II Different Voices of MSA

Welcome back to this weeks edition of The Different Voices of MSA. This week I talked to my friend Taylor Herron about her art discipline.

“So Taylor what is your art discipline?”

“My art discipline is visual arts”

“How long have you been practicing visual art?”

“I have been drawing since pre-k, my main thing has always been people, so I thought that the best thing for me to do is to come to an art school to show off my talent.”

“If you had to choose another art discipline which one w0uld you choose?”

“I’d choose literary because I always write poems and short stories in my free time”

“What is your favorite style of art”

“Realism, or comic book style art work.”

“Who is your favorite artist?”

“All of them.”

And lastly “How did you find out about MSA?”

“I found out about MSA in middle school through my mom, and now here I am”

That’s all for this week! A special thanks to Taylor for allowing me to interview her.

Author: Simone Smith

hi my name is simone (she/her) and i am apart of the '23 literary class! some of my favorite styles of writing are short fiction and poetry. things that i enjoy are naruto, hello kitty, and nicki minaj<3

One thought on “II Different Voices of MSA”

  1. As always, your blog this week was really interesting! I love reading them and seeing how people of different disciplines feel about MSA and their own discipline! Keep up the good work!

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