For a long time, this question has been floating around regarding the live action Spider-Man movies. So, in this blog I’m going to sort them from worst to best. But when I say worst, I still think he’s good, just not the best one.
Tom Holland

I still really love Tom Holland. I love the movies and everything that this Spider-Man is in. I just don’t think he holds up like the other two. I feel as if his story was rushed a little too much. I see what they were trying to do with not showing his origin, but everything else about it was just strange. It felt like he never got to go through the big struggle of Spider-Man due to everything being given to him by Tony Stark. Yes, he still had to learn how to be a better hero and deal with his mistakes, but other than that, there wasn’t much for him to learn with him basically getting spoiled. The second movie shows him without Tony, but he still used a bunch of Tony’s equipment and had Happy to guide him. The third movie is where I think he does start to really start to feel like Spider-Man with the help of the other two. They did set it up for him to be more like the comic Spider-Man at the end of that movie, thankfully. But recent leaks show that he may still be on the huge multiversal stuff in the next movie rather than street level fights. Hopefully, this isn’t the case.
Tobey Maguire
Tobey Maguire’s portrayal of Spider-Man is pretty comic accurate. He is a really good Peter Parker. He really does encapsulate the nerdiness of Peter. But his Spider-Man, though extremely courageous and a really good hero, just doesn’t give off the Spidey energy. Spider-Man normally has really funny quips that are meant to be corny on purpose. The purposeful corniness of them is what makes them funny. Tobey’s Spidey is really serious a lot. Of course, he does joke around throughout the movies, but it seems like he’s actually trying to be really funny, but they just come off as corny in a bad way. Other than that, he is a really good Spider-Man.
Andrew Garfield
This one may be really biased due to him being the Spider-Man I grew up with, but I just really like him as Spider-Man. He doesn’t give off the nerd vibes, but he does give off the loser vibes of Peter Parker. He’s really awkward and gets bullied a lot. He normally keeps to himself like Peter does in his early years. When he is Spider-Man, he is really funny. He is pretty corny but does add in some real humor to it. I love seeing him beat up villains and mess with them in the process just to annoy them. His movies weren’t written the best story wise, but he seems to me to be an amazing Spider-Man. I also think the villains in his movies are pretty cool. I feel like they were some that most may not have thought to make a movie out of, but they did, and their stories were pretty cool.
Tom is the most innovative spider man
I definitely feel that Andrew was the best spiderman. He just played the role of Peter so well.
I also agree that Tobey Maguires version gave the most spidey energy.