
Recently, I found two of my closest friends to be insecure. Like, very insecure. I understand, but I don’t at the same time. If I’m  being honest, my mind was absolutely blown because of how insecure they were. I can’t really grasp it. Well, I do understand because I used to be insecure. I still AM insecure, but it’s not as bad. It’s really hard to explain without coming off as bigheaded of judgmental, but I promise I’m not judging.

I grew up insecure, at a really young age. I didn’t know there was such thing as fat or ugly of too much fair on a face until someone I loved said those things about herself. I think it’s really important that adults are mindful of what they say around a developing brain. My insecurities began in the 2nd grade and ended around in the 9th. That’s SEVEN years of caring what other people think, putting that negativity back out in the universe, and being miserable.

I thought that because I grew out of it, everyone else did too, but that isn’t the case. We were sitting around in a circle, making jokes, having a good time, when we looked to our friend and said, “take your mask off bro, let’s see what you look like”. He refused. We kept bugging him, and I could tell he was hurting on the inside. He tried to play it off cool but I’m psychic and could tell he was really dying in his head. I looked at them and told them they were beautiful. Who cares if we laugh, and that you can’t care what other people think. They put their hand on their head and started to cry. So many emotions flowed through my body. I told them it was okay to cry, and tried to be the best friend I could be.  

A lot of things began to make sense in that moment. We as a whole HAVE GOT TO have more compassion for people. To be more kind. To be mindful in everything we say and do. It’s so important. Love is the frequency.

I’m going to tell you a secret, a special secret that you can tell anyone who needs to hear it. If someone is mean to you– calls you ugly, fat, stinky– anything negative, it’s because they feel that way about themselves. They were put under a spell that made them believe it.

You have to stop and make a hard decision. You have to turn to them and love them. They need it. When others are put under spells, they try to put others under them, but you have to be aware of this so you can protect yourself and play wizard to break them from their spell. It’s okay. It’s no one’s fault, and with love in your heart, and kindness in your mind, you can break many spells you magic wizard! You might even be under a spell right now. WELL, LET IT GO. FREE YOURSELF. It’s so easy to be nice to yourself, and so simple.

YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL. LIKE, LITERALLY, HOW CAN ANYONE BE UGLY?WHAT EVEN IS UGLY? PLEASE TELL ME BECAUSE THERE IS NO SUCH THING. Every single day, you’d better look in a mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful, worthy of love, worthy of good things coming to you. BE YOUR OWN HYPE MAN. Because you breathe life, you flow with emotions, you laugh, your eyes gleam when you talk passionately. YOU are so beautiful. Self-love always starts with how you talk to yourself. It’s so easy to talk nicely to yourself, so do it, baby! Do something nice for yourself. You can do it. I believe in you.

If you recognize shared traits in another person, be nice to them and love them. It’s so easy. The world would be so much more prettier. This is YOUR world. Who are they? You feel me? Look up some affirmations or call SZA’s hotline. Repeat them to yourself and really feel them. Feel those nice words you’re saying to yourself. Believe them. You deserve it. Love yourself because there’s literally enough hate in this world already. 

Some affirmations:                                                 SZA’s hotline: 

I am worthy of good things.                                888-808-0CRY                   

I am beautiful. 

My love is kind. 

The universe works for me. 

I see my judgmental thoughts, I understand their root, and I release them. 

I release all things that do not serve me. 

I am thankful for everything I have received. 

I am growing. 

I have the strength to face my traumas. 

I attract good vibes. 

Love yourself for you, you deserve it. Take days do hair and face mask, a new makeup look, take some hot pictures, tap into your divine femininity. YOU DESERVE IT. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. It’s a hard process sometimes but the more you put action in the better things will get. Be gentle to your mind and yourself. You got this bro. 

2 thoughts on “Self-Love”

  1. wow. Just woww. This was so powerful, especially as I’m on this whole self-love journey now, and I really benefited from this. Emma this was so phenomenal! Not to be weird but I’m gonna bookmark this for when I need it because it’s something I need to remind myself, and just like you mentioned a lot of us do.. thank you 🙂

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