Day 78- Well, I found something alright just nothing to do remotely with a cure. I can tell you though Macy was lying to the whole crew about her rare food illnesses which made her throw up every day. Her “rare” illness was Rob’s baby which is a lot to unpack and why she would write about her work affair details in a work computers file baffles me. I honestly could care less about what they were up to now. I’m just pissed that I learned what goes down while I’m sleeping and that I’m no step closer to finding this dumb cure.
Day 80- I finally found an entry that didn’t look like a middle schooler’s attempt at writing work safe contraband! It seems like I need to mix two different compounds together to subdue the radiations affects. The only problem is this has only been performed on inanimate objects. I’ve seen Macy pour these “cures” over things ranging from dolls to spoons. During all these tests the objects start to bend and contort I can’t imagine my friend moving in those ungodly ways and let alone the agony it would put them through. I have decided I will go out and collect more samples. I feel bad but I need to find something infected with radiation and living I think wildlife is the safest choice for now.
Day 80- Do you know how damn hard it is to catch a squirrel? Well, the answer is very it is very hard especially one that is mutated with radiation I swear it made it faster than a normal one. Today though I caught three which I hope are enough for the tests I’m going to have to carry out. I feel awful harming these animals but honestly, I’m sure maybe curing them is a better shot than the pain they are currently in. Half of them look more like naked mole rats than squirrels from all the poisoning they have in their system currently. Honestly, I’m sure maybe curing them is a better shot than the pain they are currently in. Half of them look more like naked mole rats than squirrels from all the poisoning they have in their system currently. Tonight, though I’ll let them rest I’m sure they are terrified of me already based on how bad I was at capturing them and how much I was cussing while doing so.
Day 82- Ok so the first trial did not go as planned I tried to give the squirrel some medicine to calm it down since the little guy was shaking and foaming at the mouth. Instead, though it seemed to do the exact opposite, and he started growling? I didn’t know squirrels could do that or make such noises, but it scared me, and I promptly put Fred back in his cage!
I love this omgee!! I always look forward to this during blogs. Also, relook at day 80! It looks like you repeated a sentence there.