Kindness over the Country Clubs

Hey  >.< It’s me- again. How we doin? Hangin in there? I hope the answer was yes. Life isn’t all bad.  Lana Del Rey has us on the edge of our seats for her new single and the title track to her album ” Chemtrails over the Country Club.” We have no clue what it’s gonna be like, but I mean here is what she has given us… *insert video link*

And then Harry Styles has graciously released a video for us. Teaching us all to spread the kindness. *click* *click* *insert video link*

That’s what I want to lead this blog with, to give you two reasons to possibly become happier, and to segue into my topic. 


Now, I have been watching some ted talks. I know. That’s not what most Gen Z teens admit on the blogosphere .-.     BUT I have no shame about it . Really, I don’t. 

I will admit, at first I was assigned to listen to one by my teach but then I just got sucked down this loophole of them. Even though it was my day off, gurlll, I was living while watching these !!

They were so beneficial to my well-being and I feel like they came at just the moment I needed them to.  The universe was there and watching. It decided to throw me a bone I guess. 

There were a few points from some of the discussions that I wanted to share/add to this blog to try and improve or help in you maintaining a positive metal state.

  1. When you’re doing something new or something you know , don’t measure your success by how few mistakes you make. 

Just try and, as difficult as it may sound (because it is), not have self awareness. Just focus on the task, and what you WANT to accomplish. No one is really gonna judge you for not being “the best.” 

(If there even is such a thing because most things are suggestively measured) 

The ted talk I saw was explaining it with languages. She needed help in a foreign country picking a certain type of vitamin. Well one lady told her every single little detail about the two vitamins in question and she was still stuck as a stick in the mud on which to choose. So, she asks another lady. This lady barely knew ANY English. Just asked the most basic questions that got straight to the point, and it worked. The foreigner didn’t need all the theatrics and fancies. It just wasn’t necessary. 

The point is, the gurl who wasn’t even that knowledgeable in the language got the point across, and the gurl who was stressed to the max and trying way too hard to flex didn’t even help.

Please don’t stop reading now because I didn’t explain it well. I can link that video too before I move on to the second point. I will say that it doesn’t explicitly talk about life skills, but more about the mindset in learning a language. BUT honestly it could be applied to any life skills…

2. Try and have a positive mindset.

One of the other ted talks I watched, that my teach actually recommended, talked about this right here.

Listen to how these two statements someone could say to themselves sound.

“God, I’m so stupid for messing that up!”


“Huh, well next time I’ll know what not to do.”

Obviously there is  whole different vibe with the statements. The first is degrading, and may even be just sad to hear. The other is optimistic and hopeful, and this is what I want to get across. The ted talk talked about how one needs to replace every single negative thought with a more optimistic thought and this helps you become more aware of your thought process from day to day. 

Again the video explained it in more detail if you’d like to check it out…


If you’d like to check out more of this group’s Ted talks feel free. This isn’t a sponsorship by any means , but their videos are not too long and totally tubular. So like, why not?

Overall, kindness could be used more. Don’t you agree? I hope this was beneficial to you in any sort of way    “.”

Now for a little pop moment for some motivation. Make sure you have on the subtitles, so you can understand all the lyrics and fully embrace the moment. Sooo…

Be wild, be free, and be happy  ♥



Get Free

Trigger Warning: This blog post has many cringy cliché messages that just make sense. Also, it’s a little all over the place, but that’s just what I wanted.

Hey.  >.<  What’s poppin.’  I wanted to ask you a question or two. -How far have you gone? How far do you want to go? 

Before covid hit, traveling was everything to me. It gave me an escape to routine, which can become scary or overwhelming in my opinion. Ultimately, this type of mindset can be every toxic and lead to some bad habits, but I think it just adds character, really.

(I say make part of your personality trait people not knowing if you’ll show up to school on a Monday or not. Make people never really know where you are in your town or even the US. Sometimes I spend a couple weekends in Memphis, TN, or maybe New Orleans… Keep em’ on their toes! )

Also, if you were wondering or thinking, no, my family does not have loads of money. When we travel we just know how to get a five-star experience with a three-star budget. 

My point can be pinned point to the fact that, I want you to think about how much of the world have you explored. What all have you seen? I don’t mean to brag in anyway when I state where all I go or have been. It is all relative, really. Like, I think I’ve barely been anywhere, but then someone will tell me how they may have never left the state, let alone the country.

It is so sad to me when I hear that. There is such a thrill of seeing new ways of life. I always think of the excitement of being in new places. Mexico and Guatemala were a riot. I find comfort in the confusion and curiosity of what’s going on. Possibly on the verge of being mugged. Clueless and lost. You know what they say though, you have to lose yourself to find yourself.

Think about your routine for a second. Do you have one? Do you need to get away from it for a moment? Is it suffocating you? Leave. Runaway and be free from it. Show life that it does not have you defined to one narrative or destiny. Your possibilities are endless.

The video of Ride by Lana Del Rey has amazing concepts on these ideas of liberty. If you have not watched it then you are serving an injustice to yourself. I strongly feel that if you tune into the video and drown everything out during the monologues, you may be changed forever. Inspired to go. Or I am just being very dramatic about it and wasted like five minutes of your life. There is only one way to truly know for yourself though. 🙂


So in the words of Lana,

“Who are you?
Are you in touch with all of your darkest fantasies?
Have you created a life for yourself where you can experience them?”

I try and live by that motto and think back to it when I feel to scared to do something or feel like I am trying to hard to be someone else. Especially after I hear or read the third line I quoted. It always makes me think of what I need to change to stay sane.

I guess what I’m trying to say after all this is to be wild, be free, and have fun. That’s so cliché… but don’t let yourself get stuck in a rut. I recommend traveling but simply dying you hair or getting a tattoo could work as well. Find ways to keep yourself interested with life and yourself. I have planned to maybe visit Korea this summer. Who knows? I might just stop by and see California on the way. Above all, please never stop believing ♥