I am going to talk about my favorite movie now.

Hello! It’s been a good while since my last blog, and I apologize for that. However, this blog isn’t about my lack of blogs, it’s about my favorite movie.  You’re likely already aware of this if you read the title. Now, what could my favorite movie possibly be? A writer who constantly creates what doesn’t quite make sense?

I’ll tell you. It’s Disney’s 1951 Alice In Wonderland. I’m sure that many people have already watched/heard of this movie, but I will give a short synopsis of the plot regardless. This movie is about a young girl named Alice, who follows a White Rabbit into a rabbit hole, falling down into a fantastical world. The viewer watches as Alice explores this world, never quite sure if she’s really getting anywhere. It’s a phenomenal movie that if you haven’t seen you should.

It’s a movie that’s been with me for most of my life, I can’t even remember the first time I watched it. I was obsessed with it as a kid, and to some extent I still am. There’s nothing that can match the dreamlike wonder that this film had, not even the live action adaptations can achieve the same feeling.

Blog Haibun

The writing of blogs grows dull when confined to the chains of common form. The writer traps themselves in a cage with the door open wide. It is no sin to write in common forms, if that is what you prefer. Oh, but for me! A blog is a format that allows for anything! Histories and futures are created through these. People are informed of the world, of other opinions, of anything imaginable through these. Truly, there is nothing more freeing than a blog written how you want to write it.

Blogs gift to writers

Absolute freedom of choice

The river flows free

A Return And A Poem

Hello! It’s been a bit since I’ve had a blog posted. Sorry about that. Hit a really bad bit of writers block, but I think it’s cleared up now. I don’t think I’m going to have this be a long blog, in fact it could very well take the record for my shortest blog. Recently, I’ve learned the importance of finality, and moving on. It’s very important to not let things hold you back! 

I figured I shouldn’t let this blog be unimportant in any way, so I’ll put a poem that I’ve written recently here. It’s called Monologue Of A Dying Dreamer. I hope you enjoy:

I’ve seen the births

of uncountable stars

and the deaths of unfathomable gods.

Civilizations rise and fall.

Fall to dust like the rest that came before.


You say there is only one constant.

You say there will always be death.

If life is not constant then nobody dies.

Everything that has ended, all of it,

had a beginning.

Life and death.


Only two constants?

Life and death?

Is that all there is?


With life and with death –

With life and with death comes love.


You say nothing matters.

If nothing matters then you are my nothing.

If you’re not important

then you’re the most special of us all.

You and I, we fade to dust

so we can live and love and feel and die

and live and love another time


I’ll see you again

because love never dies.

I’m Out Of Ideas

This is it! I’m out of ideas! We’re at the bottom of the barrel, and it’s gone rotten. I have no idea what to do for my blogs right now. All of the ideas I’ve had so far, save for the darker timeline, have fallen flat for me. I don’t particularly enjoy writing most of the “series” I’ve started anymore. I suppose this could be attributed to a slight style change? I mean, I have concepts. I have plenty of concepts. The issue is, the concepts themselves need development before I can consider them an “idea” for a blog. Wait. I’m pretty sure it would be ideas then concepts. Just switch those two around I guess.

Blogs are an interesting challenge. Since there’s no real limits to what one can consider a blog, they become exponentially harder to write. When faced with the horizon of infinity, a person becomes only capable of standing and staring. Blogs are my current horizon. I want to create something that matches the scope of what blogs are capable of. But, if I ever manage to do this, would anyone even read it to completion? A blog at it’s fullest potential would be the worlds longest piece of literature. Perhaps the ideal blog is a blog that can piece together everything. A blog that can connect the finite before to the infinite after. The secret of blogs is hidden in absolute knowledge. If someone was capable of knowing everything, then, and only then, could a perfect blog be realized. 

Well, I don’t want to have an existential crisis over the incomprehensible potential of blogs, so I think I’ll make this the last paragraph. I’d say this qualifies as another “break” blog since I’ve run out of ideas. I’ll probably spend a good chunk of time brainstorming and figuring out a good idea. Well, I have one idea that I might start on eventually, but it’s gonna be a while before I get there. Alright, go read something else now, or write something. This blog does not continue past this paragraph. So, seriously, leave me be so I can figure out what to do for the next blog.

Blog From A Darker Timeline: 1

(Disclaimer: This is satire)

Today is a tragic day in our history. President John Mulaney has been pronounced dead. He was assassinated by a member of a dangerous terrorist organization known as “The Dream SMP.” The member, a well known pro-digitalization activist known as Ranboo, was arrested around noon. However, the organizations kingpin known as Jschlatt is still out there. These are truly dark times, as the digitalization movement is on the rise.

Vice President Rick Astley was sworn in earlier this morning as the new President of the United States of Utah. The people can expect to see a major change in the running of this country. Some have even speculated that this would be the third “Reign of Terror,” the second being the month-long presidency of Elon Musk. We can only hope that Astley does not have the same pro-digitalization ideals that Musk did.

In other news, Queen Elizabeth has finally reached her 1008th birthday, or at least what we believe to be. Tensions between Spance and Germoslovakiany are on the rise. The world may be heading into a catastrophic war the likes of which we’ve never seen before.

Everest Valley was flooded due to intense rainfall in the area, experts are considering renaming it to Everest Lake. However, the locals of the area are strongly against this, one citizen, who preferred to be unnamed, stated “Everest Lake? What kind of ridiculous name is that? Almost as ridiculous as Everest Valley being a mountain! Mount Everest? Absolutely absurd.” 

Music fans are screaming as K-pop sensation Lil Nas X is sued by Heavy metal band The Beatles for plagiarising the lyrics from their song Sweet Caroline. However, some good news has been recently found. Opera-country fusion band BTS has released their new album Montero.

That’s all for this time, folks. This afternoon, due to the unfortunate demise of President Mulaney, there will be two required UwU’s and four OwO’s. Be sure to keep your IKEA vests on at all times, and have a fantastic day! 

Blog! Later?

I can do this later. I can write this blog later. I have plenty of time to just write this whole thing later. I’m not even going to bother with it. Why should I have to do something now that I could just as easily do later? It’s not procrastination if the assignment doesn’t even cross your mind, right?

I have all the time in the world. But I’m sitting here writing a blog. I could be doing a million other things. I’m just lacking in motivation. I’m extremely demotivated right now. It’s not unhealthy to be demotivated. It’s a sign that you need to give your mind some rest. So I’m blogging. Blogging instead of doing any of the other things I need to do.

I wonder what this blog is even about. Is there some lesson that a reader could learn about life from reading this? If there isn’t, then I’ll give you this. Take a break. Do something you enjoy doing. Something due tomorrow can spare time for you to have a little bit of today. Work hard and rest easy. Whatever order you think is best for you. Take care of yourself. If you don’t have the energy to blog right now then that’s perfectly fine. Blog later.


I am blogging right now! I am blogging because I forgot to actually get a blog completed. Too many ideas, not enough time. So, this is a placeholder blog of sorts. Yep, that’s right. You’re reading a placeholder blog. There’s NO way that I could do something fun or cool with a placeholder blog, right?

Wrong. I am going to do something so cool. It’s going to be so cool you won’t even see it coming. It’s gonna be insane, it’s gonna happen in the paragraph after the paragraph that comes after this one! You aren’t ready! You’re just so unprepared! I bet that’s driving you insane! All this suspense!

It’s creeping closer and closer. I bet you can hardly stand it now, can you? You want to see the cool thing so bad. Well, if you’re patient, you’ll get it. All you have to do is keep reading. Keep reading, and reading, and reading, and reading and- oh I’ll stop that now. Are you ready? Are you sure? It gets closer with every word.

Something unexpected, is always going to be the thing that you would have expected if you weren’t told to expect the unexpected. Something will go right, or wrong. It’s always this way. If it wasn’t then nothing would make sense. Random and unexpected are different, random is unexpected but gets boring fast, but unexpected, what is truly unexpected, is unique and exciting at all times. Some people will be able to tell where something’s going, others will be surprised, but see the trail of clues left behind on their second time. I mean, some of you might have some idea of what I’m doing here, others may simply be waiting.

Here it is. The answer to your great expectations! What is this? What is the cool thing that will happen with this placeholder blog? Well, the answer could be obvious. It’s all a mind game, you see. I made you wonder what I could possibly be doing if this was just a placeholder blog. I built up the anticipation for the big reveal. I made you second guess yourself, and now. Here we are. The climax. This is a short story hidden in a blog. The main character is you, your mind, your thoughts, your actions. You’re the main character! What does that make me, though? The antagonist? Perhaps. I could be. I could’ve been. I wasn’t, though. I think. I could have been, though I’ve long since forgotten.

Interesting, isn’t it. Are you underwhelmed? Are you content? Overwhelmed even? I wanted to try something with a placeholder blog. Warm up your brain, make you think. Isn’t suspense important? It’s what drives the plot forward, gives the readers questions and answers at the same time. A story is created, given meaning within the words. The words bring forth life, characters, places. But how does it end? How do these worlds end? Would you like to know? The end of these worlds is, and always will be, the final punctuation of the last sentence, where your questions may have been answered, or not.

This Blog Is Wasting Your Time

This is a waste of time. You’re sitting here, reading a blog that literally TELLS you that it’s a waste of time. Honestly, you could be doing something productive with your time. What’s wrong with you? You weirdo. Go read a book, or just… just anything that won’t be a waste of time. Please, nothing interesting happens here. Not in this blog. So just move along. Next!

Hey. Why are you still here. Didn’t I JUST tell you how much of a waste of time this blog is? Oh well. Not that I can tell you what to do. Well, actually, I have. I used the human urge to rebel against authority to my advantage. Just kidding. There’s nothing interesting in this blog I just wanted to mess with you a bit. Look at you, shocked by the realization that not everything has a deeper meaning.

The world is fascinating. There’s so much to see, so much to do. So many things to read that aren’t THIS BLOG. You’re expecting something, aren’t you? Some big finale? A twist? The answer to life itself? Come on. Life is the result of itself. Life is given meaning because it is life. There. You can stop reading now. Massive revelation. An epiphany, just for you.

Oh, look at you. Paragraph four of this mess. Congratulations. You’ve done it. You’ve managed to completely ignore what I was saying. Frankly, I’m not even sure if this one’s a blog! I mean, if you’re reading this, then it is. I’ve written so many blogs, that I have no idea when you’ll be reading this one. I hope you’re enjoying all this time you’re wasting though.

Are you on your phone? Your computer? You could be doing so much more with those! Imagine the possibilities! You could even read a blog that ISN’T wasting your time. But why would you do that? Why would you use your time in a beneficial way?

Look. Yeah, there’s a lot you could be doing right now. But, in the end, I really appreciate you reading this. Sometimes, you just have to do something meaningless to get your mind off things. So, hey, if you’re here for that, thank you for choosing this one. I hope you feel better soon, or just enjoy the time you’ve spent here reading this.

Well, I suppose even this is going to end. This little fraction of your time that you spent reading this. You wasted your time on it. So did I.  It’s not time you’re ever going to get back. Time is important, you know. Well, it can be. Time is as important as what you do with it. So, I have to wonder, was the time you spent reading this important?

Is This A Blog?

Is this a blog? I’m not super sure. I mean, yeah, it COULD be a blog. But what if it isn’t? Why wouldn’t it be a blog? Does the blog blog the blogger or the blogger blog the blog? Why is a blog? Blog? Oh, oh boy! I’m not too sure what this mess is here, please ignore it. Oh dear. My thoughts are scattered right now, it’s been pretty stressful. 

So, welcome to another blog, I think. Frankly, I’m not even sure. I write a five page mini history lesson on writing, finishing on blogs and the idea of what a blog is. I’m still not sure. I could have been wrong! What if I wasn’t? What if, I was only half right? Oh but these trivial things don’t matter. No, they don’t matter at all!

Hello! Goodbye! This is the end of this blog, well, it would be, but it isn’t. Is it? You would know, wouldn’t you. Is this interesting? Is it engaging? Do you feel nervous? Is this too fast paced? Should I slow down? I’ll try slowing down.

I ponder wearily, listening to the noise of my surroundings, imagining the skies above, is this too slow? Oh, I don’t fuss much over, however, as in the end, this joke, this… façade, is only for this paragraph. I, the author, the writer, the weaver of words, control the pace. Oh, not you, not little you, oh dear reader, oh dear precious reader. What could happen next? Well, anything! This is, possibly, a blog, after all! I could talk about the white wooden fences, lightly gilded by moss that’s shade is a sickly green. I could write about a river, with a dilapidated bridge, children playing on the banks, poking passing fish with sticks. Oh, anything could happen, whatever I desire, the cold of the artic, or the deepest lakes of fire. Fantastic! It’s fantastic! Though, I do, in fact, believe that you, dear reader, are prepared, and possibly even anxious, to get this bit, this little pest of a joke, over and done with. Well, good for you, oh dear, dear reader. This paragraph, this moment, is finished and done.

We’ve reached an ending, of sorts, though we’ve only just started. I must ask, how have you been doing? Have you been enjoying my little pastime?  I certainly have. Oh, I’ll miss you so, so much. It’s been raining so often and I know not when it will stop. It could be over today, or we could have weather worse than before. What’s that? You want to learn something? You think that if you don’t learn something it isn’t a blog? Oh, how dreary. That’s rather sad, don’t you think?

Are you incapable of appreciating something for what it is? Are you dense? Out of your mind, even? Oh, I write these blogs for you and you don’t even? I swear! Well, no matter, I must calm down. Oh, oh boy. Doesn’t like my blogs? Oh, I’ll blog at them! I’ll blog harder than before!

YES! This IS a blog! Isn’t that the question you so desperately wanted an answer to? Why wouldn’t it be? I’m blogging. It’s just me, you, and you, and you, and you, and oh. Who cares. It’s just me and the lot of you. No, I am, in fact, not British! I am simply quite upset at your audacity. I am the writer, so if I say it’s a blog then it is!

I suppose the goodbye is only getting closer. One day these blogs will stop. Will you miss them? Will you miss me? Oh. I hope you miss me. I miss you every second I’m not writing these. So, farewell reader, I hope time does you well. Oh, and, please, stop by for my next one. Live long, and blog well!

What, Really, Is A Blog? A Look At The History Of Writing PT. 1

What, really, is a blog?

Is it a switch with which we flog?

A cry for help?

A recipe on how to best prepare kelp?


A political hivemind?

Here’s ten things you didn’t know about pig rinds! 

Yes! Yes! It’s all of those!

It can even include prose!


Oh, but who’s to say?

What a blog is today?

I know the answer not!

Maybe the answer is best left to rot!


The truth of blogs is left in deep fogs

A question that will forever turn our cogs

Alright! Hello! That was “Blog Sonnet” by me. This time, I’m going to be explaining the poem! That’s what this blog is going to be! Are you ready? Definitely not going to be a deep psychological study into the human mind and a history of how different writing forms came to be, leading up eventually to the creation of “blogs”. That would be weird, and absolutely not something I would do.

So, stanza one. Let’s start there. This stanza is me talking about the different types of blogs, whether they be blogs berating other people, people begging for assistance whether for themselves or others, and of course, food blogs. The switch, which could be replaced with the word “whip”, represents the harsh words that these blogs can use, flogging being the writing of the blog. 

Stanza two now. This one is very simple and to the point. Blogs can be spaces for political opinions that may or not be true, but are likely to be believed by the masses. In fact, I bet you can think of one right now! Blogs can also just be casual “fun fact!” informative blogs that, while have information to be shared, aren’t always the most fascinating or useful. Of course, blogs can use prose. A good example is that my blogs tend to use prose, as I write in a motion of thought, writing down what I’m thinking.

Stanza three, oh gee. The exact definition of a blog is hazy, nobody really knows why blogs are, without a doubt, blogs.  Even the author of the blogs, the one who came up with the idea (sometimes), may not really have any idea what makes what they’re writing a blog! I, personally, believe that there is real reason in finding the definition for a blog. It’s not like it matters much anyway. For now, a blog can be whatever you want to call a blog. So, it’d be up to the writer, right?

Number four. I don’t have something funny to say that rhymes with it. Alright, so this one is basically just reinforcing the idea that nobody knows for sure what a blog is. I use the “fog” to represent the mystery surrounding the definition of a blog. I also, in the final line of the sonnet, use “cogs” to represent the human mind, and how we think. This is a common analogy, that can be observed in many different writings. So, yeah. There you go. That’s the poem explained.

But, wait a minute, how did blogs come to be? Could the answer lie in the history of writing itself? Could it? Would it? Oh surely it might! No, it must! I’ll find it! I’ll leave you all in the dust! The blog expert, become I must!

Okay, let us begin. Beyond blogs, beyond books, beyond poems. What is the beginning of writing? Writing, supposedly, began with the Sumerian Civilization. They began the development of writing around 3400 B.C. According to History.com, more specifically Evan Andrews, writer of the article “What is the oldest known piece of literature”, this began as documentation of economic and government information. Eventually, sometime between the years 3000-2001 B.C, other forms of literature appeared. Such as poems, essays, and even myths.

Here’s an example of a Sumerian poem, specifically a love poem:

Bridegroom, dear to my heart,
Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet,
Lion, dear to my heart,
Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet.

Bridegroom, let me caress you,
My precious caress is more savory than honey,
In the bedchamber, honey-filled,
Let me enjoy your goodly beauty,
Lion, let me caress you.

My precious caress is more savory than honey.
Bridegroom, you have taken your pleasure of me,
Tell my mother, she will give you delicacies,
My father, he will give you gifts.

You, because you love me,
Give me pray of your caresses,
My lord god, my lord protector,
My SHU-SIN, who gladdens ENLIL’s heart,
Give my pray of your caresses

The author of this poem is unknown, as is the title. It’s absolutely fascinating, ancient literature. Other examples of ancient writings would be Egyptians and Mesopotamians. Though these are much more common knowledge. Over time, other civilizations came to have their own written languages. One example, one you might know quite well, are the Ancient Greeks. Good examples of these would be works such as “The Odyssey”, an Epic (type of poem) by Homer. The Odyssey tells the story of Odysseus, hence the name of the poem. Another of Homer’s works is “The Iliad”, which tells the tales of The Trojan War. 

Meanwhile, in the east, written languages had popped up all over the place. Eventually, this led to the creation of a type of poem we now call Haiku. It consists of 17 syllables, first line has five, second has seven, and the third had five again. One example of a haiku would be Kobayashi Issa’s haiku about wrens, a type of bird. It goes:

The wren
Earns his living

Though it does not seem to follow the five seven five pattern, this is only because it was originally written in Japanese. Which, sadly, I could not find a translation for and I don’t want to use google translate, as it may not give a proper translation. 

While all this happened, different languages also began to produce their own written religions, one that is still prominent today being Judaism, the foundation for Catholicism and Christianity. 

Alright. Romans. They’re a thing. Conquerors of all of Europe, a great and mighty empire. One of the largest libraries in history, which was burnt to ash. Through conquering, the Romans took pieces of other cultures and added them to their own. Sadly, the Romans were not meant to last, and fell to their enemies. The Roman language, Latin, became the foundation for many European languages. These include French, Spanish, Italian, and English. Though Latin is not the only language that contributed to these, it was the most prominent. 

So, a bunch of super interesting history stuff happens. I’d tell you about it but I’m not writing a novel here. Not this time, at least. Eventually, we arrive at The Renaissance. Art is booming in Europe. Sciences from around the world are pushing the continent into unseen territory of knowledge and curiosity.  Nearing the end of this era, however, a certain man is born. William Shakespeare! One of the most famous playwrights to ever live! He invented the Shakespearian sonnet, which is the type of sonnet that was written at the beginning of this blog. He also revolutionized theatre, writing works that are still performed to this day.

Now, the part I want to get to next is The American Revolution. Particularly Alexander Hamilton, the man who wrote a majority of The Federalist Papers, and who was also the first treasurer of the United States. Soon after the United States’ revolution, the French Revolution began, which inspired the author Charles Dickens, also well known for “A Christmas Carol” and “Oliver Twist”, to write the novel “A Tale Of Two Cities”. 

The 1800s, a fascinatingly intense century for literature, with works such as “Dracula” by Bram Stoker, “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, “Frankenstein” Mary W. Shelley, and many others. Charles Dickens is also a very notable name for literature at the time, though his contributions to the literary world are far too numerous to cover in this.

Here comes the 1900s! 20th century baby! Now, comes one of the most influential books in the Fantasy genre. The Hobbit/Lord of The Rings, written by J.R.R Tolkien. This series told the story of a land known as “Middle Earth”, and of the adventures of heroes who saved it. However, from the 1900s, something else began.

Justin Hall, a student at Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania. He begins writing a diary of sorts online, talking about his day, his thoughts, and more. He referred to this as his “personal homepage”. Eventually, this form of writing became known as “blogging”.  

So, that’s what a blog is. Like a personal narrative of sorts, or a diary. You can publish your thoughts and ideas online, and let people see and interact. But, really, that doesn’t really mean there are specific rules to what is and what isn’t a blog, does it? A blog is just the miscellaneous category of internet articles. It can be whatever the writer wants it to be. They can pour as much or as little of themselves into it. 

Now, that brings us to this. Is THIS a blog? Something similar to a research article on the entire history of writing that’s condensed by a lot, and covering what I believe are the most important bits? Well, sure! It’s a blog! Why? Because I said so. It’s as simple as that. The author decides the genre of their piece, and the true meaning behind it. So, as such, writers get to decide whether or not they are blogging. 

I’m certain I’m going to be doing more research on this subject. I might do some blogs about specific time periods and their writings. Maybe even just focus on specific books in general, and explain my thoughts on them, or the history behind them. So, with that said, this is the end of this blog. Oh! Also! This blog is, in fact, not part of my little game. I just thought this was interesting so I wrote about it.

Also, my sources are:


Wikipedia (mostly)