Let’s Talk New Year’s Resolutions

Like most people, I am not one to stick to my New Year’s resolutions. I have a lot of difficulty keeping up with lists of goals no matter the occasion. Like, I can make a grocery list and still not be able to complete it. 

Last year, I made some New Year’s resolutions. Honestly, there were some good ones in there. I wanted to lose weight, read 10 books, publish some works, keep my room clean and work out. But the only resolution I achieved was getting accepted into MSA.

Clearly, change starts with me.

So this year, I will actually try to reach my goals. I’ve made some broader resolutions for 2025 and I’ve cut myself a lot of slack. I’ve also written it in a style that is more personal to me so maybe it’ll actually get through this thick skull.

The first resolution I made was “be yourself” in all caps followed by an explicit. This is obviously my number one goal. Last year, I noticed that I tend to hide my own personality, afraid that other people won’t like me for who I really am. But the thing is, I do it unintentionally. When I’m around people that don’t make me feel true to myself, I change my personality and unconsciously gaslight myself into thinking that’s the real me. So I honestly don’t know who Steph is but I’m working on that, trust me.

That resolution actually had a little more context to it. I wrote, “don’t snuff out your own light to be mysterious for the guys you like, if they don’t like you for your true self, they won’t like you ever,” and I think that’s beautiful. I really need to listen to myself more often because I can give pretty good advice (I think). Maybe I should be a therapist. Right now I think I should be my own therapist, though.

Another resolution I made was to keep my room clean again. I swear this time will be different because MSA has made me a cleaner and more organized person. I will admit I trashed my bedroom when I first got home for Christmas Break but I left it sparkling! I can’t wait to go home.

I also have a resolution that says “go to church.” I think it’s pretty simple. This resolution comes from a flaw of mine where I want to go to church until I’m waking up and trying to get out of bed for it. It also comes from a goal on my bucket list where I want to attend a church service from every branch of Christianity. I’ve already got Baptist, Episcopal, and Catholic checked off my list. I think that’s pretty impressive for me.

Those were all of my New Year’s resolutions for 2025. Of course, I’ve got some that I’m not willing to share and I’ve probably got some more that I’m planning on adding. I’m really curious about everyone else’s resolutions if they have any, I know some people like to break their goals up by the month or week. I spent New Year’s day in my room on my Nintendo Switch watching the Animal Crossing: New Horizons countdown. I’ve watched it with my best friend the past 3 years but it was just me and my villagers this year.

I wish everyone a Happy New Year (even though I’m a little late) and I also wish myself a Happy New Year because I need it.

Author: Steph Hartmann


4 thoughts on “Let’s Talk New Year’s Resolutions”

  1. I love this so much. This has actually been the first year I give myself a resolution and mine is to be true to my feelings. I want to be better at letting people know how I feel and not sugarcoating my feelings to please someone else!

  2. I haven’t made resolutions in years, but this post made me genuinely want to, and I can attest, that is an amazing feat. I’ve seen you grow so much in the few months I’ve known you, and what I see is absolutely star-striking. Your personality is so refreshing and I can’t wait for the day that it shines in its full glory.

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