Inside by Bo Burnham. Pt.1

Inside is an album that came out in 2021 made by Bo Burnham. It captured the attention of many young people who were trapped in their home due to quarantine. I will be talking about the songs from it as someone who is a huge fan of all of his work!! This will only be disc 1. I’ll do the rest another time.

Bo Burnham Releases 'Inside (The Songs)' As An Album: Stream

1. Content 1:36

Content is the first song of the album where Bo speaks on being back online after disappearing for years. He starts off saying that he didn’t expect to be inside of his home all of the time. He talks about not being able to leave and being a bit depressed about it, doing little things to get back into the swing of things. “I’m sorry I was gone, but look I made you some content.”

10 Times Bo Burnham's Inside Was Absolute Perfection

2. Comedy 5:19

Bo Burnham starts this song off saying how everything is changing, and no one knows what’s happening. Everything is happening all at once. Politics and climate change are overwhelming and it’s getting harder to be a comedy in such serious times, who wants to joke at a time like this? He wants to make a change but feels like comedy isn’t something that can make a change. He says he should use his voice, but also says that white men have had the stand for at least four hundred years so maybe he should just step out of it. But no! Bo wants to help without standing on the sidelines, even though he really knows he can’t. “Should I be joking at a time like this?”

Here’s a look at every song in Bo Burnham: Inside • Flixist

3. Facetime with my mom (tonight) 2:20

In this song Bo starts by saying he’s dropping everything to FaceTime his mom. He speaks about their conversations and dynamic. His mom is clearly an older woman who enjoys The Blacklist. He speaks about the odd relationship between him and his dad, the two barely talk with one another. His mother covers the camera with his thumb and Bo gets frustrated, we see him literally yelling at the phone. We never see his mom or dad. “I’ll waste my time facetiming with my mom.”

Bo Burnham: 12 Best Songs in Netflix's Inside

4. How the world works 4:15

This song takes the view of a show that is clearly meant for the children. He speaks about how the world works and that it can only work when everything works together. He speaks of thing in a very childish way, speaking about animals mostly and how they all give and get what they need. He then pulls out a sock puppet named “Socko”. The sock is more realistic than Bo, the way he speaks of things is devastating. Bo asks, “What can I do to help?” Socko tells him to educate himself and Bo makes a statement saying that he’s the one in control here. Socko argues against this but is almost pulled off of Bo’s hand. He begs to not go back to where it is he is when he’s not on his hand which is a state between not being dead, but not alive either. They end the song normally, but Socko gets taken off his hand anyway. “Remember who’s on whose hand here.”

10 Best Performances In Bo Burnham: Inside

5. White Woman’s Instagram 4:00

In this song Bo talks about just what the title is! In the song he names out very simple things. An open window, a novel, and avocado. Nothing that we all haven’t seen on Instagram before! The song is mostly repetitive, but in the video, we see Bo doing many poses of pictures I know I’ve seen on there before. At the end it gets a bit sad, speaking of the prospective from this woman. Apparently, both of her parents have passed. A lot of people think that it’s Bo’s actually story. I’m not very sure the condition his parents are in, but Bo made a bunch of jokes in the past about his parents being deceased. “Is this heaven? Or is it a white woman’s Instagram.”

10 Best Performances In Bo Burnham: Inside | ScreenRant


6. Unpaid Intern 0:34

In this extremely short song Bo sings about being an unpaid intern, running around and not having any time for yourself at all. Questioning how most of the people there can even work there, but who cares? You’re just an intern. “I’m an unpaid intern.”

Unpaid Intern- Who's in the glasses?! : boburnham

7. Bezos 1:58

This is one of out the five Bezos song Bo Burnham made and I’d say it’s the most the popular one. He tells us that Jeff is an entrepreneur, and he was born 1964. He’s above them all! Zuckerburg and Gates and Buffet can suck it, he says! Also has a crazy piano riff. “C’mon Jeffery, you can do it.”

10 Best Performances In Bo Burnham: Inside

9. Look who’s inside again 1:23

It might seem like it, but this isn’t the most popular songs! Almost everyone has heard this title before, but it actually comes up in a latter song, singing the part we all know and love. Bo talks about how it is to be funny while being stuck in his home. How hard it is to make a joke and feel funny without an audience in front of you. “Trying to be funny and stuck in a room.”

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10. Problematic 3:13

So, before Bo Burnham disappeared from the internet, he had a bit of controversy attached to his name. During the times of 2020 we had people using their voices for things no one really needed it for, a lot of people who didn’t even have the authority to cancel him did try to! It didn’t go too far after those two years. He speaks about how times are changing. Is anyone gonna hold him accountable? He talks about the awful jokes he made when he was younger, but he isn’t using his age as an excuse. He did those things, but he does regret them. He ends the song saying sorry over and over “Isn’t anybody gonna hold me accountable?”

See the source image

11. 30 2:34

In this song Bo talks about how he just turned thirty. We his birthday pass as we watch him make this series. He talks about how he got used to being so young, but now he’s thirty. He also speaks on how his granddad did so much at the age of 30 and he’s not doing anything, and everyone is having children except him. “Now I’m turning thirty.” (Not putting a picture. He was half naked for like most of this album, man.)

Author: Kierstyn Warner

I grew up in Natchez, Ms. Writing is my biggest outlet, and I enjoy writing short stories. :)

5 thoughts on “Inside by Bo Burnham. Pt.1”

  1. This took me BACK. When I was younger, I was obsessed with Bo Burnham and I geeked over the Inside album when it came out. I haven’t thought about it in so long though so this definitely brought back some memories.

  2. i love Bo. my dad loves comedy and i bonded with him through our shared appreciation for bo, john mulaney, and george carlin lol. inside genuinly made me sob the first time i watched it (with my parents might i add) and i still cry thinking about some of the songs. i love all of his work so much

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