to those who feel like giving up…

You, yes you, I know you. We are very similar, my friend. Though, we are not the same, I’m sure. You may be into writing, like me. You may be into drawing. You may even be into singing. Whatever it is, I know how you treat what is closest to your heart. In it’s rawest form you criticize it from every angle. You beat it down, until it seems like the most worthless thing in the world. And you question yourself, dear. Everyday.

Is This Good Enough?

                                          Am I Good Enough?

I understand. I know how you’re feeling. In the clouds of black smoke you can’t seem a slither of light. You can’t find anything good about what you do. Not one thing. It makes you wonder why you even try. Why give it a shot? Surely, you don’t have a chance. Who cares about your passions, your aspirations, the vision you need to show the world, when it’s just ‘trash’. 

Please, understand that I have stood in the fragile state that you are in. Teetering back and forth. Wondering if the audience will applaud or throw tomatoes. Hoping that they will applaud because you wore a white shirt today. Knowing that you wore a white shirt today, and don’t want it to be stained forever.

Well, I have news. You might fail. Shoot, you might get miserably boo’d. But don’t let those stains sink into your skin. Don’t let them turn your heart black, your passions into a sea of nothingness. 

You deserve better.

Think, think about why you did this in the first place. Go back to the moment where doing that thing was breathing to you. You had to show the world your vision, your voice. You’re not done yet, love. You still have more of your vision to give them. You still have more of an impact to make. Who cares about other people’s opinions when this is your purpose. Don’t be ashamed, and keep on, keep on, keep on. 

Never give in, Never give up.

Finally, give yourself some credit. You have already come so far now. Don’t let the past consume you. Look into your heart, and find your true passions again. Stop tearing yourself apart looking for what the public wants to see. Find respect in who you are now. Now breathe, and keep moving forward.

(Hello loves! Portfolios are due Feb. 1st for MSA. I wish the best of luck +love to you all. It is a stressful time, but don’t discredit yourself. You may be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. Believe in your abilities!)

Maple 😉


Author: Maple

Maple(hold the syrup) is a wild creature from beyond. He likes connecting with others, and having philosophical conversations, while also laughing a ton. He adores nature in general, and cannot breathe if he's not in it once a day. He dreams of owning a plant shop with a corgi, and a brewery on the side. He also wants to major in psychology, and, of course, write.

2 thoughts on “to those who feel like giving up…”

  1. This post has so much relevance, so I appreciate you creating it. When living in a community of artists, you notice exactly how vulnerable art is in its earlier stages. Becoming discouraged and fearful is not uncommon, and I experience such feelings myself. Thank you for this very relatable and inspirational post, and I also commend you for mentioning applications for MSA. I had a horrible experience when gathering together my portfolio last year, and reading this would have given me more confidence. Thanks for the lovely blogs. (:

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