Thought Release

I don’t really have a specific topic to talk about in this blog, it’s kind of just me emptying my brain in a somewhat coherent way.

Recently, I’ve been having really traumatic nightmares, not your typical “oogie boogie”, rather, things that are so mentally scarring they feel like a real burden I carry.  It is mainly a mix of traumatic events I have faced to create new traumatic events; which is absolutely not what I need. I have too much trauma as it is.  My brain hates me, it makes everything so much harder, why must it torment me in this way.

I’ve also gained a good bit of weight, which I am still very upset about.  I used to be overweight and that is the last thing I want to be again.  To make it worse, my psychiatrist says my face looks like I’ve gained, which was absolutely the last thing I wanted to hear.  I’m super self conscious about how much I weigh, but sometimes I can’t avoid eating junky food.  Like for basketball games we get fast food after away-games, and it’s pretty much that or being super hungry.  I really just want to have a flat stomach, I work out everyday but nothing ever seems to help.  Diets are pretty much guaranteed to fail, they are designed to take a few pounds off and then it comes right back, maybe even more.  I’m actually pretty happy with my body other than my persistent beer belly, even though I don’t drink beer.  I do crunches and sit-ups and all of that and nothing ever seems to help. I barely eat anything but my weight just goes up and up.  I don’t really drink soda or anything either, I carry around a water bottle and that’s pretty much all except maybe an Envy or two.  I know being a low weight number isn’t really that plausible with my height, but I just want to be able to wear my practice shirt without my stomach sticking out several inches from the rest of my body. It is so humiliating.  

Also, I have been feeling a lot more depressed lately. It might have to do something with the previous statements, but I also have started a new medicine that can cause worsening in depression symptoms. 

I just really want to be hugged tightly by someone and just let out a good cry.

Why Trump Should be in Jail

TW: Politics, isms, and phobias

Ok, I don’t care where you stand politically, if you don’t think Trump should be thrown in jail at this point, you have either, A. not been paying attention to anything, or B. are part of the issue.  A few days ago Donald Trump openly supported a terrorist attack by his supporters on the United States capitol over a supposed “fraud election” even though votes were recounted multiple times and searches were conducted into any dead people who were voting.  Trump even called the Governor of Georgia asking him to “find” over 11,000 votes, claiming at least 5,000 dead people had voted, there ended up only being 2, this whole conversation was recorded and can be found online.  So, in the last few weeks he’s conducted an condoned a terrorist attack on the capitol of which the group of terrorist were armed, and committed election fraud, not to mention calling for a recount on the suspicion of cheating with no evidence is also illegal.

Also, can we just take a moment to remember Trump condoned the shooting of BLM peaceful protesting, and told the attackers that he “loved them” and to just leave with no repercussions?  Throw the orange and all of the people who attacked the capitol buildings in jail.

Honestly, the fact he hasn’t been arrested at this point shows how corrupt the police system is, not to mention they have more time to kill and harass innocent POCs then protect the nation’s own capitol buildings!  They should have never been able to get in and should have been arrested on the spot!  The fact our most “secure” buildings can be raided like this by a bunch of randoms is very disturbing.  What ever happened to the secret service?  Oh yeah, the president was not in danger because he was the one who told them to do it.

Also Ivanka publicly called this “American Patriotism” on her Twitter, however the post has now been removed by her or Twitter.  Trump has also been temporarily banned from the sight and Twitter says if he says anything else like that he will be banned from the sight permanently.  

I’m still trying to figure out how this dude got into the White House except for ignorance and a refusal to believe he could do something wrong.  With his record of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and sexual assault and rape allegations, he shouldn’t have been able to get a job at McDonalds, but we let him lead the country.  

I along with many people are glad he is finally gone, Biden may be far from perfect, but at least he won’t stand for terrorism attacks.

2021 Will it be Better?

So, we all know 2020 was a pretty crappy year. Thankfully it is over now, but was it just a bad year?  Or the start to a bad decade?

I’d like to say now that a vaccine is created for Covid-19 that things will get better, but so many people, including healthcare workers do not wanna take it because they are scared because it came out “too fast”.  In reality, it went through all the same testing all other vaccines go through. The only reason it was developed faster was because several more people volunteered to help in it’s making. So the testing and development process was done faster.  I mean, they make a new flu vaccine every year and that has never been unsafe.  The only real problem that could happen is an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients, but if you communicate all of your allergies to the person giving it like you are supposed to do, there is nothing to worry about.  After all this thing was developed by professionals, and a vaccine has never been recalled for being dangerous.

The only thing I understand worrying about is possible side effects coming up in the future, but chances of that are slim to none.  I wish people would just trust the professionals and just stop making opinions that are so far away from the reality of anything.  

I personally didn’t get along with 2020, although it wasn’t all bad.  I got into this amazing school and made it onto the BHS Basketball team (which is very good).  The worst part was definitely lock down.  I don’t mind being by myself for a bit, but being trapped with my family was the worst.  Any mental health I had completely went out the window and got ran over by a semi-truck. 

I felt like I was in a nightmare. Everyday felt the same. It was groundhog day in real life.  All I wanted to do was sleep to make the days pass faster, but alas that worked about as well as trying to break a wall with a plastic spoon.  

So yeah, I hope 2021 will be better, hopefully people will take the vaccine once other people do and don’t explode or whatever they think will happen. 

Here’s to a good, covid-free year, hopefully.  

Also, wear your masks and stop going to large gatherings without them. Yes I’m looking at you Karen.

The After Effects of Corona

TW: medical problems

So, you’d think after dealing with a deadly virus that my troubles would be over?  Nope!  As the universe decided to make this year just that much worse, I’ve been having severe abdominal pain for days.  So bad I didn’t want to eat much and couldn’t sleep.  So at first I was just thinking I ate something bad and should be better in a day or two.  Yeah, that didn’t happen.  Honestly my parents were unconcerned and told me to take some laxatives.   But of course that didn’t work because that would be too easy.  My mom finally got me an appointment with a doctor who thought I probably had appendicitis, which was something I was considering too.  I got the order to do bloodwork at the hospital and a CT scan with contrast.  Before I left they tested my urine to make sure it wasn’t just a stray bladder infection, and yeah that wasn’t it either.

So after struggling to get to the hospital as the normal entrance is not marked so I had to take the emergency entrance, I somehow managed to get myself there but bad luck seemed to follow me.  I had misplaced my sunglasses, the car wasn’t in the lines so I had to get back in the car and fix it, all in excruciating pain, then on my way into the hospital the ground sank beneath my white shoe coating it in mud.  When I finally found my mom at the hospital they were having trouble with the order because it was on paper and not digital.  When I finally got back to have my blood drawn the lady couldn’t find my vein in my elbow crease and asked if she could use my wrist, well I didn’t know that would be so much more painful so I said yes.  Also they had just gotten new needles and didn’t know how to work them so I was basically an unpaid geaniepig.  Not only did it hurt for her to try to find the vein, while they were drawing my blood I got pretty light headed.  Luckily they were nice and put a damp paper towel on my forehead and gave me some juice.  The fact I got lightheaded may sound wimpy but I am scared of needles and taking all that blood from a small vein was not the most pleasant experience.

While I was drinking my juice this older man comes in holding two big cups of some liquid.  He gives them to me and tells me to drink one now and one at six, it was contrast.  It taste like water he said (it did not taste like water).  It was so revolting it made me incredibly nauseous, with already having severe stomach pain, this didn’t help and I was honestly trying not to throw it back up.  I guess bodies don’t like drinking chemicals, who knew.  I had my mom bring my school stuff, but I was in to much pain to even think about doing it. When the guy finally comes back I was so ready to get this over with, I had been at the hospital for over 2 hours, and it seemed everyone else had pretty much all gone home.   He took me back to the room and had to insert a plastic IV, problem was he couldn’t get my freaking arm vein, so this fool goes threw my hand!  That crap hurt so bad.  I got in the machine and the first part went well, then he started putting the contrast in through the IV in my hand, the pain was practically unbearable it burned so bad; it legit felt like my hand was on fire.  I started crying and honestly screamed a little but the dude didn’t really seem to care how much he was hurting me and just continued like he enjoyed torturing me.  Then had the nerve to ask me after the scan when I was shaking and crying if I was ok.  Like no dude I came here to get better and am leaving with severely more pain than I started with. 

Apparently I breathed at “the wrong time” and so they couldn’t see the appendix but could see no other signs anything was wrong with it.  The only thing strange was a large mass blocking my colon, fun.  It wasn’t just like a little constipation though it was like actually causing it to dilate in size and stretch, which it doesn’t like too much.  The big question for me then was, I already took laxatives, and it didn’t work so, what now?  The answer: more laxatives, and that was pretty much my only option.   No matter how much I take, I still feel awful. I really don’t know what else to do.

PS: I am now back at school and am feeling a lot better.  I wish I could say I learned something from this experience, but the only thing I really learned is how to be forced to do work while feeling as though my internal organs were going to explode.  So I guess the takeaway is to push through the pain, it is temporary and you can get through it. 

Coping with Corona

We all ready for this pandemic to be over. 

What does the dreaded corona feel like? 

In short, you feel like a zombie rising from the dead.  You have no energy at all, in fact I’m struggling to write this right now.  My throat hurts, I’ve lost my voice, my head hurts, my muscles ache, I’m drowning in my own mucus, my stomach hurts and I feel nauseous, along with symptoms that come and go.  I’ve even had a lot of visual disturbances.  So yeah, stay safe guys.  Honestly since my symptoms started, I have barely been able to do anything.  I feel like my life is just going on without me and I’m just stuck here without it, caught in some weird time loop.  Everyday is pretty much the same.  Nothing exciting happens.  I finally had the energy to shower today, and I know that sounds gross, but listen, I feel like I’ve been thrown off a cliff…  

I’m so sick, but I’m more sick of how I can’t see or hug my friends. I can’t go see my family for Christmas this year. Can’t do this, can’t do that.  Everything seems so, bleeeeehhhhhh. Honestly, that’s the best way I can describe it.  So, for the love of not feeling like a undead beast, wear your mask, and wear it right.  


The Absolute Despair of Being a Support System

TW: This blog contains mentions of suicide, death, and depression

Have you ever felt like you are the only barrier between someone living or taking their own life?  It is a horrible feeling to experience, especially when you cannot seem to convince them things get better.  Depression is a horrible mental illness, it makes everything seem dull and worthless, fake smiles, joyless laughter, emotionally dead.  This illness has plagued me and many others for many years, there is no way to experience it if you do not but its basically a world devoid of happiness, only numbness, sorrow, and anger.  

A lot of people dismiss depression as just a feeling of sadness that will pass, but this is a very inaccurate explanation.  Without treatment and/or counseling, depression will not get better.  It is a health condition, it effects your everyday life in more ways than you could ever understand.  

I have never been met with more despair than when one of my friends attempted suicide, and this being an online friendship I was not aware of her being saved until days after the event, the whole time of which I was hysterical.

Tonight, on this Wednesday, I am once again faced with having the same thing happen again; but I won’t let it, I can’t allow it to happen. Then it occurs to me that I am powerless. What can I do? No matter how much I beg or plead– tell them how great they are or how much I care about them, the despair of depression makes them believe everything you say is a lie.  Their own brain tells them they aren’t good enough, they don’t deserve anything, and there I sit, helplessly typing away messages to someone I would much rather be rushing to the side of, but yet, I’m here, trapped within my room. 

It’s a school night, a cleaning night, in fact, so we had to be on our floors at 9 pm, unable to leave. All I could do was try to type all my feelings into messages, just hoping they’d pick up on the other end. It is late and I’m emotionally and physically exhausted. I just needed to quiet my thoughts and release them a bit through this platform. 

If you have any advice for me it would be more than welcomed.  I honestly just feel so drained and hopeless, I hate to see someone falling into the depths of despair while I am left to sit and fester in my cage– sobbing– consoling as best as I know how.

My Halloween Story Time

So, I was gonna write about Halloween, my favorite holiday, but then I realized it wouldn’t be out in time, so unrelated story about me.  Well, this actually happened on Halloween, so somewhat related.  

I’m dressed in my Fran Bow costume, makeup done, just making tiktoks in my cosplay, ready for my school’s Halloween dance, when my phone rings.  Normally it would just be spam and I would decline the call but a name I recognized displayed on the screen.

The conversation was basically “Hello?’, “Hey”, “What do you want?”, “You doing anything tonight?”, “Not really, why?”, “Am I still on your pick up list?”, “Yeah.”, “Wanna hang out then?”  “Ok?”, “Alright, I’ll be there in 10, be ready, dress warm.”

Perplexed, I got my stuff together and went to check out, texting with him to figure out details.  At first they told me I couldn’t leave, I explained someone was picking me up from my drivers list, they asked if I had a parent email, of course the desk wanted to be difficult, even though he was on my driver’s list.  So, I call my mom and give a brief summary of what happened and asked her to send the email.  She is also confused because she already gave me permission to go with him.  But it ended up working out so whatever.

Anyways, I’m busy worried about what I’m gonna say. Should I be polite, should I demand an apology for being tossed out like garbage?  I had no idea.  So I walk outside and there he is, sitting on the bench.  I shyly greeted him and awkwardly walked to his car.  I open the door and a purge mask falls out. I pick it up and hand it to him, commenting on how it was cool and that I needed to watch that movie.  I then got into the car and we were off.  

On the way we just make small talk and once we get there the place is alive with light, people, and smells.  The rides were big and vivid.  We go up to the booth and each buy an armband and he helps me put mine on.  He asks me what I want to ride first and I ask what’s the best. He tells me his favorite and I tell him to lead the way.  As we make our way through the long fenced-in line I start to feel claustrophobic.  One girl did say she liked my costume though, that made me smile.  After a few rides and many jokes about my wig falling off, we went to check out the carnival games, which all looked pretty sad.  Then we went to the swings and while we were on there he started to twist my chair around.  I laughed and playfully yelled at him for it. 

After that though, he saw his ex and wanted to leave but wanted to ride the rollercoaster first. We both smooshed into the undersized seats, and as the ride started my knees banged against the front of the cart.  We then went back to the car, I would have preferred to stay longer as some of the other rides looked fun, but I understand wanting to avoid confrontation. 

We hung out a bit more after that but I’m sure you don’t wanna hear about all the kissing and crap, so I’ll just cut it here.  Overall, I had a really great time. I guess, if there is a lesson here, it’s to take risks, live life in the moment, and give people a second chance. 


Why Feminism Needs to Exist, and no it’s not Sexist

TW: Rape

It’s really sad that I feel the need to explain what feminism is– it’s 2020 guys. We just recently had a race movement, and I really feel we need a gender equality movement, too.  I follow a feminism page on Instagram and, I swear, the pressed men must have their post notifications turned on. 

The comments include things like “Get back in the kitchen.”, “Men invented x, if they didn’t, she wouldn’t be able to open her big mouth.”, “Feminism is sexism”, and the grossest one of all “If a woman gets raped she wanted it”

Is your IQ in the negative numbers?  Do you even understand the definitions of the words you are using? It all makes me want to go into a primal rage. 

Feminism- the movement of wanting equality between the genders for women.

How is wanting equality sexist?  It isn’t. (You just like having power over us as a man.) 

Rape- the act of forcing someone into sexual intercourse

How can rape be wanted? It legit cannot be. You cannot prevent it, if it is forced upon the person.

I really don’t understand why people insist on keeping women oppressed. It is honestly the worst kind of oppression, in my opinion.

Honestly, I’ve experienced first hand being treated badly by men, as if I am disposable. Believe it or not, it happened this weekend.  I had an encounter with a guy friend who gave me an ultimatum. It led to him asking, “Would you rather end things now or be upset when I cheat on you?”  Like, why is that the only option?  Can’t you just be a freaking loyal person?  Guys treat us like toys and when they get bored they toss us in the trash.  They should be taught to treat girls with respect and equality. I am not a toy. I am not disposable. I am a living, breathing person with feelings.  Women have emotions, we just want to be cared for and treated with respect, is it really that much to ask for?  

And might I add: We don’t even really need men anymore. Scientists have found ways for females to reproduce using bone marrow. Bone marrow! So no, we are not inferior. We should be equals. 

Some good resources:

My Thoughts on Cringe Culture

Cringe culture, the act of publicly deciding something is “cringy” and that other people aren’t allowed to enjoy it.  The whole concept is completely ridiculous; if I like something and it doesn’t hurt anyone else, who’s to tell me I can’t enjoy it?  

This has been a problem for a long time, and it needs to stop.  A lot of times people never even take the time to experience the thing they consider to be so gross, and just jump onto the hate bandwagon.  I’m not saying it is wrong to dislike something, not at all, but to publicly shame an entire fan base of something just because you personally don’t enjoy it is wrong and makes you a bully.   

It wouldn’t even be that much of a problem, except it has become so normalized that almost everyone does it, even sometimes unintentionally.  For example, I have legit been told to kill myself for liking certain video games, the shear audacity of someone to tell someone that just for liking a game that they don’t just baffles me.

 It’s honestly gotten to the point where it’s so bad I don’t like to even mention I like certain things.  Oh you like Fortnite?  You’re a pre-pubescent boy.  You like Pokemon Go?  Get back to 2016.  You like Creepypasta?  Ok edgy 12 year old.  These are the kind of NICER responses I get, I can’t even talk about some of the bad ones because this is a school blog. 

I could go on about this for a really long time but my main point is don’t be a child about it, that is legit what it looks like, a whiny child plugging their nose and pointing at something, saying it’s stinky or has cooties, and other childish insults.

If you don’t like something, just keep it to yourself unless your opinion is called for, no one wants to hear something terrible about something they enjoy.  It just makes them feel bad or not want to talk to you anymore. 

I know this probably won’t make an impact on its own, but maybe if enough people call out how toxic the nature of cringe culture is we can all put a stop to it.  I guess my last point, is just to be kind, no one appreciates being criticized on something they enjoy.  I also urge you to if you catch yourself trying to participate in cringe culture, you stop yourself, and apologize to people you may have hurt before by making fun of what they like.      

“I Just Wanna Be Friends” and Other Lies You Get Told

Let’s set the scene, you’re in a relationship, something doesn’t seem to be going quite right so you decide to ask what’s up.  That’s when you get the dreaded “I think we should just be friends” text, or something of the like.  Now not only is your heart shattered, you have to mentally prepare yourself to never be in real contact with them again, because they don’t wanna be “just friends” for some reason that is just the crap people say, what they mean is every time you see each other, you look away, you never speak, except maybe an occasional “Merry Christmas” text or something like that.  Oh, and they might just block you on social media.

So, what did you do to have to go through this?  Nothing, apparently.  Or that’s what he claims.  Nothing went wrong yet here you are crying in your bed, hugging your stuffed animals, listening to something on your phone, probably Melanie Martinez.  So, why do you feel like everything is your fault?  You pick up your phone to stare at it blankly for a moment, then put it back down.  You contemplate getting ice cream, but you decide not to because you don’t like the way you look and want to lose weight.  

Days pass before you get out of your slump, in that time you’ve been pestered about your “laziness” from your family and a long lecture about how you don’t do enough to help around the house and yada yada….  You find your cat, his small headbutts of affection give you a smile.  He rubs against your legs and you stroke along his back.  If you are feeling a little brave, you may pick up the warm fury creature, nuzzling your tear stained face into his soft purring body.  You scratch his head and kiss him, after a while you will put down or he will squirm until you know he wants down and you will grant his request.   

So, maybe you wrote something, made a vent drawing, or just sung your voice out to your mental breakdown selection of songs; perhaps all of these things.  Sometimes, you reach out to people while you are in a heavy episode of depression, but the usual response is leaving the message opened and not offering any help, perhaps even calling you names at the fact you are “attention seeking” when you just want someone to throw you a rope ladder to climb out of this big, deep, pit of despair.