Ok since I keep running out of ideas i decided to make a new series one where I at least know most of the stuff by heart. I have about 500 hours on Elden ring by playing it multiple times and if anyone plays the game after reading through this blog its completely worth it.
The Origin of Elden Ring
Ok so this story starts off with this being called the greater will. Now they never actually specify how the greater will came about but I imagine it came about like the big bang but I’m getting off topic so there is this thing called the greater will that sent down the Elden ring with isn’t like the hobbits wring but instead a tree to bless the realms in between where the character you make resides. Now the greater will chose Queen Marika (you will be hearing her a lot in the game) as a vessel of the Elden ring now the Edlen ring with the power to give people the blessing of the grace (will talk about that later) has the power to change reality. with that power Marika removes death. Yep, she removes Death so now no one can die granting eternal life to everything this action led to the rise of the golden order (Basically the government but less annoying) which is a religion dedicated to her.
this is Queen Marika (The Eternal)
Now let’s move on to her family her first husband was a guy called Godfrey who was then named the first Elden lord and was deemed the most powerful for some time. Marika bore 3 children Godwyn (think of Baldur from Asgardian Mythology) Morgot and Mogh
Godwyn-middle, Mogh -left Moorgot right-
Godwyn started the golden Lineage which further drove the Golden order. Now his brothers as you can see, they are very different. they are omens and the Golden Order hated the omen there were even a set of people that had a career of killing omen, so Marika tossed them into her kingdom’s sewers. Godfrey and Godwyn opposed this decsion so Godfrey was casted out of the kingdom and lost the title of Elden lord. Godwyn was not punished since he was still a child during this. The game doesn’t exactly say but we can assume the Godwyn, and his army died to the monsters outside the realms between.
Later on Marika takes in a new “Partner” this longed hair red man who appeared out of nowhere. Now he was even more powerful than Godwin and was at equal strength to that of Marika who mind you was blessed by the Elden ring. they soon had 2 children Maleina and Miquella
Miquella -left Maleina-right
But you see Leyndell (Marika’s kingdom) had a problem you see there was this other kingdom called Raya Lucaria that had study the stars and magic that could become a threat to Radagon (Marika’s husband) was sent to demolish everything, but you see the Full Moon Princess said “I’ll stop attacking your kingdom but only if you marry me. Which he promptly did and they had 3 children Ranni, Rykard, Radhan
Radhan, Ranni, Rykard
Radagon then went back to his kingdom leaving the queen alone and heart broken. Now years like years later Ranni devised a plan see she didn’t want to be anyone’s puppet, so she plotted to kill Godwyn and take control of the Elden Ring so she hired the only people that could actually kill someone, and they ambushed and killed Godwyn
but she didn’t expect that when he died the Elden ring would shatter and go everywhere. Now each one of the demigods took a piece of it and tried to wait each other out so that they could finally become Elden lord.
I’ll be talking about bosses next.
See you later gators!