Godrick the Grafted

Hello ladies and Gents, I hope you had a good morning because today we are going to be talking about the first Main Boss Fight for drumroll, please ……..  introducing the amazing and very loud boss Godrick The Grafted! 


wow no Applauses for this thing right here 


Ok lore time. so, Godrick the grafted is a very and i mean very distant relative to Godfrey and Marika but he is so distant that he carries little to none, divine blood. Now during the Great Shattering when the Elden Ring was shattered this guy took the center piece or anchor of the Elden ring and hid in the capital until he could escape. He then sought refuge at imgrave in the Castle to Hid from Rahdan (we will get to him later). Malenia went south with her army to go try and kill Rahdan( We will get to that later precious) and Godrick said “Hey I should go fight her since i have mastered the art of grafting.” Wait Quentin what is Grafting. I’m so glad you asked, grafting is the art of Attaching someone else body, arm, leg, head and .. other things onto oneself to make them stronger though i don’t see the appeal like why would attaching a arm to another arm would make them stronger but elden ring doesn’t make since like look at these people 


They are surprising very plentiful and no matter how much i search I cannot for the life of me find out why they exist. What were we talking about again? oh yeah so Godrick said let me fight the woman who never lost a fight and lost very badly so much so that he had to resort to this. 

doing this caused him utter humiliation which made him graft himself even further.  He along with some foot soldiers of the capital settle in castle storm where he put his anchor on the shattering on top of a tower.


Now let’s get in to battle tactics though your opponent is large he is very manageable ESPECALLY if you do these 3 things.

  1. Go to the Elleh church to get the bell bearings if you hadn’t already and get Rodricka in the shack going to the castle to upgrade it your spirit summon.
  2. Get a weapon that can do bleed damage if you look on YouTube you should find three ill make a post about weapons in the future.
  3.  find Nelphi when you get to gate to the boss fight turn around you will find a giant with 2 enemies beside them kill them then go forward you will see a leady in rags standing on a dead body. Exhaust her dialogue and her sign will be at the entrance.

Godrick us a low tier boss so much of the stuff he does is manageable. 

this is the weapon he uses for a player its “alright” but Godrick uses it mainly for AOE attacks the beginning of the match he will use the weapon to swing wind at you knocking you over it does a medium amount of damage. if you did the things I told you to do you will summon you summon so they can draw agro along with Nelphi. the next attack he will most likely do his thrust his axe into the ground and causing shock waves knocking everyone around him over and dealing significant damage. Use the moment he gets up as an opportunity to attack him.

now when he stops attacking you and start screaming hitting his arm try to deal as much damage you can before his second phase. his second phase consist of the same thing his first phase was but with fire. 

his AOE will change into flames bursting out the ground to the safe thing to do is to go right up next to him and hint him while he’s doing the attack. after you kill him, you will get award giving you one of his two weapons hear me when I say this don’t pick any of them just sell his remembrance and be don’t with it, they are both terrible. after you kill him, you can get to his tower and get his great ruin which boost all your stats when activated.

I’ll be talking about Caled next.

Elden Ring limgrave Castel Enemies

Hello, I will be talking about the Elden ring enemies in base game for fun. 

Godrick Soldier

the first enemy that You the player actually have a chance against at a low level. they drop about 70 runes give or take the rate in which they drop their weapons are about 78%. They are found in Limgrave by the church of Elleh and can be found pretty much everywhere. they are one of the people that suffered with the curse of undying and they serve under the tyrant Godrick the Grafted. 

260 – 273 runes a sort of mini-boss to the godrick soldiers called the Godrick knight. this enemy uses a spear along with a shield for levels 1-40 i would suggest fighting him last as he can withstand some attacks that should know most enemies down.

The war hawk. 56 – 1039 runes this bird for brains is an annoying opponent at first but you don’t have to fight them you have2 options. 1. run past them and meet the sorcerer. 2. run and jump on the roof next to them and shortcut through the enemies. If you plan on fighting them, I recommend waiting for them to drop the barrel making sure you don’t get hit by it, then jump attacking them knocking them it the sky then barraging them with attacks.  All in all, they aren’t very strong just very annoying but if you kill them enough time you can get the war hawk sword which is good for early to mid-game.


these enemies are called the exile soldiers they are the soldiers stationed in the limgrave castle really the last line of defense for Godrick. they operate ballista’s and have fire arrows so be careful when going long range. there is one enemy that use 2 weapons if you are 1-40 it will most likely kill you so try to run past him. when you get to the back of the castle there will be a massive amount of them, but they are pretty easy. 

 Ladies and gentlemen i present to you the omen he drops 451 – 2520 runes and 2 weapons that are so hard to get it has a 4.0 chance of dropping. these two weapons are called Omen clever and warped axe. when you spot him, he will be sitting down with his dog but if you approach him, he will turn hostile the best thing for you to do is go into the room behind him and get a grace so you can save your spot. He is the last defense of Stormville castle I wish you luck on Godrick the grafted.

Check out my other post to know more about Elden ring lore 

the next on will be about Godrick the grafted 


Elden Ring Lore (what I understand)

Ok since I keep running out of ideas i decided to make a new series one where I at least know most of the stuff by heart. I have about 500 hours on Elden ring by playing it multiple times and if anyone plays the game after reading through this blog its completely worth it.

The Origin of Elden Ring 

Ok so this story starts off with this being called the greater will. Now they never actually specify how the greater will came about but I imagine it came about like the big bang but I’m getting off topic so there is this thing called the greater will that sent down the Elden ring with isn’t like the hobbits wring but instead a tree to bless the realms in between where the character you make resides. Now the greater will chose Queen Marika (you will be hearing her a lot in the game) as a vessel of the Elden ring now the Edlen ring with the power to give people the blessing of the grace (will talk about that later) has the power to change reality. with that power Marika removes death. Yep, she removes Death so now no one can die granting eternal life to everything this action led to the rise of the golden order (Basically the government but less annoying) which is a religion dedicated to her. 

this is Queen Marika (The Eternal) 

Now let’s move on to her family her first husband was a guy called Godfrey who was then named the first Elden lord and was deemed the most powerful for some time. Marika bore 3 children Godwyn (think of Baldur from Asgardian Mythology) Morgot and Mogh 


Godwyn-middle,  Mogh -left  Moorgot right-

Godwyn started the golden Lineage which further drove the Golden order. Now his brothers as you can see, they are very different. they are omens and the Golden Order hated the omen there were even a set of people that had a career of killing omen, so Marika tossed them into her kingdom’s sewers. Godfrey and Godwyn opposed this decsion  so Godfrey was casted out of the kingdom and lost the title of Elden lord. Godwyn was not punished since he was still a child during this. The game doesn’t exactly say but we can assume the Godwyn, and his army died to the monsters outside the realms between.

Later on Marika takes in a new “Partner” this longed hair red man who appeared out of nowhere.  Now he was even more powerful than Godwin and was at equal strength to that of Marika who mind you was blessed by the Elden ring. they soon had 2 children Maleina and Miquella  

Miquella -left Maleina-right 

But you see Leyndell (Marika’s kingdom) had a problem you see there was this other kingdom called Raya Lucaria that had study the stars and magic that could become a threat to Radagon (Marika’s husband) was sent to demolish everything, but you see the Full Moon Princess said “I’ll stop attacking your kingdom but only if you marry me. Which he promptly did and they had 3 children Ranni, Rykard, Radhan 

Radhan, Ranni, Rykard 

Radagon then went back to his kingdom leaving the queen alone and heart broken. Now years like years later Ranni devised a plan see she didn’t want to be anyone’s puppet, so she plotted to kill Godwyn and take control of the Elden Ring so she hired the only people that could actually kill someone, and they ambushed and killed Godwyn 

but she didn’t expect that when he died the Elden ring would shatter and go everywhere. Now each one of the demigods took a piece of it and tried to wait each other out so that they could finally become Elden lord. 

I’ll be talking about bosses next.

See you later gators!

Percy Jackson And the Olympians Part 2

Hello everyone, I’m back with another blog about Percy Jackson and the Olympians and I wanted to say thank you for all the support and if some of my information is off or it’s not going in that much depth it’s because I’m going off the top of my head this is also the 2nd part since I need to divert my Attention elsewhere  and if you guess what the 1. book is I’ll give you a cookie. Now without further ado I present.

3. The Battle of the Labyrinth 

Characters: Annabeth, Percy, Tyson, Nico, Grover, Daedalus, Tyson, Luke, Kronos, Calypso, Poseidon, King Minos, Rachel Dare.

Ok so we start off the book with Percy attending orientation at his new school where he encounters some demons where during the fight fire is prong across the school which burns down. Percy would’ve been in major trouble if it had not been for Rachel dare the same girl that Percy met at the dam last book. She ends up getting him out of the school. Percy took her back to camp where she began her studies as an oracle. after getting her situated Annabeth and Percy talk to the campers to tell them Lukes’s plan but unbeknownst to Percy Grover was on trial for not finding Pan [ Even though the gods couldn’t even find him but go off] After this they do a war game [ like every book] where Percy is introduced to the new sword trainer [ who i believe was Luke please tell me if I’m wrong] Percy is suspicious of this new sword trainer because you know they are at war with Luke Chiron is so dumb sometimes. Percy and Annabeth find a labyrinth in camp which they believe Luke will use to invade the camp. Annabeth issues a quest to go into the labyrinth to find Daedalus Workshop and close off the route to the camp. Annabeth, Grover, Tyson and Percy go into the maze where they then cross paths with Nico from the book Titians curse who is there to try and resurrect his dead sister Bianca with the help of King Minos. Nico joins Percy even though he still hates him for not keeping his promise which is technically not his fault since she wanted to be dumb but i can understand Nico’s frustrations.

like I beforehand I haven’t read this in years so i only remember the important parts but stay with me now

Percy went on a side quest for Hephateus to kill a group of Monsters in a volcano that ends up exploding which leads to Percy and Annabeth getting separated with Annabeth thinking he died. Percy ends up getting stranded on an island where it Harbors Calypso (Atlas daughter). Percy stays there for about 2 weeks until he is finally able to leave and when he returns to camp, he sees the camp mourning him since they all thought he perished. Annabeth hugs and punches him for living and not telling her. long story short Grover finds pan makes him lord of the wild, Percy fights Luke, Kronos now has Lukes body, and Daedalus is dead destroying the labyrinth. 

sorry, there’s not that much information I remember most not all.


Hello everyone, :)

So, as my first post I decided to rank my favorite book series Percy Jackson and the Olympians and give details about each book. I’ll be ranking them lowest to highest

5. Sea Of Monsters 


Ok so the sea of monsters is about of Grover (2nd fav) is captured by a cyclops and Percy and Annabeth go across the sea to rescue him encountering Luke the person that betrayed Percy and the camp and the end of the last book. Where they also met up with allies like Clarissa and Aries (God of war) and had to help them fight a group of enemies (I don’t remember who) but after the help her out they use the sub that Aries gave to Clarissa to go to the island where Grover is being held. When they get to the island, they find Grover in a wedding dress about to get married to the cyclops with the help of Tyson and Clarissa they managed to get Grover out and escape.

Likes: Grover in a wedding dress, Annabeth and Percy relationship growing

Dislikes: Literally everything else. there was barely any character growth for Clarissa. We do get introduce to Tyson Percy half-brother, but it minimizes Percy struggle being the only kid in of Poseidon and in the fight with the cyclops he had barely any importance to the fight also this means the Poseidon broke the taboo again (Hades on top). 

this book was a 4/10 for me at least there’s mixed reviews 

4.The Titians Curse 


I’d say that this had potential because of the characters he introduced like Nico, Thailia even though we saw her last book at the Zoe, Bianca and Paul. You may be asking Paul? Who’s Paul? He is Percy’s step I’m and im glad we got his introduction in this story now we get to see Percy have somewhat of a normal life but let’s get into the summary.

So, we start with Percy, Annabeth, Grover and Thalia going to a school to help out 2 students Nico and Bianca and bring them to camp but there are monsters after them so Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia along with some of Artemis warriors fight them while Grover get Nico and Bianca to safety. During the fight Annabeth gets kidnapped and Thailia, who mind you was also there, blames Percy for her kidnapping. Percy talks to the hunter hoping for help to get her back but he finds out that Artemis has been captured and most likely by the same people.

Bianca talks to the hunters about her joining them which to me doesn’t make sense because that would mean leaving Nico her brother behind but that doesn’t matter right now because after this dialogue Apollo comes in to give them all a ride back to camp, they rest come back they have a prophecy.

  1. Five shall go west to the goddess in chains,
  2. One shall be lost in the land without rain,
  3. The bane of Olympus shows the trail,
  4. Campers and Hunters combined prevail,
  5. The Titan’s curse must one withstand,
  6. And one shall perish by a parent’s hand.

So, they chose to take Zoe. I can understand Thalia I can understand Grover I can also understand that but Bianca? Why her over everyone, even Percy who at this point already battled a god and legendary Monsters, just to choose the girl with no experience and a nerdy brother who knows more about mythology than you. Anyway, the four of them go while Percy follows behind discreetly with a sea creature named Bessie after having dreams about the general. He follows them to Washington DC where he spots Luke following them, so he tells them, and they get mad at him (not Grover though) for following them. They then get attacked by some zombies. Zoe allows Percy to join making it 5 now.

They get to New Mexico where they find a junkyard but before this Aphrodite along with Ares tells him to not pick anything up. Listen to me they said do not pick anything up. Guess what Bianca picks up a figurine she wanted to give to her brother before she leaves him for most likely forever is killed by Talos which breaks the promise to Nico to keep her safe. I blame 2 people and 2 only Zoe and Bianca cause why would you bring an inexperienced first day hunter with you on a dangerous quest and why would you do something so stupid on a dangerous quest and why would she bother giving Nico anything you’re already leaving him behind when you’ve been with him for a hundred years.

After this happened Percy sad since he broke his promise to Nico, but they continue on to San Francisco at the hoover dam where they meet Bessie again and it turns out she has the power to overthrow the gods a manticore who is a servant to Kronos comes almost convince Thalia to join him, but she relents they call Mr. D he comes takes out the manticore.

They are then taken to Olympus where the gods contemplate killing Thalia and Percy since they have the potential to destroy Olympus. So, Thalia decides to become a hunter for Artemis, so she won’t grow up to be 16 while Percy convinces them that he won’t destroy Olympus. Flash forward they get into a fight with Atlas, and they see Annabeth holding the sky with a white streak in her hair. Atlas is also Zoe’s father, so they beat him, make him hold up the sky again and Zoe dies fighting her father, so Artemis makes her a constellation to honor her. They head back to the camp and the relationship between Percy and Annabeth grows and Nico hates Percy since he didn’t keep his promise to keep Bianca safe and it’s revealed that he is the son of Hades in the end.

The end.


The only reason this rating is so low is that the pacing was very slow, and the character dynamics were terrible compared to the first book.

Part 2 coming soon


Leo Downs aka LAD

He is the very epitome of emotional.

( see the 1st Urban Dictionary Definition )

When you are with him, there is never any Peace and Quiet

And honestly you don’t mind

You appreciate the noise

But you once mistook it for Fireworks

He was not a fan of such accusations

If this had been years before, stupid words would be met with venomous force

But he has blossomed into a Black Rose

He isn’t like that anymore but you will still hold your tongue

You promised yourself that you wouldn’t be in a position like that again

But he is a friend and you’ve always said you would die for your friends

You haven’t spoken to him in a while

You are relearning all of the forgotten facts

He isn’t Scared of the Dark.

He loves Peanut Butter M&M’s

He often forgets to take his B-12

And he moderately dislikes The Scent of Freshly-Cut Grass

He has opinions about all the Things No One Wants To Talk About

You agree with many and disagree with some

He will tell you things you do not want to hear but you need to listen to

You will smile and change the subject

Maybe one day you will remember to thank him


This is just a series on the the people in my class and the things about them I notice.


Charlotte Rose Drane aka Charles

She is spunky.

(see 1st Urban Dictionary definition)

You find yourself sitting at a new table at lunch.

It is inhabited by Charles and Katie and an assortment of others

But Charles has caught your eye

Her StrungOutThoughts have weaved their way into your head

Now you listen intently

You don’t want to miss what she says

Her voice reminds you of an Artist’s Freedom

She is delicate but demands your respect

You will always listen when she speaks-

Even when the room is full of noise

You will share Unhelpful Thoughts

But you will not speak to her

Because how can you tell her that you relate when she is starring you in the eyes

So instead you will look her in her eyes as she talks

She knows you are listening

That is all that is needed

So you stare and you listen and you respect

And she will stare and talk and command respect.


This is just a series on the the people in my class and the things about them I notice.


Katherine Dian Westbrook aka Katie

She is the definition of grunge.

(See the 1st Urban Dictionary Definition)

You see her more down the street at the thrift store than in class.

She looks through the clothes with leopard spots to polka dots

You say that polka dots remind you of kindergarten

She says she looking for escape back to simpler times

You laugh but the look in her eyes say this is not a joke

You look away

She used to talk about the world as if everything thing was a possiblity

Said that everything was a result of When Parallel Lines Intertwine

You took her out across the darkness where the bomberjets fly

She told you along the way her Theory  on God

She said to you the cobra spit over apocalyptic cult killer cauldron smoke

You will sit dazed and confused

Her world makes no sense

She tells you she worships A Really Big Duck

You will nod and agree

She scolds you for biting back your words

She hates this type of Apartment Mentality

So you nod and agree again and she is angry but also confused

You laugh

She laughs

She tells you that  the world is going to crash

You say that we are all just Bleeding Hearts And Long Winged Birds

She will nod and agree

Who cares if they burn?

Not you and certainly not her


This is just a series on the the people in my class and the things about them I notice.


Amaria Byonce Sumler aka Mar

She is the very definition of woke

(see the 4th Urban Dictionary Definition)

Often you find yourself wondering the halls with her

She will tell you to refuse the cruise your parents are paying for

You’ll fall right off the side of the earth without your smoky quartz crystal

And one isn’t going to save the whole ship

Instead go to Nevada, dance with the men in uniforms as they arrest you

She’ll tell you how to get away from them and find the ship

She’ll give you her address; she wants to see the stars.

She is tired of Looking Up at them

Tell her that her Attention would be better placed on the Illuminati

She will say that she spends too much time on the dark web

You will go to visit her at home and she will answer, “Weaving Spiders Come Not Here” before letting you in.

You will fix her computer

She will ask  for your baseball bat when Cortana talks.

You’ll give it to her because you are dense

Now it is you, Mar, and a battered computer

You will ask her why

She will say one less AI to take over the world

When you tell her you want to fly to Denver she will refuse

She doesn’t deal with the Illuminati, you’ve already established this.

Mar gives you a rose quartz to heal your sole

You’ve experienced too much negativity today


This is just a series on the the people in my class and the things about them I notice.


Janey Laine Aron aka J-Dogge

She is the definition of assertive.

(see the 2nd Urban Dictionary Definition)

You will Run along the path with her

Your breathing ragged

You will watch the puff of warm leave her lips as she runs

She is faster than you and you do not mind

You fall behind and watch as she goes faster now than before.

You will remember when you sat next to her in the classroom

Her opinions loud and confident

She is not wrong

She will never be wrong

She will tell you her secret

Don’t Tell, but Show.

You try it out and the effects are strange

You used to be shy and wrong

Now she is right and so are you

But it is hard for both to be right so you give in

You are shy and wrong again

J-Dogge is right

Now there are Ripples in your life

You see the effects taking hold

She once said 2+2= Fish

So now you answer all your math questions with Fish

You are Spinning as she runs circles around you

She tells you to look deeper into the mist

And you tell her All I See (And All I Don’t)

She tells you there are werewolves

And she is always right so you agree

But yesterday you saw a glint of confusion and for a moment she was wrong


This is just a series on the the people in my class and the things about them I notice.
