
I’ve always had this weird hyperfixation on my family history. It might be what led to History becoming my favorite subject. There are so many different lines in a family tree, and these lines represent a history made by the connecting people. My family tree dates back to when Americans crossed the Atlantic to free themselves from British rule. 

This is just a small portion of my family, it links back to the Cherokee Nation in Kentucky. The last red box at the bottom is me and above that are my parents. They both have “trees” sprouting from each side. My father was Native American, German, and Swiss. This is interesting since I thought I was mostly Irish for the longest time there’s not much Irish in me at all. On my mom’s side, there is French and English. I am a mixture of all of these different nationalities. That’s crazy to think about. During my research, I met my 2nd cousin on my father’s side twice removed (I’m not sure what that means) but she messaged me on the Ancestry website and told me about my dad’s father’s history and where I come from. She was related to my grandfather, who I found out during my research had passed away a few weeks ago. This was bone chilling considering I had just seen him for the first time in years not too long ago. I messaged her back hoping for more information about my family since it has been a big mystery to my brother and me who just wanted to know more about the history of our family. This is going to be interesting, I’m excited. I’ll update you guys when she messages me back.

Author: Katelynn Kennedy

Hey there! My name is Katelynn (she /her), but I have many nicknames so call me whatever you see fit. I enjoy hanging out with friends, reading, writing, music, history, and other things that might correlate to that. I am all over the place even in my own brain so that might be seen throughout my posts. I hope someday to be a lawyer, but I also want to be a published author.

4 thoughts on “Ancestry.”

  1. This looks so cool. I always loved watching those 23 and me videos when I was younger and curious about my roots. I’m so interested in learning more about ancestry trees.

  2. Your ancestry tree is pretty interesting! Actually, I’ve been thinking about my ancestry recently and I’m curious to find out what I don’t know (yet).

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