yep, it’s spring.

Blades of dewy, green grass peek shyly beneath fallen leaves. Finally, they are ready to show themselves again, no longer hiding from a season draining them of color. Leaves begrudgingly leave the main stage making way for the grass to shine fully under the sun’s rays. 

The birds chirp a melodic whistle and ladybugs munch at the growing grass while nature reawakens. Spring has come.  It has come to rebirth and replenish the many aspects of life. Some people even see spring as the beginning of a new year instead of new year’s. I mean it makes sense. This is the time of spring cleaning, ridding yourself of clutter that no longer serves you. 

That can ridding yourself of mental clutter, physical clutter, whatever has been concealing your true self. This is also the perfect weather to get back accustomed to nature. As a southern girl, cold isn’t something I’m too fond of. So, at the smallest peak of sun and the slightest feeling of warmth, I’m ready to return to my connection with nature.

Ways to connect or reconnect with nature is simply to walk around in it. No electronics, no distractions, just vibes and maybe bug spray. You could also picnic, which is one of my favorite things to do in the spring and summer months. Its just something so relaxing about laying down with your face towards the sky simply basking in the sun and admiring the little things that the world can offer.

A simple breeze to cool you down after wandering. A trickle of rain down your forehead as you leave a hot room or long walk. The smell of freshly cut grass that may lead to allergies, but who cares, right? 

Don’t let the feeling of rebirth pass you this spring. The weather has been perfect and the time has been fruitful and plenty to enjoy every second of this spring weather before the Mississippi summer heat completely overtakes us until the end of October.

Declutter and Garden,

Nature’s Advocate.

Prequel To Hot Girl Summer


The events following last year’s Spring break has traumatized an entire generation. My friends and I have been counting down the days and hoping…no praying that this spring break will not be a repeat. So, in order to distract ourselves from that trauma (distraction rarely helps with trauma, el oh el) we are looking on the brighter side of things. IT’S SPRING BREAK!!!

Spring is a season that I personally adore. The fashion, weather, the flowers coming back full blossom, what’s not to love?  (maybe the allergies, but we’re being optimistic here) It’s the perfect time to reconnect with both yourself and nature. The days are extending and school is coming to a close end. Why wouldn’t you be excited? And for seniors, this is sadly the closing of one chapter and the opening of another.

Anywho…what are your plans for spring break? (oh, you haven’t decided and want me to go first?…ok I got you.) Well, since you so generously let me go first, here are my plans for a trauma-free spring break.

Firstly, the Friday leading into spring break I plan to get well-rested for the week ahead. The following Saturday, it’s time for a Spring glow-up. I plan on getting my hair done and then getting a pedicure following my hair appointment with my bestfriend. Later that Saturday we have a bestie date planned following Covid-19 guidelines of course. 

Sunday, I plan on going to an afternoon painting picnic. The following Monday through Tuesday is pretty much free game. Wednesday, I have a movie date planned (following Covid-19 guidelines of course.) Thursday, is the day I plan on spending with two of my close friends. Friday is still up in the air and Saturday is a themed dinner. Sunday is the day I recharge to prepare for school following my spring break.

With Covid-19 present in today’s world spring break isn’t what would normally be. You can still enjoy and have fun. Just please make sure you are wearing a mask, sanitizing, and social distancing. If you do plan on meeting people, please get tested. I tested on Monday. Please take precautions and do what is safest and healthiest for you and everyone around you.

Staying safe but still a hot girl,

Not A Stallion 



Me, Both Black And Bisexual

If someone were to ask you about yourself what would you say? Perhaps, your name might be the first thing to slip your tongue. Maybe, where you grew up, number of siblings, or what you do in your free time might come next. But, what does the person already know?

The person already has a sense of who you are by what they first physically see…

First impressions of me are usually that I am a short, black, girl with impeccable fashion sense. (Yes, I’m tooting my own horn there.) Others may say that I’m shy with a chill personality.

…but, really, how do they see you?

Here is how I see myself and my truth. I see myself as Bisexual Black Girl living in an America that doesn’t deem me fit for the society they portray. I am myself, loudly and proudly and I am never afraid to speak my truth no matter how much I know it doesn’t want to be heard. 

I have been told multiple times that  I’m not “black” enough. I have been told that I don’t act “bisexual”. Does that change the fact that I am most definitely both black and bisexual? No, it does not. All I’m trying to say is how others see you really shouldn’t matter. All that matter is how you see yourself.

If you choose to see yourself in a negative light, ask yourself why you only choose to see your flaws and imperfections instead of the true beauty I know you possess. If you choose to hide who you truly are, ask yourself why that is. Is your environment not safe enough to bask in your truth? Or is it simply you not yet knowing your truth?

If you find that you stumble over telling who you are to someone, you may not yet know your true self. And that’s ok. Take time to get to know you. Take time to love everything about yourself. Because how can you possibly give the honest answer of who you are if you haven’t got the answer yourself?

Self love and Exploration, Friends

-A bisexual black girl who is still learning herself 🙂

It’s The Little Things For Me

Since 2021 has started, my life has been filled with unwanted turns and many things I wish my small hands could fix time’s clock to reverse. Heartbreak. Depression. Death. All of those things made me realize how much is to be appreciated. We must appreciate those who love us. We must appreciate the ones who make us smile. We must appreciate our gift of life.

It’s the little things for me. A warm hug after connection had been tethered. A quick phone call just so I can hear your voice. A simple “how was your day?” The sending of a TikTok that is nothing more than idiotic because it reminded you of me or reminded me of you.  The little things matter. They may not seem like a lot to you, but to someone else it could be the thing that’s giving them hope, making them smile, making them feel again. 

I was away from MSA campus for well over a month because of personal reasons. There was nothing more exciting than pulling up to the front doors of the school with bags weighing down the trunk. Adrenaline rushed through my veins as a smile crept onto my face. Moving in and setting up, I felt like I was back home. My home away from home.

Every detail, I noticed. The noodle cups stacked up in a box that also held microwavable macaroni and rice sat on the desk adjacent my bed. The way the mirror seemed clean and my covers felt soft. I missed my painting and tiara above the desk that I used.  I missed my roommate’s  colorful duvet and our late night conversations. I missed the little things that make my MSA experience special. 

As I write this, I wish that time would slow down and allow me to really appreciate the little things this school has to offer. The early morning chat with the cafeteria ladies. Leaving my room only when that one person asks me. The randomness that happens in the cafeteria and the second floor activities. The burning of my calves as I take the stairs to avoid elevator conversations. The way the literary lab eases my soul as soon as I step into it.

I am really a junior at a school of the arts. I really get to live on a campus with creators and artists alike. I get to pursue my passion while still maintaining the life of a regular teen. All of it is still so fresh to me yet I feel like its all almost over.

I appreciate the little things in life because sometimes those are the most special.  🙂



In A Puddle Passing Poseidon??!

School is back in session. Actually, it has been for a while now. The first semester is over and the second is starting. By now, people understand that school during a pandemic is filled with endless stress and challenges. There is really nothing easy about it. To be quite honest, students attending school whether it’s virtual or in person deserve way more than a pat on the back. 

Students across all learning paths are still figuring out just how this works and so are the teachers. I honestly feel for the teachers who have gotten used to a specific teaching method that just won’t work virtually. They are forced to teach their curriculum different entirely just as students are forced to learn differently. Now, with these predicaments, most would think grading would also be less harsh.

Although the way teaching is done and curriculum is learned, expectations remain the same. How can one possibly expect a student to have the same mindset virtually as they do in person? I know, it takes a certain level of discipline and drive to want to finish your work on time and maintain good grades; but, it isn’t easy doing so while still being present in your regular everyday life.

School from home is different for everyone. Some people avoid school at all costs, so this is paradise. For others who aren’t so fortunate to have the best home life, may find this a struggle within itself. School can sometimes be a much needed distraction from personal struggles and issues. You can’t get that virtually.

Doing school from home may cause a person to sit in the same space all day with constant thoughts and worries. The constant emails can be annoying. Keeping track of time can be difficult. And trying to maintain a focus during a Zoom is basically impossible.

All I am asking is that teachers and educators take into consideration that school is not the only thing students have to worry about. You can never truly know what happens once the screens turn off. Don’t call your students lazy and take away points because work isn’t done on time. We, as students, understand wanting to maintain normalcy; but, you simply can’t do that during a pandemic. Nothing is normal. I haven’t seen the lower half of a person’s face in public for nearly a year. 

Stop grading so harshly and please try to sympathize and understand that school isn’t really our main focus right now. Students all over are adapting to a new way of life that they didn’t know was going to happen. Students are growing up in a world that is changing rapidly. Tomorrow isn’t promised and we realize that. 

Typing during a panoramic,

An Unmotivated Student 🙂



Good Days

I have many goals in life. Some of those goals are long-term others are short-term. To keep track of these goals, I created a journal with a bucket list. Last year, a couple of my friends and I said we wanted to go stargazing….it never happened. But this year, I will make sure we have the time to do so. Most of my bucket list activities will be completed over the summer, hopefully. Others will be completed whenever.

I suggest making a list of things you want to complete throughout the year. Keep track of the dates and people you did it with. This will be a sure way to remember the positives of your year and the things you really enjoyed. 

Most people only document “down moments” in their journals. Let’s change that. Put all you happy thoughts there and reminisce on the good moments. Life if too short to only see the negative.

One day at a time, Friends.



Moving On From “The Year That Shall Not Be Named”

2021 is finally here. Last year left us with many battle wounds and injuries, but somehow luckily we survived. Now that the next chapter of so many of our lives is here, it is up to us to make the most of it. Pandemic and all.

Here are three key ways to maximize your life in 2021!

  • Start A Journal

My journey with journaling began when I started my literary classes at MSA. (Thanks Mrs. Sibley) Before MSA, I never really felt comfortable journaling, the thought of someone opening a book of mine holding what could possibly be my deepest and darkest secrets terrified me. Now, of course, journaling has become second nature for me. The benefits of journaling definitely outweigh the irrational fear of the exposure of my secrets. Journaling helps me to remember specific things about my life that I would usually easily forget about. I literally can barely remember what I eat for breakfast, but if I journal about it, I am sure to remember. I also tend to use journaling as  a venting outlet. Things that I’m not too comfortable to share with anyone else, I share with my “trusty composition book”. (That’s what I used to call my middle school journal our teacher made us keep!) Definitely invest in a journal this year to document the realest moments of your life.

  • Rid Yourself of Toxicity

Being toxic seemed to be a weird trend of last year. You would think with everything going on, that would be the last thing people would want to do, but nope we were sadly mistaken. This year anyone who is not benefiting you, helping you grow, or just don’t seem genuine, listen…I NEED YOU TO DROP THEM LIKE A HOT BOWL OF GRITS YOU GRABBED WITH YOUR BARE HANDS!! We will not take less than what we are worth this year. We will not lower the bar nor shall we settle. Rid of the negative energy and move onto better things, sweetie. You got this, I see you!

  • Become The Best Version of You

Last year may have led to lots of self discovery while being quarantined. You may have learned you have more pet peeves than you firstly believed or you may have finally taken up a hobby you had been procrastinating. I feel as if everyone discovered something new about themselves last year. I mean how could you not? You are talented and unique. The world needs to get more of whatever it is you have to offer it. You may not be able to become perfect but at least you can become complete. 

WE DID IT JOE, WE SURVIVED THE YEAR THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED!! Give yourself a round of applause for completing a year that wasn’t so kind to most. Congratulations on surviving and conquering. We may not have gotten the celebration we deserved, but we got an opportunity to do better. Please don’t take making it to 2021 for granted, take this year to better yourself, please. I believe in you. You got this friend!!!

Reporting Live from the Trauma of Yesteryear,


Breath of Fresh Air

It is no secret 2020 will be a memorable year. It has been filled with new experiences and firsts for everyone. No one thought we would have a pandemic or that we would still be in one heading into the new year. But, we are. Though 2020 may not have been the best year, there have been some upsides to it.

The next time I write a blog, it will be 2021. My school year will be halfway through and I would have changed classes for the next semester. Now, is  not time to dwell on the horrors of 2020, but we should reflect on the goods of it.

Personally,2020 hasn’t been the worst year for me. Believe it or not, I’ve experienced worse. (Minus the global pandemic, of course) This year has been filled with personal growth and opportunity. I refuse to take what this year has taught me for granted. Though things may not have happened as normally as I might have wished, they happened. And that is something to be hella proud of.

You’re doing so much all in the midst of such an unfamiliar time. Though you may not have accomplished everything you had planned, or didn’t do exactly what you wanted, you’re doing so good. You’re literally doing the best you can given the circumstances.

Don’t let this year be listed as one of your worse because it’s unfamiliar and different. Let this year be remembered as one the wildest years that proved your overall strength and effort. You’re completing so much that most can only dream of during this time.

I’m proud of you.

I’m proud you get a chance to see another day in the new year. Most didn’t get that chance. I can’t wait to see how you brighten up 2021.

With open heart and new beginnings,

2020 Noelle

*Insert bArNEy “I Love You”*

Have you found a person or group of people that you would undoubtedly do anything for? I mean, anything that you could possibly do for them, you would do it. I believe I have found some of those people. Some of them I’ve known for years, others for a few months. But, when a bond is created, no matter the longevity of the relationship, you will always care for those people. You may be questioning the specific people I’m speaking about, if you are, I am speaking of close friends. 

A genuine friendship is tricky to come by, but when you do find your person, it’s the best thing in the entire world. Nothing is better than having a person you can confide in, laugh with, and have the best memories with. I feel like I don’t say it enough because I try to show it, but I really love and appreciate my friends. Love is not a word I say often. So, when I say it I mean it truthfully. 

I’m not the most vulnerable or open person, but my close friends always see that side of me. They see the needy side of me who wants to be cuddled. They see the annoying side of me who likes to bother. They see the goofy side of me who only laughs. They see me at my lowest points always offering to build me back up again. I value them and I try to let them know that often.

I’m not the most popular person, so I don’t have a large group of friends or a group really at all. But, I do have my people, if that makes sense. I have a friend who is willing to stay up until who knows when to talk about any and everything. I have a friend with who to go on random food runs. I have a friend who doesn’t mind if I come over just to nap. I have people in my life, other than family, who genuinely care about me how I care about them. I love it here. I really do. And I also really love my friends.

I create friendships with people I want to have around for the rest of my life. I want to travel the world with them. I want to grow up with them. I want them at my wedding if I ever choose to marry. (Probably not, I don’t like the concept.) In short, what I’m trying to say is don’t take your friendships for granted. Value them and let them know your appreciation for them. 

I know that once you find your group or your person, it’s understood how you feel about each other. But, it’s still nice to hear and see sometimes. Surprise your friend with their favorite meal or snack. Call them today and tell them you appreciate them. Write a letter to them. Send them a care package. Go watch that movie you promised to watch with them. (I am not promoting the breaking of social distancing, there are apps available to watch movies together 🙂 Spend time with them, while you still have that time to do so.

I’m a junior in high school. Pretty soon, I will be a senior getting ready to graduate. I will have to make more friends and care for more people. Of course, I will still have my friends now, I refuse to let our friendship die. But, we all have totally different paths we want to pursue after graduating. We’re all going to different schools in different states with different goals in mind. All I’m trying to say is create those memories now. Love your friends now.

Hopefully with good intentions,

The Biggest Undercover SIMP 



Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas” plays faintly in the background, as a warm mug of hot cocoa with precisely six mini marshmallows, warms your hands before you raise the mug to take a small sip.  It leaves a tiny mustache above your upper lip before you lick it clean. Decorations ranging from frosty whites to emerald greens can be seen displayed in a neat sort of disarray in every direction. The cold of the outside fights at the window seals for an unwanted entrance as a muted holiday special plays from the television. This is how I know it’s Christmas.

Excitement for the 25th day in December starts on December 26th. Right after the mess of abandoned gift wrappings and torn boxes are cleaned, my heart does a little sigh that the day is almost over. Yes, I know Christmas starts as soon as your feet hit a chilled floor, but it’s over just as quickly. Once your anticipation over what you have received has passed, and the joy of watching someone open a gift you bought dies down, Christmas is good as over.

Some people celebrate Christmas for more holy aspects, and that is completely respected. But, you see me, I celebrate Christmas for the pretty lights and the joy of giving. I’d like to consider myself a rather generous person. (Sometimes) So, being the sweet angel I am, I look at potential gifts year-round. As soon as I think I know what a person not only wants but needs, I make a list of it. Can I ever find those lists when I need them? Of course not! But, it’s the thought that counts. 

If you are anything like me, you may find yourself listening to Christmas music in July. Once the Christmas spirit enters me, it rarely leaves. That Christmas spirit hasn’t found me yet. I’ve already bought gifts, listened to “All I Want For Christmas” at least twenty times trying to awaken the spirit, and it still hasn’t found me. I even went to view Christmas lights with my friends over break.

Maybe the weather isn’t cold enough yet. Maybe my mind sensed that this year has been anything but normal. I hope that the skinny legend, Mariah Carey blesses me with some holiday spirit on the 25th play. My voice may go out if I continue to try to hit those high notes. Maybe I should pass out candy canes to spark the joy for Christmas. Or binge of some of my holiday favorites.

Let me know I’m not alone in this holiday funk I’m feeling. Tell me how you get into the holiday spirit. 

With a soon to be hoarse voice,

Candy Cane Snatcher