything.

As Rambo Comes upon a Town called Hope, in British Columbia. 
He’s looking for a diner to eat at, and while searching the town sherrif is weary of his intentions, and “helps” him out by dropping him of where the town ends on the north side. 

Rambo Walks back into the town after the Sherrif leaves. 
at this point the sheriff is fed up with Rambo and attempts to arrest him. 
Rambo resists arrest but is eventually taken into custody. 

Events lead up to Rambo escaping the Police department, and he runs into the woods.  The Cops Biased and Selfish views caused them to become narrow visioned.  

After hunting down Rambo for two days, the cops are becoming impatient. 
Rambo Steals a car and makes his way back into town. Causing all sorts of mayhem and terror.  The Sherriff, still Blinded by Hatred, is in the police department. The Town is under lockdown and curfew because of the dangerous veteran lose on the streets. 
Rambo is only trying to escape this town, but everyone sees him as a villain. which in some cases he is a criminal.  But as Rambo said “They Drew First Blood.”

One thing leads to another, and in an attempts to loot for supplies Rambo becomes surrounded in a gun/ammo shop. At this point Rambo’s Old Lieutenant, Lieutenant Tay, has made an arrival in attempts to ease Rambo into custody. 

As the Ammo shop is surrounded, The Lieutenant Makes his way into the building and confronts Rambo. After they talk for a while Rambo Breaks down, sobbing, talking about the awful things he saw in Vietnam, and the Horrors he encountered.  

Rambo Broken and Sobbing on the floor, crying out in confusion, this is where the soul of the movie is. I believe that Rambo Is a representation of all those soldiers that came home broken. Broken From the Things they had to do, or things they had to see. Some broken beyond repair. 

What’s the Deal with Seinfeld.

Seinfeld, A Hilarious sitcom from the late 1980’s. 

A show about… “Nothing”.  Jerry Seinfeld, a comedian who often appeared in the Catching a Rising Star Night Club, had this amazing idea of a sitcom Tv Show about (in his words) “Nothing”. He first presented the Idea to NBC on November 2nd, 1988.  Then the show was later produced the next year. 

      I remember Waking up an hour early every morning in my freshman and sophomore year of high school before school started, to watch an episode or two of Seinfeld. It was surprisingly entertaining considering the show only follows a few main characters throughout their everyday lives. 
One Episode called “The Soup Nazi” Was all about getting soup from a local Soup Restaurant, with a Cheff that had extreme conditions for ordering the soup.




Rules like, Single File line, only talking about the ingredients, and waiting silently on the side. The Episode Follows Jerry’s Best Friend Geroge, trying to order soup, unaware of the conditions to place the said order, and eventually being banned from the restaurant for Talking too much. 
The rest of the episode is about how George gets his revenge by having the shop closed down by publicly Humiliating the Cheff. Or something along those lines.

But my point is that somehow this show takes the simplest of scenarios, and completely Turns it around making it one of the Most hilarious Sitcoms in the 80’s-90’s. Some of the episodes even reaching 9.5/10 stars by IMBD.
The show overall getting, 9.0/10 stars by IMBD.

Another example. 
One of the Episodes was all about how jerry had to go on live television, wearing a puffy shirt that made him look like a pirate. and the rest of the episode follows the people he knows mocking him for wearing such a ridiculous shirt on camera. Something most wouldn’t care about. Yet in the 80’s something so ordinary was called “Defining Comedy.” 

Seinfeld had a total of nine seasons and 173-180 Episodes, and a total of 2,800 actors over the course of the show. Some being Guest Stars like, Courtney Cox, who was in another famous sitcom that would later air in the 90’s, Friends.
Jon Favreau who directed, Iron Man, and The Mandalorian.  
Even Bryan Cranston, who would later be the star of one of Americas most famous TV shows of all time, Breaking Bad. And many more Guest Stars that made an appearance.  

Many of some of our favorite stars started at Seinfeld, rising to the top. 
Seinfeld was, for many, the rising action of their careers. So, if you ever feel up to watching 9 seasons of one of Americas funniest Sitcoms, I recommend you do it on Netflix.

So, what’s the deal with Seinfeld. 
Is it a genius idea, taking ordinary people in ordinary scenarios and calling it comedy? Or is it just a lucky hit in the late 80’s. 

Thats all from me.  
Thanks for reading. 

The Walking Dead Tell-Tale Game Review.

If you’re a fan of story mode games at an affordable price, do I have the game for you.  The Walking Dead Tell-Tale Game Is by Far one of my most favorite and most played games of all time.

this game is action packed, and the story is heart wrenching.  one of the things that makes this game perfect, is the beautiful storyline. There are five episodes in this game. It took me roughly 50 hours to complete this game, and it was worth every second. The story follows our two protagonists Lee Everett who is a middle-aged man. and Clementine (No Last Name is Given) who is a young eight-year-old girl.  Before the apocalypse, Lee was a Happily Married university Teacher from Malcom Georgia.  If memory serves me correctly, I believe he was a history teacher, but I could be wrong.

Not much backstory was given for Clementine, but in the beginning of the Zombie apocalypse, Clementine was left home with a babysitter while her parents went to savannah Georgia. 

Minor Spoiler alert, I’ll just give a brief Overview of How Lee And Clementine Met in the First Episode. 

Events lead up to Lee looking for Help after a recent car crash, but everything is abandoned. He stumbles upon the house where clementine was living After walking through the woods. Lee made his way inside looking for medical attention, but he was surprised to find the house Empty. the kitchen was stained with blood, windows boarded, and doors blocked with furniture.  Keep in mind that Lee wasn’t fully aware that he was even in the zombie apocalypse. (I Believe this was the first day of the apocalypse too.) So, he’s totally oblivious as to why this fortification was in place. 

Lee is looking for supplies, and in the living room there was a desk with a drawer where he finds a Walkie Talkie Radio. He tries to make contact with someone who might be on the other walkie talkie.  And Low and Behold, Our Second Protagonist Responds over the Walkie Talkie. A Young girl Named Clementine. 
Lee Was surprised to Hear such a Young Voice on the Walkie Talkie, He asked how old She was, and She said she was eight. 

Lee was a Little Surprised by this, and he asked about her parents, and why Her house was in the shape that it was. Clemetine Replied Telling Him That her Parents Had Gone on Vacation and Left her there with a babysitter.
Lee Finally Asks Where Clementine Was hiding.  Clementine Told Him that she was in her treehouse out in the backyard.   Lee Looked through the window in the Kitchen that was facing the backyard and saw clementine in the treehouse waving at him.

And that’s how our two protagonists Meet, later throughout the Five Episodes, they grow and learn from each other. 
I Highly Recommend This game if you’re looking for a Well-planned and thought-out story mode game.

And you won’t get this reference unless you play the game, but Ben Paul is the worst character to ever exist.