yep, it’s spring.

Blades of dewy, green grass peek shyly beneath fallen leaves. Finally, they are ready to show themselves again, no longer hiding from a season draining them of color. Leaves begrudgingly leave the main stage making way for the grass to shine fully under the sun’s rays. 

The birds chirp a melodic whistle and ladybugs munch at the growing grass while nature reawakens. Spring has come.  It has come to rebirth and replenish the many aspects of life. Some people even see spring as the beginning of a new year instead of new year’s. I mean it makes sense. This is the time of spring cleaning, ridding yourself of clutter that no longer serves you. 

That can ridding yourself of mental clutter, physical clutter, whatever has been concealing your true self. This is also the perfect weather to get back accustomed to nature. As a southern girl, cold isn’t something I’m too fond of. So, at the smallest peak of sun and the slightest feeling of warmth, I’m ready to return to my connection with nature.

Ways to connect or reconnect with nature is simply to walk around in it. No electronics, no distractions, just vibes and maybe bug spray. You could also picnic, which is one of my favorite things to do in the spring and summer months. Its just something so relaxing about laying down with your face towards the sky simply basking in the sun and admiring the little things that the world can offer.

A simple breeze to cool you down after wandering. A trickle of rain down your forehead as you leave a hot room or long walk. The smell of freshly cut grass that may lead to allergies, but who cares, right? 

Don’t let the feeling of rebirth pass you this spring. The weather has been perfect and the time has been fruitful and plenty to enjoy every second of this spring weather before the Mississippi summer heat completely overtakes us until the end of October.

Declutter and Garden,

Nature’s Advocate.

Prequel To Hot Girl Summer


The events following last year’s Spring break has traumatized an entire generation. My friends and I have been counting down the days and hoping…no praying that this spring break will not be a repeat. So, in order to distract ourselves from that trauma (distraction rarely helps with trauma, el oh el) we are looking on the brighter side of things. IT’S SPRING BREAK!!!

Spring is a season that I personally adore. The fashion, weather, the flowers coming back full blossom, what’s not to love?  (maybe the allergies, but we’re being optimistic here) It’s the perfect time to reconnect with both yourself and nature. The days are extending and school is coming to a close end. Why wouldn’t you be excited? And for seniors, this is sadly the closing of one chapter and the opening of another.

Anywho…what are your plans for spring break? (oh, you haven’t decided and want me to go first?…ok I got you.) Well, since you so generously let me go first, here are my plans for a trauma-free spring break.

Firstly, the Friday leading into spring break I plan to get well-rested for the week ahead. The following Saturday, it’s time for a Spring glow-up. I plan on getting my hair done and then getting a pedicure following my hair appointment with my bestfriend. Later that Saturday we have a bestie date planned following Covid-19 guidelines of course. 

Sunday, I plan on going to an afternoon painting picnic. The following Monday through Tuesday is pretty much free game. Wednesday, I have a movie date planned (following Covid-19 guidelines of course.) Thursday, is the day I plan on spending with two of my close friends. Friday is still up in the air and Saturday is a themed dinner. Sunday is the day I recharge to prepare for school following my spring break.

With Covid-19 present in today’s world spring break isn’t what would normally be. You can still enjoy and have fun. Just please make sure you are wearing a mask, sanitizing, and social distancing. If you do plan on meeting people, please get tested. I tested on Monday. Please take precautions and do what is safest and healthiest for you and everyone around you.

Staying safe but still a hot girl,

Not A Stallion