text messages i’ve received and sent/questions i’d like to, answers id like to hear

Something I find infinitely inch resting, is that everyone has their own text messages on their own phone, and nobody’s is alike. Like the one’s on my phone aren’t the same on your phone, unless we are texting each other that it is. And even if the messages are the same or similar, they could have completely different meanings! Which just blows my mind!! And it just made me think, what was on my phone. It’s also very inch resting to see mine and other people’s texting vernacular and patterns. So,here’s a list of text messages I have on my phone. (me, other people)

is it just me or does Hamilton exude serious Sagittarius energy?

yoga looked like a cult last night

I’m gonna buy some mice from the pet store and release them into the yard so Sarah has something to do

i feel like the rapture could be happening and you’d still be there

Yeah, kill the economy by drive insurance premiums while tanking the job market. 

I’m trying to decide if I slept too long and that’s why I hurt all over OR I have the flu.

Will update

I’ll forever feel bad about what I did

anything old school Miley speaks to my soul on a spiritual level

the sky was this pinkish peach color that you talked about one time tonight on the beach and I swear to the sky above if you were a color that’s what you’d look like

only weenies cheat

He has the heart and body of a weasel

I miss you

Like in my heart

miss you too

In your heart?

in my heart

Costar is out for your blood sis

you.  got aloe?


Would my dog eat me if I died?

She wouldn’t even think about it. She would lay beside you and wait for you to get up, and when you don’t she would paw at the door until someone notices. When they do, she’ll lay where you once were, and wait. Wait forever. 

How do I keep my tulip from dying?

Love it with everything. Water it gently, turn it towards the sun, and play soft music for it. Talk about your day, tell it how your’re feeling. Give it a name. Maybe something like Lily or Delilah. Make it your best friend. Comfort the tulip and let it comfort you.  Doing these things, it will never die on you. 

Is it certain that the people you love most will stay in your life?

Even if they leave for a while, they are always set to return.

What comes after death?

Whatever you believe is going to happen. If  you manifest it, then it will be true. The afterlife is what you make it. 

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Sometimes, the bad situation makes them a better person in the end. They learn and grow and then emerge the other side stronger. 

I saw a doe get hit by a car last week, and on the bank of the road I could see her babies. What is going to happen to them?

They will become apart of one of those viral stories where a dog, most likely a golden retriever, adopts them, and raises them as one of her own. Then when they’re fully grown, they will venture out, but always coming back to their golden. 

Will those fawns be hit by cars too?

Of course not. They’ve learned to not cross roads. 

Are you telling the truth or are you saying what I want to hear?

I would never lie to you. 

Author: Emerson Hultman

Not gonna lie, there isn't too much to know about me. The way to my heart is Diet Coke and 2008 bops, I love writing and photography, and I will stop every time I see a dog on the street. I would say that's about it?

2 thoughts on “text messages i’ve received and sent/questions i’d like to, answers id like to hear”

  1. i love how deep this gets. Meanwhile im over here sending texts like “dont not forget nothing thats not anything.”

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