We need more gay happy endings. I’ll just say it plainly and simply. I was talking to my gal pal about this the other day, which also means today, and we came to a realization. Every gay movie we could think of had the saddest endings.
What’s up with that? Come on film industry! As being a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community myself, I find this a pressing issue. Think of the children. What are all closeted or newly uncloseted people to think when they only see the grim outcomes that could plague them. It’s not fair. It’s like if all the straights had to represent them was Titanic or The Notebook. Life would seem like such a drag, and there would be no visual representation (even if fictional) of some better future. Nothing to hope for or aspire to.
They most always have the same plot or conflict. There’s a girl one of the characters are having to act straight with, or they’re just too afraid to come out of the closet. Yes, these are very very very serious topics that the community faces. I am in no way trying to undermine these real struggles that exist and need to be represented. Am I in the wrong here?
The film industry has made great strides in having gay and lesbian characters. I mean HEY! I gotta give credit where it’s due! But there’s usually always room to grow. If my writing teacher has taught me anything 😉 *wink wink*
But we need more. We need some nonbinary, we need some asexual, we need some everything else that isn’t gay or lesbian. I mean come on. There is a whole spectrum, yet we usually only see two parts of it. What’s up with that? Not cool. Not right…
I mean, I am a writer so I could write new inclusive stories which I just might do. Until I make it to Hollywood with my stories, I’m looking to all those other writers out there who are closer than I. Write to include all. Don’t be scared of how the public will take it.
Here’s some recommendations of gay movies to watch by the way…if you have the free time…they may not have the happy endings but they’re pretty good
Anyways… be wild, be free, and have fun ♥