Coming Back to School after a Break

I feel like no one talks about the experience of coming back to school after a break! I mean I know students talk about it from one to another and parents always complain about how much time their kids get off, but no one really talks about how much it affects some people. I know coming back from this break was extremely hard for me. I treated break like we were going into summer, which is my fault, but I just didn’t (and still don’t) feel very prepared to continue out the year. I wake up every morning counting down the days till the weekend and feel stressed like nothing I’ve ever felt before with this semesters work. I think it may have to do with the fact that I have never been at a school that holds me to such high standards. Before I went to a school where just passing by was good enough and was all some teachers expected. So, I never really put myself out there or felt driven to do better. I of course never want to go back to that mindset, and I love MSA for taking me out of that environment/ Which is why I’m so thankful to be a part of the Mississippi School of the Arts, but it still has definitely put me through the ringer. I think and hope that this feeling will fade once I get into the groove of things. I have already done many things this year with the school that has made me go out of my comfort zone. Things such as staying a weekend to go skating with friends, putting myself out there in new classes so I can learn better, and even developing a maybe not so tiny crush on one of my new classmates. All of these things (except for the crush of course) are things I have done in hopes of getting back to my old mindset of wanting to go to class or even the school itself. I have never in my life felt homesickness until this year and now I do not know if it is even homesickness or simply that I miss my evil cat and angelic dogs. All I know is that I’m just going to keep trucking one day at a time until I feel back to my old self again. I also recommend anyone reading this to try something new if they are feeling like I am feeling currently I promise it can lift your spirits!

Author: Nat

My name is Nat I love to write about historical events and anything pertaining to horror.

4 thoughts on “Coming Back to School after a Break”

  1. I’ve definitely been feeling the same way lately. It’s hard going back into a situation like this, but it is incredibly rewarding once you begin to succeed in ways you never thought possible. Thank you for sharing this post.

  2. I completely understand this. The break was something that we all needed but I don’t think any of us realized how much we needed it. It’s got me all thrown off too. It’s soooo hard to write bc of it.

  3. This is so real. At my old school we had shorter classes, so no one was really expected to do anything above bare minimum, but here it’s so much different and I am very thankful for my experience. It’s difficult getting out of a comfort zone though I’m glad I get to do it now and not be thrown to the wolves after graduating

  4. It’s always hard to come back to school after a break for me, especially after being in my number-one comfort place (my room) for 2 weeks straight and then thrown into college algebra at 8 AM. You are SO strong, so I know you’ll be able to push through this difficult time!

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