My Obession

     Hey guys! SOOO, today’s blog is going to be a little different. It will be very informal and relaxed as far as the writing structure goes. I’m glad you’re here and I hope that you enjoy it. Okay, so I just want to tell you guys about one of my obsessions. It’s a lot so buckle your seatbelts because I’m going to be taking you for a ride. Writing has taken over my life. I do it so much that I don’t feel like myself without it. I don’t know who I am, or what I feel without writing. My thoughts don’t help me understand myself until I have written them down.

     If you love something like I love writing, then don’t ever let it go. We all have a special talent that allows us to do what we’re good at, but you shouldn’t make that talent your entire life. I share this in hopes of showing others that it’s okay to have obsessions but be sure you’re careful not to let them consume you. Letting your obsession take over your mind will cause you nothing but trouble. You must have multiple things in life that you care about. Maybe not as much as your talent but love it just enough that it creates balance. It allows you to escape from what you’re good at sometimes, so that you have time and space to be great at other things as well. It’s good to like things, maybe even love things, but unhealthy obsessions will take you to the pit of the depths of hell that maybe even the devil himself hasn’t visited.

     Basically, what I’m saying is that you have to watch your heart and how fast it can get tangled up with something or someone to the point where they can’t be untangled. Tangled hearts can give you heart disease and cancer just like huge amounts of unhealthy fat that can weigh you down ready to kill you. Obsessions act in the exact same way. They strangle your heart preventing oxygen and blood from seamlessly passing through making your heart stop. Once the obsessions have a choke hold on your heart there is no stopping the cardiac arrest. There is nothing to stop that obsession from murdering you. There is no begging for mercy or waiting to be rescued, because obsessions take a lot of time to get over or sometimes you just don’t get over them at all. 

Day In My Life

* Authors note: This is about my best friend Ashton’s average high school day in the life. I didn’t feel like my day was exciting enough to post on here. I may do it one day but for now I hope this is interesting getting a peek into his life and how he balances his academics and multiple sports in a positive way. I hope you enjoy this week’s blog!* 

Day In My Life 

Waking up. 

My most recognized blessing 

I love the smell of cinnamon on my body 

I scratch an itch on my back 

Oh, how wonderful is that?  

Fed my dogs my most prized possessions of them all… 

What would I do without them I do not know, but I hope I will never know 

I feel alone as 3 buses pass me on my way to school 

I eat at home, so I pass the cafeteria 

So many souls in one place how do I reach them all 

Soul to soul heart to heart what will happen when we all part? 

I walk into class I examine all the sounds I am not a part of band, but I need it to make my world go ‘round… 

ACT PREP why can’t I just take the test? 

You cannot give me the questions so what am I prepping for? 

My next class is AP, how hard will it be? 

US history, do not get me started  

I do not want to be part of that party 

What history do I need to know about a place that industrialized and benefitted off the suffering of others… 

Now they are making me take college and career readiness 

What in the world am I getting ready for?  

An apocalypse?… 

Algebra 2 they just got that class out of the blue 

I have taken so much math I cannot fathom to add and subtract 

Athletics/ the only reason I come to school 

I hate learning but love running 

Going over plays is like making money 

I leave it all on the field and sometimes on the court  

The only way I could stop this cycle is to abort… 

The mission 

But that would mean giving up, and “momma didn’t raise no quitter” 

So, here I am every day getting on the bus, getting my way 

Whether it be in class or extracurricular  

The only way to succeed is never giving up! 

Instructions To Love Again


(I do not own copyrights to this image… Copyright Credits-Facebook)

  1. Experience all the emotions whether it be good or bad. Never allow your feelings to build up Inside of you until you explode. That Is not good for you or your health.
  2. Learn the lessons from their deception. Never allow anyone to deceive you In that same way ever again. 
  3. Reevaluate yourself and your life. Look at everything that happened during your relationship. If you were a part of the problem grow, learn, and focus on you. 
  4. Accept your new situation. Do not get caught up in memories. Memories are encapsulated pixels that have been placed Into your mind through your senses. They are Important but they are now the past they are not your future. Do not stay holding out hope that someday they will return. You must come to terms with the fact that there was once a time that you did not know them, and It Is very achievable for It to go back to that. 
  5. Once you have reached the acceptance stage then you must release any anger, or ill feelings toward that person for your sake and theirs. This will take a tremendous amount of stress off you. You will feel like a brand-new person. 
  6. Do not allow that person to manipulate you into returning to a toxic situation. Toxic or not If there was something about the relationship that you found bad, toxic, draining, or just gave you a headache you should not return. 
  7. You must move on with your life. Find a new purpose, a new will to live, and do the things that you love. You must never let someone become your entire life. You must always live for yourself. If you get out of a relationship and feel as though you cannot go on with your life that relationship was bad for you. It may have given you some security and some sort of false sense of “happiness,” but that relationship was dead weight that needed to be let go! 
  8. When you find someone new never allow past relationships to shy you away from putting your all into this relationship. Every person is different. No matter what you may think, and what people have told you, everyone has a mind of their own. Whether they let it be manipulated by others or not does not have anything to do with you. The point is that no matter their past or reputation everyone deserves something and that is a fair chance… They may use it horribly and flush it down the drain and you may be sad you even gave them a chance but what you can say is that you tried and there is nothing else you can do. It may be the best one yet! 

Writer’s Note: Heartbreak comes in many forms. No matter what happens you must live through it. These are instructions but acting them out it is harder than writing it. You must be committed, but whatever you do you must never give up.