A Colorless Class


The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop – How to Decolonize the Creative Classroom” by Felicia Rose Chavez. 

White Fragility – Why it’s so Hard for White People to Talk About Racism” by DiAngelo Robin.

Eloquent Rage – A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower” by Cooper, Brittney C.

Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?: And Other Conversations About Race” by Beverly Tatum.

Any book by Rick Riordan.

And thousands more. 

starting a conversation.

There are a million things I can talk about literature-wise that are important to this conversation. The ‘conversation’ in question is about how classrooms/schools/anything predominantly made up of white people mistreat and mishandle situations concerning any other race. I write about characters of color, and I’ll tell you why. It’s because it needs to be talked about. It’s because I see beauty in other cultures. That’s it. It’s because I want a little kid to read about a character in my stories, and I want them to relate. I want them to be able to see themselves in this piece instead of a “Y/N with blue eyes and blond hair.” I want to stop reading about people like that because it was all I read. I want people to challenge themselves.

one of your favorite authors, even…

A prime example of a white AND published author doing this correctly is the author of the Percy Jackson series, Rick Riordan. Annabeth Chase (the main love interest) has light-tanned skin, blond curly hair, and stormy grey eyes. Now, you would start to think, “Is that not just a Y/N trope that you previously described?” It is. Guess what, though? In the entirety of the series, he also includes BIPOC. Bianca Di Angelo, Nico Di Angelo, Charles Beckendorf, Ethan Nakamura, Grover Underwood, Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano, Carter Kane, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang, AND MORE. So yes, while the main love interest for that may be a Y/N sort of fantasy, BIPOC characters also get just as much love and appreciation from this author. Later in the Magnus Chase series, Rick introduces a love interest named Alex Fierro. Alex is a Mexican, genderfluid, and formerly homeless teenager. Rick is none of those things, and yet many fans relate to and love Alex dearly.

fear is no excuse

If someone is afraid of misrepresenting a culture or group of people, all they have to do is do their own research and reach out for help. There are BIPOC editors who will help with that EXACT thing. Nobody will walk through every sentence with someone while editing,  hoping it will help with the representation of BIPOC because they shouldn’t have to. It isn’t their job to do that.

final message

When I was a kid, all I wanted to do was be like Rick Riordan. I wanted to create worlds full of color for all people to enjoy. Even if only five people read my work, I hope they feel represented. Even better, if one hundred people read my work and feel represented well!

BIPOC deserve the recognition they have never been given.

Ancient Greece – pt. 2

“The rise and fall of Ancient Greece revealed.”

I’ll just be calling the book IEAG for short, as the full title is The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ancient Grece, an Authoritative Account of Greek Military and Political Power, Architecture, Sculpture, Art, Drama, and Philosophy; (Written by Nigel Rodgers.)

As per Locklyn’s comment on my first blog post of the year, I will be talking about art, love, war and society in this post. We start on page 476, titled Drinking Together, Symposia and Bars. Symposion literally means ‘drinking together,’ by the way. Anyway, a symposium was an event catered to socialization and drinking. (The only alcohol the Ancient Greeks consumed was wine, so that was what they drank.) Symposiums could be started with celebrations of sporting events- or simply a friend coming by uninvited. The nights’ entertainment at the most luxurious symposiums were dancers, flute girls, and serving boys. Sex was shown to be common throughout these parties, and I cannot continue past that because this blog will not be posted if I do. 

“A symposium otok place in a house’s andron (‘men’s room’), a special windowless room on the ground floor. Its floor was raised at the walls, against which couches were arranged.” We’re ignoring the weird windowless room thing; I assume that was for ambiance. What we will instead focus on are the reclining couches. If you have ever seen images painted, drawn, or reconstructed still-lifes, you will see Greek men reclining back on couches. (The Romans and Etruscans also copied this dining method.) Many things would happen if you were to attend one of these symposiums. First, your sandals would be removed by slaves. You might be adorned with flowers and have oil smeared onto your body before being shown to a couch, which you would share with another man. You would eat the food mainly with your fingers, throwing your scraps to the floor where the dogs would eat them. 


That entire scenario only happens if you’re a male born into an important, rich Greek family. What would you do if you did not have the funds to throw a grand party? You would socialize in a bar/tavern called a kapeleion. “Citizens could eat snacks and buy wine in flasks to take away along with torches to light their way home through Athens’ unlit streets.” If I were to equate these kapeleions to anything, it would be to a modern British pub. Brawls and riots broke out often, if not at least small disturbances. 


I can’t fully discuss the topic of sexuality within the Ancient Greek world, but I can give you this quote from IEAG; “Ancient Greece was once seen as a sexual arcadia where happy pagans, free from Christain restraint, enjoyed sex in ways damned by the Bible or law. In particular, homosexuality, male and female, was openly celebrated. Such views of Greece as a homosexual paradise owe as much to fantasy as to reality.” In simple words, the Greeks didn’t have the same ideals about sexuality that we do now. Bisexuality was the unspoken norm, but not how we might think. Please look this up further, as I cannot discuss it. 

I swear we’ll move to happy topics sometime.

New Year New Blog

“The rise and fall of Ancient Greece revealed.” 

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece, and Authoritative Account of Greek Military and Political Power, Architecture, Sculpture, Art, Drama, and Philosophy. That is the full title of the book, written by Nigel Rodgers, that I will be reviewing. This book has over 500 pages and considering that the word count for these blogs is 500-900 words, that means this is going to take a while. For simplicities sake, I’ll just be calling the book IEAG, standing for Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece. 

IEAG is what inspired me to begin writing mythological and ancient historical stories, primarily starring in Ancient Greece. The book’s first line says, “Our world began with Greece – the world, that is, of Western civilization.” That’s definitely one way to start a book! The first pages tell you where anything time-wise can be found, and a word glossary at the back of the book for more hyper-specific needs. For instance, if I wanted to know more about festivals, the book directs me toward pages 400-1. The chapter is titled Festivals, Sacrifices, Priesthood and Oracles. Fun title! IEAG contains many pictures, accurate or illustrated, to help the reader understand and realize how vibrant Greek life indeed was. Many depictions either come from recovered vases or statues found worldwide. If you wanted to know more about the Oracle of Delphi, the most well-known oracle of the Greek world, you could easily find it on page 400. When did she come to prominence? Funny you ask, it was “in the 8th century BC.” While it may not be specific, at least now you know you’re being scientifically accurate, and you can look up Greek life during the 8th century as opposed to Greek life during 478 BC. 

When writing, whether it’s a piece of historical fiction or non-fiction, making it as accurate as possible will almost always entrance your reader. If you can bring someone into an entirely different world and keep them there without continuing about Ancient Greece’s economy relying mostly on good farming soil, you have struck gold.  

IEAG even provides its reader with a basic timeline at the beginning of the book to help those new with researching or those who are unfamiliar with Greece as a whole. Greece was not always carved from white marble, “Far from being cold and passionless, the Greeks burned and quivered with passion and desires- personal, political and intellectual- that often led to disaster, not perfection.” If you were to write about Greece in 347 BC, you would want to put in that Plato died that year! History nerds and even those who don’t study up will be intrigued and want to know more about Plato’s death or Plato in general. Boom! You just tricked someone into studying and researching a benign topic. In 146 BC, “the Romans sacked the city of Corinth, making Achaea and Macedonia Roman provinces,” Write about the Romans overtaking the city of Corinth or how the Greek politicians reacted when hearing the news. You can do your best to base it on facts, but always have fun with your writing while trying to stay accurate. 

IEAG even tells you about the Minoan society in Crete. The Minoans were the first civilization, then after their fall, the first draft of Ancient Greeks, the Mycenaean Society, came to be. 

Please let me know what points of Greek history you would like to hear about or even words/phrases/items you would like me to expand upon.

What I’m Writing About


I love zombies. I love the apocalypse. There are millions of ideas you can have about the apocalypse that doesn’t even have to be about zombies. Mine is specifically a cannibalistic virus, less so focusing on the zombie’s unfortunate habit of dying brutally and coming back to life. These “zombies” are also stronger and faster than the average person, and ground zero for the apocalypse is Seattle. Also, all my characters are named after alcohol which is very funny.

The national guard has been called in to assist the city so that the virus does not continue to ravage the United States. 

The main character is Rum. Hehehe. He’s working to find his sibling, Pinot. Here’s an excerpt of the radio transmissions for the D.C. area: 

We interrupt this program for the following alert, broadcasted at the request of the Washington state police department. This is not a test, please standby for instructions. Authorities have issued a contagious disease warning. Seattle has been plagued by a cannibalistic disease, causing infected residents to swarm to the uninfected and cannibalize them. When attacked, the uninfected may themselves turn into cannibals. This is speculated to be caused by a virus. The virus is believed to have started on September 21st, at 6:25 AM. pacific standard time. The Washington state National Guard will be attempting to contain all infected residents of Seattle. Authorities have instigated a shelter in place for all residents of King County and the surrounding areas. If you reside in King County, lock all doors and close windows. Do not attempt to use any phone lines, and close your fireplace. Standby for future-‘

‘This is a civil emergency message for residents of King County. Please standby. If you are securely sheltered, stay where you are in complete silence. Do not panic. Do not leave your home. Wait until the national guard comes to extract you. If one of the cannibals breaks into your home, hide. Stay silent. Do not run, they are faster than us. Do not fight, they are stronger than us. Stay in your home. Do not panic. Continue to stand by for-‘


Essentially, everyone is screwed. I also want it to be full of diversity and good character development. I want to make it into a series if I ever can, and I welcome any suggestions for the story you guys have. 

Do you know about viruses and diseases? Do you know how a fungal infection would work? How would you survive a zombie apocalypse? 


Send help.

Weekly Agenda

Haven’t seen you guys in a while! School has been so busy, and now even my weekends are overtaken by work and assignments. I have a lot of stuff to submit this week, especially before Friday, so I thought I would list them out and explain what they are. 


Refutation Paragraph & Conclusion – I’m writing an essay on King Arthur and his historical references. I am arguing that King Arthur either was not real, or could have been multiple leaders mixed together into one story, with fantasy added for effect by romance writers of the time. I also have to finish up the essay completely by the end of this week, so a conclusion paragraph needs to be done too. My refutation paragraph is due Wednesday. (Or I guess today, if you’re reading this when it’s published.) Also, this is like 40% of my DC Eng. Comp. class grade, so I’m very stressed about it. Hoping it turns out well! To quote a friend of mine, ‘King Arthur is mid.’ 

17 Page Play – This assignment is killing my vibes, I’m not gonna lie, but I will be trying my best to produce a great play. Writers block is hitting me hard, and I can’t find ways to continue the play past 10 pages. But, I’m going to work on outlining what specifically I want to happen and maybe add in some extra dialogue to enrich the world I’m envisioning. This play is based on something scientific, so I chose Archaeology and focused on Pompeii. This is due Thursday. (So, tomorrow.) 

LALALALALALA – If you’re wondering why it’s called this, it’s because I can’t think of a name right now. It’s a story that is supposed to be 2,000-3,000 words long, and has to contain the main character looking back on an event in their life. I’m basing the story on characters I already have, using bits and pieces of pre-written parts of the story (while editing them heavily because the pre-writing was old and not like my current writing style.) I’m a little over halfway done, but again, writer’s block continues to kick my butt. I am hoping I can be fully done with everything before the four-day weekend so I can relax and try to gain my creativity back. 


Being a literary isn’t easy, that’s for sure, but I know it’s worth it. I will drag myself kicking and screaming into an A or a B to end this school year, if I have to.

But sometimes, sometimes in those moments of clarity, it’s clear that this is what I’m supposed to be doing. I hope to see you all again soon. ♥

Leo Star™

If you have been at this school in person for any amount of time, you have probably seen a paper origami star laying around somewhere. Not a big one, either. It’s about the size of a quarter, maybe less. They range in colors and patterns from anything you can think of. But most of the time they’re a solid color. 

Okay, weird. How did that get there, under a couch or stuck to a wall with tape? Is this some sort of act of vandalism? What horrible masked villain or creature could do such an inhumane thing? Is it some sort of scavenger hunt?

First off, chill with the questions. It’s a paper star. Don’t start getting weird on me, we’re not done with this blog. Imagine I’m snapping my fingers in front of your face to get you to calm down. 


Secondly, I AM THAT HORRIBLE MASKED VILLAIN! Cower in fear before me as I raise an army of loyal subjects who will do whatever I say as long as I give them a teeny tiny little paper star! 


Oof. Got carried away there, my bad. 

I use these stars as a way to ease my anxiety and stress, as well as a way to get my energy out without bouncing off the walls. All you need is a sheet of non-thick paper and scissors. Maybe a pencil if you want to write notes in them. (Also don’t worry I will be providing example pictures so if you don’t understand you can look at them.)

First off, fold your paper in half. Wow! Good job. Cut that line. Now you have two sheets of paper.. Keep doing that until the strip of paper is the width of your finger. The height of the paper remains the same as the original. We are only cutting the paper into smaller strips. 


Now you’re gonna need to take the end of that little strip, and sort of bend it towards the right. It will make a shape like a ribbon. Then you pull the end of that little strip through the loop, and it makes a hexagon. (Again, if you’re lost there WILL be pictures shown.) After that, all you have to do is fold over the hexagon multiple times until the paper runs out. When that happens you’re going to want to tuck the end of the strip of paper behind one of the folds of the star, so it looks like it’s just a whole star with no pieces sticking out! 

Great job, you made a Leo Star™ and you can even write little messages in the star for your loved ones. Now go forth, my minions.

Critiquing Horror Movies that Locklyn has Forced me to Watch. Pt. 2

-The Nun-

Well, hello again everyone! Today I will be reviewing the movie The Nun. Yes, that nun. The one with the horrifying white face and dead eyes. Also, the first movie cronologically in The Conjuring timeline. Get ready for a whole lot of me crying while watching these. Imagine me with tears running down my face watching this movie- and it will be accurate. Also imagine me clinging onto Locklyn’s arm like a koala. 


First off, never going to Romania. Romania? More like Nomania. (I’m so sorry.) Also, never ever going to set foot in an abbey. Those places are most definitely haunted, no question. The holiest places usually house the most unholy things imaginable.

So, this film takes us on a journey through the perspective of a soon-to-be nun and a priest. They have both been called down to the abbey to investigate the death of one of the nuns there. She had died by her own hands. Nuns don’t usually do this, so it was worth the investment of an investigation.
On the way there, they meet one of my favorite characters, Frenchie. He’s a French Canadian who had found the dead nun’s body and reported it. He tries to flirt with the soon-to-be nun, Sister Irene. He is the comedic relief character.

Anyway, I’m not going to spoil the whole movie; that’s just the beginning. This is also the beginning of Valek’s story, the demon who follows our characters through the Conjuring movies. Let me just say he is MAD. I have no clue why; I assume it’s because he is an ugly demon, but he is pretty terrifying when he wants to be. This movie has a lot of religious symbolism, which continues into the later movies, primarily including crosses. If a demon like Valek decided to torment me, let me just say I would be a believer immediately. Because apparently, if you don’t believe, your trust and faith in God won’t work to dispel him? It’s fascinating, to be honest. I can’t wait to dive into the lore of this series.

Top Ten Cookies – pt. 2

This blog is a continuation of one of my previous installments, Top Ten Cookies - pt. 1, please enjoy as I continue on my rant of why your opinions don't matter when it comes to cookies and mine do! :) 
(This is all a joke, obviously enjoy whatever kind of cookies you like.)

6. Chocolate Chip 

Alright, alright. There wasn’t that much outrage in the last post about me not including chocolate chip cookies, but here it is. I know it’s a staple, I know I do like them, but come on. With how many cookies there are, let’s branch out! Fortune cookies have a different fortune every time. With a chocolate chip cookie, yes you know it will be good but doesn’t that get boring? I think so.

7. Snickerdoodle

Everyone seems to forget about snickerdoodle cookies, but don’t worry! I won’t forget you, my wonderful children. Fun fact, I used to thingk Snickerdoodles were a type of dog- still do sometimes before I remember they go by some weird other name. Schnoodles or something. Anyway, how can you not like snickerdoodles? I don’t know the word to describe them, but the soft crumble of these cookies is absolutely fantastic. Makes me think of fall.

8. Kiss Cookies

Okay, how can you not like Kisses? I don’t know if I’m legally allowed to say the brand name, honestly. It’s probably fine. Anyway! Cookies with little Kisses in the middle? How is that not the cutest thing you’ve ever heard of? Anyway! I put this so low on the list because technically almost any of these cookies could be turned into a Kiss Cookie. Still, I think it’s a cute little idea.

9. White Chocolate Macadamia Nut

I know that white chocolate isn’t for everyone, and neither are macadamia nuts. But I think it provides a beautiful balance of flavor and texture. And trust me, I am a big texture person. I cannot stand certain textures if it bothers me. But this cookie, wow! Amazing, perfect on a cold day in fall. Dont know why, it just fits. Pumpkin spice vibes.

10. Literally Any Other Cookie

Honestly those were all my opinions on cookies, but top 9 isn’t as eye catching as TOP 10(!!) you know? Anyway, comment your favorite cookies ranked or otherwise, and let me know if you agree. You don’t have to, but I will cry if you fight me on this.

Critiquing Horror Movies that Locklyn has Forced me to Watch. Pt. 1

-The Strangers-

If your girlfriend denies your marriage proposal, for the love of god don’t go to a secluded summer home together afterwards. James and Kristen move about the rose-petal covered home in uncomfortably suffocating silence. Then, a knock. A blonde woman is at their door, asking for a Tamara. The couple can’t see her face. After awkward explanation and turning her away, eventually James leaves to go on a night-time drive. Kristen then stares at her engagement ring after PUTTING IT ON and I guess thinking about what “could have been” or something? I don’t know, but it’s stupid. She’s also listening to this VERY creepy music. Personally James dodged a bullet in my opinion. Who rejects a marriage proposal then wears the ring? 

Well, eventually during the movie the couple’s house is besieged by 3 masked assailants, who attack and terrorize them simply “Because you were home.” Okay, that’s creepy as H-E-double-hockeysticks. For someone with paranoia, this made me lock my door and close my blinds. Slowly but surely during the course of the night, the couple’s communication with the outside world is cut off. Slashed tires, phone lines cut. 

Super cool. Wow, paranoia alarm is just going crazy right now. This has all been going on during the night, by the way, so the creep factor is upped by ten. But, near the end of the night, Kristen is badly injured and all of her attempts to contact the outside world have been met with silence. James is gone, probably dead (or so I thought!) Kristen is knocked out, and snaps awake tied to a chair right next to James. 

It’s daylight. Okay, so maybe the terror is over? Maybe it was all a prank, and they’ll leave? 

The curtains open, and as the warm sunlight seeps into the room, the couple is killed. Curtains open. The Strangers don’t care if anyone sees, that doesn’t matter to them. The sunlight brought no comfort to the couple. There was no twist, no catch. This truly was just a random attack. The couple answered the door, so the strangers decided they would be the prey.


The Strangers satisfy no curiosities. Nothing is explained. When masks are taken off, the people truly are just.. Strangers.


(I want to thank Locklyn for making me watch all these movies. Please check her blogs out as she explains how to fight back against killers in movies like this one.) 

Personal Favorite Crystals and What They Do

I can’t assume that I have been the first to write a blog about crystals, considering how popular they’ve become over the years. But, I have a collection of over 200 different kinds of crystals and more rocks than I can even begin to count. So I like to think I might know more than the average person when going into this subject.
Everyone surrounding the crystal trade makes it evident that the rocks are full of “good vibes,” but how can that be true when the industry is wrought with horrible mistreatment of workers, pollution, and more? My list of top crystals is coming soon. Still, it’s essential to know about the situations around these circumstances and why ethical sourcing is so important. Finding ethically sourced crystals is much harder than it seems to be, though I promise it is possible. Trying to contact local, family-run businesses with their own land to harvest from is a good start. Or contacting a reputable, non-gigantic company that pays their workers a living wage without making them break their backs in the effort.

I could and, in the future, will write more about ethical sourcing in general and with crystals. But, for now, let’s start this list! These will not be ranked in number order because I can’t bring myself to pick and choose any specific crystal, so it will be in random order!



Sunstone has been linked to luck and good fortune by many, and can you really blame them? This rock has been named after our sun, and nobody can deny the warm feeling they have when near this precious gem. While wearing sunstone or having sunstone around you, you may feel more lively and have more energy than usual! It encourages originality and abundance. This stone is also known to increase mental strength, perhaps if you need help healing from the loss of a loved one.


Black Tourmaline.

Black Tourmaline is a curious black rock if that wasn’t obvious from the name. This stone is known for swallowing up negative energy you may be surrounded by and protecting you from it. It is also an excellent tool for grounding. If you need old, unhealthy habits to die? Black tourmaline is your crystal. Stress and tension seem to leave your shoulders and back when this rock is near you. Maybe you need a bit of creativity? This stone is known to help authors, much like you and me, when facing writer’s block.


Going through a challenging situation? Sugilite might be the stone for you! Someone upsetting you? Maybe you throw it at them, and it helps; who knows! (This is the author, please do not throw stones at people.) Genuinely, though, if you need some positive energy coming your way, I recommend this stone. Stress relief, spirituality. This grape jelly stone has got your back, no matter what you need.


And, for now, that concludes my favorite crystals and gemstones. Have a wonderful day, and remember to carry around a rock for good luck! 😀