This is part 4 of the Luffy series

Arlong Park Arc

Okay so in the previous arc Nami left the crew and went to Arlong who’s basically her boss even though she’s treated as a slave. The crew are now left stranded on the Baratie until they see a rowboat but since Zoro is still recovering Luffy and Sanji leave to Arlong park to find Nami and get their ship back along with their navigator. As they are sailing, they encounter a sea cow which both Luffy and Sanji fight it, and they end up making it take them to the island. when they finally get to the island Zoro and johnny and Johnny tells them that Usopp had been stabbed by Nami but what had actually happened was that she stabbed her hand instead of stabbing her and she just pushed him into the ocean. Luffy shouts at Nami to come back but she chooses not to listen. The villagers start telling the group about namis past but Zoro and Luffy does not listen. A little while later we see that Nami is trying to stop the villagers from attacking arlong to the point where she starts stabbing herself with a knife trying to carve out the arlong symbol, but Luffy stops her.

He then gives her his straw-hat hat and leaves with the group to fight Arlong


in the end Luffy wins the fight between Arlong and the fishmen Pirates and Nami finally joins the Straw-hat Pirates

Lounge Town Arc

after the Battle between Luff and the Arlong pirates the crew heads to the last town before the grand line Lounge Town this is also where Roger the king of pirates was executed. As they are traveling there, we get to see Luffy first Bounty   

The crew decides to stop there for supplies. the crew splits up and Luffy goes to the place where the former king of pirates was beheaded where he is then met by Buggy the Clown and Alvida (first pirate he beat) the put him in the execution alter to behead him but lighting strikes his sword and the pirates see it as a sign but all this fighting draws the attention of smoker and the marines who try to capture Luffy. Just as Luffy is beaten by Smoker since he had a sea stone pick which deactivates Devil fruit users Abilities and makes them weak a mysterious man grabs Smoker and lets Luffy get away 

the crew gets back together and escape Lounge town and head towards the grand line 

One Piece Charater Analysis: StrawHats, Luffy Part 2

Syrup Town Arc 

Ok so we start this arc off with the trio trying to find a ship they can use to actually go out into the sea, and they end up at Syrup town where they are met by Usopp the troublemaker/ liar of the village where he threatens the trio so they can try and get them to leave. His scheme didn’t work but as he talked to them it is revealed that Luffy knows his father because Usopps father is Yasopp shanks sniper on Shanks crew. Skip forward the person in charge of the island is about to be assassinated so the crew steps in and stops them. Luffy takes out everyone except the 2nd mate of their crew since Zoro always handle them and Luffy takes out the captain. They ended up saving the girl and the girl gives them a ship and the trio along with their new member/ sniper leave the island.


Baratie Arc

ok so the crew are starting to get aquainted with their ne ship and have decided to draw a jolly roger flag (crew enblem) Luffy ask Usopp to demonstrate his sniping skills with one of the ships cannons. Usopps aim proved well as it destroyed a small island which is important to remember that but anyway the crew is impressed with Usopp but they are missing someone fatal, a cook and they just so happen to wander by a restaurant ship called the baratie when they enter they are met by Sanji who has already fallen for Nami’s beauty so he starts treating her like a V.I.P but the men however are broke so they are about to get kicked out but before they are kicked out an injured man comes through the front door looking for food and he starts threating people that if he doesn’t get any food he’s going to hurt them that is until Sanji stops him and gives him food this act Makes Luffy want to recruit him so in typical Luffy fashion he starts to bother him until the baratie was attacked by Don Kriege so Luffy goes out to fight him and protect everyone this act makes Sanji wants to join him and you may be wondering why I’m skipping so much stuff that happened there it’s because it’s not crucial to Luffy’s story but more its crucial to Zoro and Sanji’s stories and developments. when I do their parts I will include it then.  but never mind that after the fight is over Nami betrays them and steals the ship and the treasure so the boys go out and try and find her.

the next blog will be the arlong arc and the winter arc and can I just say One piece has way too many arcs and I’m only talking about pre time skip I bet if you look at whole cake island arc I’m pretty sure there’s about 6-character arcs in there by itself 

One Piece Character Analysis: Straw Hats: Luffy [Post time Skip]

Hello since I couldn’t think of anything else to write about, I decide to do crew summaries all the way back from the first chapter to the latest chapter. Hope you enjoy! I’ll be going in order of when they actually joined the crew, and I will be expressing my opinions so feel free to leave.

1. Monkey D. Luffy {Captain}

Age: 7 {first chapter} 17 {2nd chapter} 19 {after time skip}

birthday: May 5th

Hometown: Foosha Village  

Monkey D. Luffy is the son of Dragon and Grandson of Garp. His first appearance was chapter 1 where we get a small tidbit of information about his childhood and where we see how he got his scar on his cheek and where he got his straw hat from. Then a big time skip later we see him on a boat in the middle of nowhere until he encounters our first deuteragonist and help him defeat Alvida who was holding Cobey {deuteragonist} captive. when Luffy saved him this inspired Cobey to follow his dreams and become a Marine.

Luffy’s dream is to become the pirate king and to be a great pirate and we see him become a great pirate as we follow his adventures with his crew as the follow the same path Roger the previous Pirate King. Luffy embodies freedom and the ability to do whatever he wants and to eat lots of meat.

East Blue Saga

1. Romance Dawn 

Okay so the first arc we get introduced to Luffy and Colby and after they defeat Alvida they are on a boat just wandering around when they start talking about their dreams and when Luffy says something about needing powerful members Colby mentions Roanoa Zoro and Luffy as impulsive as he is sails their boat to where Zoro is, also Zoro at this time is called pirate hunter Zoro so yeah I don’t know where Luffy got the idea to recruit him for a pirate crew but hey it worked out in the end for him. 

Luffy goes to rescue him after hearing that he is being held prisoner without food, but Zoro declines his help but Luffy being Luffy still stays with him trying to convince him. Sometime later the person holding Zoro prisoner tries to kill him, but Luffy stops him and gaining Zoro’s trust he becomes the first member of Luffy crews. 

Orange town arc

we start this arc off with Luffy and Zoro starving on a ship this is right after the romance dawn arc (the previous one) Luffy being Luffy tries to catch a seagull so they can eat it but the bird drags Luffy away from Zoro and his ship then a ship of pirates try to rob  Zoro and takes his little ship but when they see that its THE Zoro they apologize. you see Zoro is infamous at killing Pirates so by all rights they are terrified for their lives and start telling Zoro what happened to them. They talk about how some Orange haired girl robbed them and stole all their stuff along with their ship. The lady that we are talking about is the best girl in One Piece Give it up for Nami (soon to be part of the crew).

While this is happening Luffy ended up in Orange Town where a pirate spots him and tells his leader Buggy the Clown where then Buggy promptly say to the pirate to fire a cannon ball at Luffy, and the pirate does it unsurprisingly, but it doesn’t affect Luffy since he is a rubber man but it still kind of makes him angry. While he’s shaking the debris off of him Nami comes over to him making him take the fall for the bad things he did and gets him attacked by the guys chasing him but since he’s the protagonist he beast the thugs easily. Nami sees that she can partner up with him but when he reveals that he’s a pirate Nami ties him up and offers him up to Buggy. while buggy puts Luffy in a cage Nami steals Buggys gold and to ensure that she was loyal to him he told her to kill Luffy. Nami unable to do so sided with Luffy and in a stroke of luck Zoro comes in and slices Buggy in pieces but since buggy is a devil fruit user and ate the dice dice fruit, he puts himself back together and him and Luffy fight. At the end of the day Luffy defeated buggy and the buggy pirates and saved Orange Town from Buggy’s Tyranny 



I’ll be doing a part 2 of pre time skip Luffy going all the way until Maineford.

Writing Music

Hello, everyone I thought I could share some music that I listen to help me write and if you can recommend anything too that would be just swell.

I’m just going in order of songs on my playlist so don’t think I’m judging it on how good or terrible it is.


ST. Chroma

I like this song for the beat mostly. it helps me keep track of what type of style I want to exude in my poetry. plus, the line is really what my next poem is going to be about.

Can you feel the light inside?
Can you feel that fire? (Can you feel it, can you feel it? Oh)
Oh, fire (Can you feel it, can you feel it? Ooh, oh), fire
Can you feel the light (Inside), inside?
Can you feel that fire? (Can you feel it?)
Oh, fire (Fire), fire (Ooh)


my aunt played this song when me and my family went on a trip and i got inspired to write a character about it. in fact, the character it’s based on is the main character in the book I’m writing. my favorite lyrics are. 
As I spy from behind my giant robot’s eyes
I keep him happy cause I might fall out if he cries
Scared of heights, so I might pass out if he flies
Keep him on autopilot cause I can’t drive
Room enough for one, I tell my homies they can’t ride
Unless they sitting on the shoulders, but that’s way too high
Let’s try not to step on the children


Cigarettes out the window

I feel this song is good for poems surrounding growing up or rain. at least that’s what I get from it; I actually wrote a poem with the song in mind 2 weeks ago. my favorite lyrics are:

My girl Liddy used to always smoke
Cigarettes when she couldn’t sleep
I wonder what she did when she got done
I guess she’d just flick them out in the street

Poor little Liddy, she wishes it was dark
But it’s never really dark in LA

The light from the billboard always shines
But it changed twelve times since you went away


Falling Behind

this song helps me to try and bring out the feeling of yearning in a relationship or the feeling of a one-sided relationship. although I haven’t integrated it in a poem it has helped me write short stories. Here are my Favorite lyrics:

The sun’s engagеd to the sky
And my best friends found a new guy
I’m only getting older
I’ve never had a shoulder to cry on
Someone to call mine
Everybody’s falling in love
And I’m falling behind

I’ll try and put more of my suggestions on the next one so sorry it’s too short. 

All lyrics I got from 

Godrick the Grafted

Hello ladies and Gents, I hope you had a good morning because today we are going to be talking about the first Main Boss Fight for drumroll, please ……..  introducing the amazing and very loud boss Godrick The Grafted! 


wow no Applauses for this thing right here 


Ok lore time. so, Godrick the grafted is a very and i mean very distant relative to Godfrey and Marika but he is so distant that he carries little to none, divine blood. Now during the Great Shattering when the Elden Ring was shattered this guy took the center piece or anchor of the Elden ring and hid in the capital until he could escape. He then sought refuge at imgrave in the Castle to Hid from Rahdan (we will get to him later). Malenia went south with her army to go try and kill Rahdan( We will get to that later precious) and Godrick said “Hey I should go fight her since i have mastered the art of grafting.” Wait Quentin what is Grafting. I’m so glad you asked, grafting is the art of Attaching someone else body, arm, leg, head and .. other things onto oneself to make them stronger though i don’t see the appeal like why would attaching a arm to another arm would make them stronger but elden ring doesn’t make since like look at these people 


They are surprising very plentiful and no matter how much i search I cannot for the life of me find out why they exist. What were we talking about again? oh yeah so Godrick said let me fight the woman who never lost a fight and lost very badly so much so that he had to resort to this. 

doing this caused him utter humiliation which made him graft himself even further.  He along with some foot soldiers of the capital settle in castle storm where he put his anchor on the shattering on top of a tower.


Now let’s get in to battle tactics though your opponent is large he is very manageable ESPECALLY if you do these 3 things.

  1. Go to the Elleh church to get the bell bearings if you hadn’t already and get Rodricka in the shack going to the castle to upgrade it your spirit summon.
  2. Get a weapon that can do bleed damage if you look on YouTube you should find three ill make a post about weapons in the future.
  3.  find Nelphi when you get to gate to the boss fight turn around you will find a giant with 2 enemies beside them kill them then go forward you will see a leady in rags standing on a dead body. Exhaust her dialogue and her sign will be at the entrance.

Godrick us a low tier boss so much of the stuff he does is manageable. 

this is the weapon he uses for a player its “alright” but Godrick uses it mainly for AOE attacks the beginning of the match he will use the weapon to swing wind at you knocking you over it does a medium amount of damage. if you did the things I told you to do you will summon you summon so they can draw agro along with Nelphi. the next attack he will most likely do his thrust his axe into the ground and causing shock waves knocking everyone around him over and dealing significant damage. Use the moment he gets up as an opportunity to attack him.

now when he stops attacking you and start screaming hitting his arm try to deal as much damage you can before his second phase. his second phase consist of the same thing his first phase was but with fire. 

his AOE will change into flames bursting out the ground to the safe thing to do is to go right up next to him and hint him while he’s doing the attack. after you kill him, you will get award giving you one of his two weapons hear me when I say this don’t pick any of them just sell his remembrance and be don’t with it, they are both terrible. after you kill him, you can get to his tower and get his great ruin which boost all your stats when activated.

I’ll be talking about Caled next.

Elden Ring limgrave Castel Enemies

Hello, I will be talking about the Elden ring enemies in base game for fun. 

Godrick Soldier

the first enemy that You the player actually have a chance against at a low level. they drop about 70 runes give or take the rate in which they drop their weapons are about 78%. They are found in Limgrave by the church of Elleh and can be found pretty much everywhere. they are one of the people that suffered with the curse of undying and they serve under the tyrant Godrick the Grafted. 

260 – 273 runes a sort of mini-boss to the godrick soldiers called the Godrick knight. this enemy uses a spear along with a shield for levels 1-40 i would suggest fighting him last as he can withstand some attacks that should know most enemies down.

The war hawk. 56 – 1039 runes this bird for brains is an annoying opponent at first but you don’t have to fight them you have2 options. 1. run past them and meet the sorcerer. 2. run and jump on the roof next to them and shortcut through the enemies. If you plan on fighting them, I recommend waiting for them to drop the barrel making sure you don’t get hit by it, then jump attacking them knocking them it the sky then barraging them with attacks.  All in all, they aren’t very strong just very annoying but if you kill them enough time you can get the war hawk sword which is good for early to mid-game.


these enemies are called the exile soldiers they are the soldiers stationed in the limgrave castle really the last line of defense for Godrick. they operate ballista’s and have fire arrows so be careful when going long range. there is one enemy that use 2 weapons if you are 1-40 it will most likely kill you so try to run past him. when you get to the back of the castle there will be a massive amount of them, but they are pretty easy. 

 Ladies and gentlemen i present to you the omen he drops 451 – 2520 runes and 2 weapons that are so hard to get it has a 4.0 chance of dropping. these two weapons are called Omen clever and warped axe. when you spot him, he will be sitting down with his dog but if you approach him, he will turn hostile the best thing for you to do is go into the room behind him and get a grace so you can save your spot. He is the last defense of Stormville castle I wish you luck on Godrick the grafted.

Check out my other post to know more about Elden ring lore 

the next on will be about Godrick the grafted 


Elden Ring Lore (what I understand)

Ok since I keep running out of ideas i decided to make a new series one where I at least know most of the stuff by heart. I have about 500 hours on Elden ring by playing it multiple times and if anyone plays the game after reading through this blog its completely worth it.

The Origin of Elden Ring 

Ok so this story starts off with this being called the greater will. Now they never actually specify how the greater will came about but I imagine it came about like the big bang but I’m getting off topic so there is this thing called the greater will that sent down the Elden ring with isn’t like the hobbits wring but instead a tree to bless the realms in between where the character you make resides. Now the greater will chose Queen Marika (you will be hearing her a lot in the game) as a vessel of the Elden ring now the Edlen ring with the power to give people the blessing of the grace (will talk about that later) has the power to change reality. with that power Marika removes death. Yep, she removes Death so now no one can die granting eternal life to everything this action led to the rise of the golden order (Basically the government but less annoying) which is a religion dedicated to her. 

this is Queen Marika (The Eternal) 

Now let’s move on to her family her first husband was a guy called Godfrey who was then named the first Elden lord and was deemed the most powerful for some time. Marika bore 3 children Godwyn (think of Baldur from Asgardian Mythology) Morgot and Mogh 


Godwyn-middle,  Mogh -left  Moorgot right-

Godwyn started the golden Lineage which further drove the Golden order. Now his brothers as you can see, they are very different. they are omens and the Golden Order hated the omen there were even a set of people that had a career of killing omen, so Marika tossed them into her kingdom’s sewers. Godfrey and Godwyn opposed this decsion  so Godfrey was casted out of the kingdom and lost the title of Elden lord. Godwyn was not punished since he was still a child during this. The game doesn’t exactly say but we can assume the Godwyn, and his army died to the monsters outside the realms between.

Later on Marika takes in a new “Partner” this longed hair red man who appeared out of nowhere.  Now he was even more powerful than Godwin and was at equal strength to that of Marika who mind you was blessed by the Elden ring. they soon had 2 children Maleina and Miquella  

Miquella -left Maleina-right 

But you see Leyndell (Marika’s kingdom) had a problem you see there was this other kingdom called Raya Lucaria that had study the stars and magic that could become a threat to Radagon (Marika’s husband) was sent to demolish everything, but you see the Full Moon Princess said “I’ll stop attacking your kingdom but only if you marry me. Which he promptly did and they had 3 children Ranni, Rykard, Radhan 

Radhan, Ranni, Rykard 

Radagon then went back to his kingdom leaving the queen alone and heart broken. Now years like years later Ranni devised a plan see she didn’t want to be anyone’s puppet, so she plotted to kill Godwyn and take control of the Elden Ring so she hired the only people that could actually kill someone, and they ambushed and killed Godwyn 

but she didn’t expect that when he died the Elden ring would shatter and go everywhere. Now each one of the demigods took a piece of it and tried to wait each other out so that they could finally become Elden lord. 

I’ll be talking about bosses next.

See you later gators!

Netflix Series Rankings: Umbrella Academy


 This series is about a Netflix tv show called umbrella academy that recently came to an end and I’m mad about it so I’m going to rank my favorite characters and powers.


Rough summary 

so, the show begins with 7 kids being born on the same day while their mothers weren’t pregnant at the time they still gave birth to them. they then gave said children to Reginald Hargreaves and he raised them to become superhero’s, but they abandoned that career when they became older. they are all brought back when their foster father died, and their missing brother comes from the future to warn them of the coming apocalypse.  

1. Klaus (Seance) 

Klause Hargreaves, or number 4 is a member of umbrella academy after his time in the spotlight at being a hero his power terrified him so he began to take drugs and acholic so he wouldn’t see the ghosts anymore.  his powers include Spirit possession, hovering, speak to the dead, manipulating ghost, telekinesis and immortality.  he is the strongest in his family in both comics and show and he was so annoying that neither heaven nor hell wanted him.

power 10/10

character 10/10 

Victor Hargreaves

Viktor Hargreaves number 7 was a member of the academy but was perceived powerless by his father so he never gave him a spot on the superhero and was essentially the black sheep of the family. since he never went on missions he never had a good relationship so when they all split up he wasn’t as affected by it. he later went on to become a author when he wrote about his exprinces as the black sheep. Powers: Vocal destruction, energy manipulation.

Character: 6/10

Power :9/10

Allison Hargreaves

Allision Hargreaves number 4 is a member of umbrella academy and was a member of their superhero team. After the disbandment of the superhero team she became a renoune actor with a husband and daughter after using her powers on her daughter her husband divorced her and got custody of her daughter. (she also r- her brother)

my opinion: she’s a terrible character with no real motivation and is completely selfish and disregards everyone’s want or needs.

power (voice reality manipulation ) 9/10

character 2/10

sorry this blog isn’t so good I’ve been sick all week long and have been trying to handle that. i will be doing a part 2 at a later time

DC Comics Absolute Series

Good morning or evening Ladies and Gentlemen today I’m going to be talking about the upcoming comic book series Absolute Dc where they reconned all the characters in the original series but unfortunately this won’t be cannon to the original marvel universe.   

1. Absolute Batman.

Okie dokie since there isn’t a lot of information about him, I can’t go into a lot of details about him, but I can tell you what I do know. Compared to the original universe where he is stinking rich in this one his is dirt poor and works as a city engineer. he is 6ft but in his costume he is 7ft tall (I’m not Tryna fights this monster)

this batman does whatever it takes to clean up Gotham going through things that the original only even though of that’s why Alfred in this universe is his sniper is whereas in the original he is his adoptive father.

very brutal very efficient very demure

2. Absolute Wonder Woman 

so, in this universe wonder woman is still an amazon warrior but she dosen’t come from paradise island instead she is raised by witches in hell which may not infer that she has magic that we won’t find out until the comic comes out. 

at least she still as her sword though it’s quite big now. 

Absolute Superman 

So Again, not a lot of information surrounding this character but what we do know is that he will not have any morality. I know sounds like a certain someone  

in the absolute universe he won’t have the Kents with him at all, so we don’t know if that he won’t have parents at all or just bad parents in general. Now I got to be honest I’ve never been a fan of superman, but I can understand why people like him since he is basically like the allmight of dc but I’m not going to lie. 

He looks cold I he might just replace Kyle Rainer as my fourth favorite in dc.\

Expectations: I have very high expectations for this, and I know a lot of comic book fans do as well and with the support everyone’s giving the creator I’m sure it will be a hit. 

Dislikes:  I’m sorry but this is just a pet peeve of mine. 

WHY IS HE BLOND. Hear me when i say this no hate to the blondies out there I love y’all, but batman is not blond it ruins his entire aesthetics and a Frenchie… really his son had a German Shepard this one should at least have a bulldog.

American dad rankings

1. Steve

Steven Anita smith is a 14-Year-old perv which is a revolving door when it comes to Adult swim. He along with his comedic partner roger bring entertainment and laughter to the show that you can get in most places. He isn’t that much of a pervert to be honest but he does a weird fantasy about his mom.

Steve Smith singing “Is She Not Hot Enough For You Dad?” (American Dad) – YouTube

that’s your mom man. Overall, for me he is a 10/10 character because when i say he can sing I mean he can sing.

“I don’t wanna be around all these babies playing Pokémon, badly. This kid right here is just wasting his Charizard. YOU ARE WASTING YOUR CHARIZARD!”

2. Francine 


Francine smith a Modern Housewife to Stan smith (Bottom of the list) she has the absolute patience of a goddess for dealing with stan and his antics. People say that she isn’t a good mother because she is dumb and doesn’t care about them. Francine is anything but dumb she is a marine biologist and zoologist and has some experience in astronomy. Plus, whenever we do get to have then Mother daughter or son duo or trio its always the funniest and you can feel the love between them.

Overall 10/10

Steve: Mama? The man said someone died upstairs. What if I see a g-g-g-ghost?

Francine:  I don’t know, Steve! You’ll probably p-p-p-p*ss your pants

3. Jeff Fisher 

Jeff Fisher Married to Haley smith is an unemployed pot head with no goals or ambitions. He is a really funny character though and interacts with everyone in the family most of the time unlike other members of the family. To be honest he knows pretty much everyone in the serious and they all seem to like him except stan and his father but who likes them. I wish we could see more of him but unfortunately, I don’t think that will ever come to past, so we get what we get.

Jeff Fischer:
[to Hayley as he lies in bed with her] So babe I’m just curious, I’m not really sure how you feel about us right now

Hayley Smith:
[appearing to talk to him in a childish manner] I love you, you’re my best friend

Jeff Fischer:
[breathes a sigh of relief] That’s so great to hear, I love you too Hayls

Hayley Smith:
[pan to reveal Hayley is talking to an Anna doll from Frozen] It’s so awesome you’re a princess, what’s that Anna, there’s a stinky, hairy ogre in the room? [turns towards Jeff] you and your pee-pee are gross!


I’ll be back next time