Hey >.< I’m back. I feel like at this point my blogs have turned into…something. I wish I knew what that something was, but I guess I don’t necessarily need to know?
I’ve been in a weird space lately. Do you ever feel stuck? I feel as though some humans just are not meant to stay in one place for a prolonged time. They’re meant to fly and run rampant and free! Yeah? Quite frankly, I’m tired. Exhausted some could even go as far to say.
There are obligations however that force most of us to be limited or confined. That’s okay, until it isn’t. What’s up with that though? Am I the only one who feels this way? Probably not. But why hasn’t anything changed?
I don’t know! Or else I wouldn’t be asking the questions here.
There seem to be too many people who say they haven’t left their comfort zones. Granted, I could arguably be one of those people, but still.
Why does the government and the world make it so difficult? What are their sadistic goals for making humans’ lives, so….bleh?
It could possibly be the never-ending desire for power, but that seems too simple. Perhaps one could leave a comment to try and comfort or get a stir out of the radical conspiracist I have apparently become.
If I have spoken out-of-turn then you may not see me anymore. Governments have sneaky ways we’ll never understand. #BirdsArentReal That would be an interesting one to look up if you somehow have not heard about it.
I don’t want to ramble, so I’ll keep it short this week. Be safe out there. BE wild and free!
…or at least try ♥