
Image result for twilight book seriesOkay guys, so i’m sure most of you, if not all of you know what Twilight is. If not, Twilight was both a book and movie series from 2005-2008. It quickly became the center of most preteen girls and boys lives. Glittering vampire, jealous werewolves, a human girl caught in the middle? What more could you ask for?

Image result for bella jacob and edward At the time, I thought Bella had the best of both worlds. Her best friend of many years, Jacob, was changing as well as beginning to develop feelings for her. But Bella had other plans. She found herself falling for a “teen” vampire who happened to be so many years older than her. She was stuck between two worlds she didn’t understand, but instead or removing herself from the clear issue at hand, she digs herself deeper into it!!

Bella decides she wants to be with Edward, the vampire, and break her best friend, Jacob’s, heart. I honestly don’t know why she thought that was a good idea but it got her into a hell of a lot of trouble!!

Edward liked Bella so much that he left just to save her from himself, but she wasn’t having that. Bella became reckless in hopes of getting Edward back, which she eventually did but only because he thought she was trying to kill her self (stupid). Honestly? The relationship was really toxic but at the time I thought her love for him was romantic. Bella was out of her mind over Edward, completely forgetting Jacob as he transitioned from boy to man and human to werewolf (what a horrible best friend). Bella was so wrapped up in Edward that I think she stopped caring about herself. Bella was absolutely the dumbest teen girl that could’ve possibly been written. Jacob was left neglected and he even became angry with Bella. Trust, I do not blame him at all!! Edward had other things to worry about, like being 100s of years old and having the Vultori look over his families shoulder. But he had to subject himself to looking after some human girl who threw a hissy fit at the slightest inconvenience. Some time later in the series we see Bella bond with Edward’s family and they begin to protect her as one of their own, but she said shunned by the wolves. I don’t blame them either, you pick a side and you stay there you know? Bella even wants to pursue a sexual relationship with Edward, even after he tells her he could KILL her. But again, silly Bella is a self satisfying idiot. Eventually, Bella things go from good to bad and Bella is now being hunted by a super nasty vampire named Victoria, which makes the Cullen (Edward’s family) protect her. Their lives soon become centered around Bella and she claims she doesn’t want the attention, yet she’s always in the middle of mischief. Bella Swan is in fact, an idiot. Why couldn’t that have been me in a love triangle with a vampire and werewolf? I would’ve played my cards right.

Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven

Well hello there, stranger. It’s been a while since I’ve posted ( my own fault, procrastination is my biggest flaw).  So last time on Tyler Reviews Literary Pieces, I reviewed the second installment on a manga series that I am reading. However, I’m broke so now I’m reviewing ebooks I got for free on the google play store.

So The Raven is arguably Poe’s most famous piece. Actually, it isn’t even an arguable opinion. It is his most infamous piece and everyone has probably read it at one point or another. And if you haven’t, you should  because I hate to be wrong.

The Raven is basically a conversation between the “I” and a raven (a very large crow). In which, the “I” is paranoid and distraught, and the raven does nothing to ease his suffering.

Poe published this narrative poem in January of 1845 so there are a lot of “old english” bits. For example, “But, with mein of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door…”

So if you can’t understand what he means I’d suggest having google open whilest you read, or better yet, struggle through like the rest of us.

Anyways, so this is the poem from which we get “Quoth the raven, ‘Nevermore.'” This quote can be found throughout the poem as everytime the narrator speaks to the raven the only response he receives is “Nevermore.”

I won’t go much further into the story because seriously if you’ve never read it or listened to it, you should do that. Better yet, read or listen to all of his works.

So until next time, where I will give another rushed (or maybe not) literary review. Goodnight, internet (or good morning i guess). Actually, never mind. Bye.


Book Review

Fahrenheit 451 revolved around a dystopian future where all media was controlled and written literature is banned.  Firemen now possess the job of obtaining and disposing of written literature, and then burning down the house of who had the literature.

The story is about a fireman named Guy Montag who comes into possession of books.  Through interactions with a new neighbor and an old man he met in a park, he discovers the power of literature and finds himself curious as to why the society wants to control it.  One of the key pieces of literature was a King James version of the Bible.  The old man, Faber, used to be a connoisseur of literature.  Guy implores that he help him keep the books that he has taken in secrecy.  Guy is faced with an interesting relationship conflict with his boss, Captain Beatty.  Beatty has employed the use of a robotic dog with venomous fangs.  This dog can hunt down any human by smell.

The neighbor, Clarisse McClellan, was the moral compass.  She died early on, leaving Guy in an internal conflict.  It revolved around the power of literature.  After Guy’s wife ratted him out, Beatty and the rest of the firemen crew hunt down Guy.  He wound up killing Beatty in a heart-wrenching scene and fleeing with some of his books to Faber, who helped him escape the robotic dog.

The robotic dog, while tracking Guy, could not reach him due to Guy being swept down a river.  He then killed a random person, and they pinned it all on him.  Guy then found himself wondering through the wilderness in search of a place that can harbor literature.  He found a group of homeless people who store literature in their minds rather than in print.  Not long after this discovery, the city that Guy fled from is bombed, leaving Guy with his newfound group exploring the enlightenment of literature.

The relationships were complex and thoroughly heartfelt.  The social commentary on how people are so influenced to fight without a cause was tantalizing, and the power of knowledge was evident throughout the book.  Without books and therefore the power of knowledge, the society was left struggling with no way to fight.  Instead, they were easily corrupted to fight against something that they didn’t even really understand.

The only criticism I would have is that the book was hard to read.  It was condensed, and I could only read sections at a time.  However, it was a fantastic story.  The fact that it was told from the point of view from one of the firemen, and not simply a good character who never burned a book, was my favorite part.  Our main character was a part of the problem.  His journey and moral quandaries were what drove this book to be as great as it is.