this is a continuation of the last journal entries I uploaded previously!
Day 54- I found out how to clean my suit and I found the thing that’s been fucking watching me. I turned on the security cameras today once I finally figured out how to get them up and running. I also found out how to pull out our emergency barricades, so I put those up to I don’t know how to put them down but as of right now I don’t plan on leaving. But as soon as I turned on the cameras, I saw something outside of Charles room and then I heard screaming. First off he had been alive this whole time! Well, he wasn’t for long because I saw this huge creature crawl, or I guess dragged itself? Into his room and I don’t know what went down from there because thank God we don’t have cameras in our room. I’m kind of glad Charles died though he would be a pain to work with during all this. But I swear the creature looked at the camera before all the shit went down. Something about it felt so human though I’m going to see if I can slow down the footage and see what the creature really is.
Day 56- Ok so it took me two days to get these shitty cameras to slow down and show anything but grain! It was worth it and not in a way because now I’m terrified and probably going to go insane. This monster or creature I will say because I now know it is human. Many humans stuck together forming a giant mass. To be honest it’s horrifying and all of them are the ones I presumed dead. I feel a connection to them I feel awful for their situation, but I also know they killed my coworkers, and I don’t know if I will be next.
Day 60- I have found a contact that will listen to me and it’s one of my old work buddies. God, I wish I had just kept that stupid office job and never chosen this hell over it. Johnathen said he is talking with our HR boss the stupid big man both metaphorically and not who ran this whole operation. Ran it from the comfort of his office where he ignored my emails for help. Johnathen, unlike me, is good friends with him and said he talked him into sending a team to fly me out. He said the boss had laughed when he was informed that everyone in our team had been killed, he said he assumed the last team he had sent just quit. Apparently making crude remarks and saying they must have died due to poor work ethic and no survival skills; I don’t think Johnathen will remain friends with him after this interaction.
Woahh, I love journal entries soso much and these are so interesting for me to read and imagine! Hope there is more of this :]
journal entries sound so unique