My Pre-Immigrant Memories

Whenever I meet new people, one thing I love to mention is the fact that I was born in Indonesia. Sometimes I feel like it’s my only defining trait. Even if it’s the only thing people remember me by, at least it’s unique. I mean, I’m proud of where I come from… I think. It definitely wasn’t my favorite time in my life, but I was also 4 so I wouldn’t even know. I moved to America in April of 2014, which was over 10 years ago now (that’s INSANE to me) and because I was so young, I barely remember it. 

I’m always asked, “What do you remember about Indonesia?” and I usually answer, “Not much!” But that stupid question always kickstarts the rusty little cobweb-covered gears in my brain to start remembering the foggiest time of my life.

One of my favorite memories of my life before America was playing online games with my dad. I’ve mentioned it before in my other blogs but not in detail. I’ve also already mentioned the fact that my dad gave me my first laptop at 4 years old. I still can’t tell if that was a good or bad parenting move.

For those of you that didn’t experience the most magical form of childhood joy, Pixie Hollow Online was Disney’s Tinkerbell MMO thing. Key word “was” because it shut down in 2013 and I was there! I remember logging on and waiting for my computer to crash or something. I don’t remember many details, just a blurry feeling of sadness as my favorite fairy game was ripped away from my little 5 year old hands. I’ll never forgive Disney for that…

I remember one time I was redecorating my house, and I’m sure it looked great because 5 year old me must’ve had amazing interior design skills. I don’t remember what the house looked like, but I do remember having a trash can made of leaves and my dad did the little sitting emote on it and told me he was “using the bathroom” in my trash can. I remember getting so mad because obviously it was for trash! Sorry if that detail was weird, it’s the only thing I actually remember about playing that game. Clearly, you can see who I get my potty humor from…

While I was doing research to see if my brain was lying to me or not, I found a Pixie Hollow blog post from the exact day Pixie Hollow shut down and it is so funny and also so sad. I’ll share it HERE!!! if anyone is curious about what happened in my little fairy world.

Watching all the Tinkerbell movies and playing Pixie Hollow unsurprisingly led me to believe in fairies. Like seriously. Until I was 10. I moved to America when I was 6 so I don’t know what on Earth was keeping my fairy beliefs up for 4 more years but it needs to come back. Anyway, the sweetest memory I have from Indonesia is going outside with my dad and placing doll-sized chairs and tables and coming back the next day to find glitter sprinkled all over it. My dad would wake me up and tell me, “The fairies came last night!” and I would run out to go see the “pixie dust” and that was the only kind of running I ever did as a kid.

Also, I did not believe in Santa Clause – I believed in Christmas fairies. I loved Legos as a kid, and I remember one Christmas where I woke up to glitter all over my (unwrapped) presents and found a little red fire truck Lego set. While I was building it, I was eating watermelon in one hand and playing in the piles of glitter with another hand and my dad mistakenly thought I was eating the glitter. 


I have so many little memories that stand alone without any leading moments. I wish I remembered more but it’s physically impossible for me to. Like this one ad on YouTube that I would watch multiple times a night for a few weeks where it was some sort of dollhouse with a waterslide. It wasn’t for Barbies, it was for little toys and I don’t even remember if they were little humans or animals. I think about it a lot, though.


As a preschool aged child on the internet, I loved My Little Pony. I’m still a fan, I have a bunch of MLP stickers all over my water bottle (thanks Richie!). A memory that honestly haunts me probably sits somewhere on a digital camera’s SD card somewhere. So I watched a lot of skits made with MLP toys. And guess who had a bunch of MLP toys…

Inspired by all of the skits I watched, I decided I wanted to make a video. So I set up my dad’s digital camera in between me and 2 of my MLP toys and I made AppleJack (and whoever the other one was) talk! Except they weren’t talking… Because for some reason I thought the camera would hear my thoughts. So I was humming. Like talking in my head. Apparently a little too loud because my dad interrupted my (totally amazing) video to ask me what I was doing.

I remember watching the video back and being so disappointed that the camera didn’t pick up the words I was saying… in my head. Now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure that’s what I did every time I played with any of my toys. I probably hummed so loudly because I didn’t know what kind of conversation my toys would have because I didn’t know many words.


Now back to shorter memories once again, my dad worked a lot so I had a lot of babysitters. One time, it was a hot sunny day (like most were in Indonesia) and I was sitting on my bed with the babysitter doing something I don’t remember. And then I saw a big, fat rat come out of our shower drain and run around the room until my babysitter hit it with a broom. That’s all I remember. Now I don’t know if the rat was super big because Indonesia had crazy big rats or because I was a tiny 4 year old, either way it was huge.


I’ve mentioned the fact that I grew up living in a motel in Indonesia before. I think the only reason we were able to stay so long was because my dad was friends with the motel owner. This motel was built on a huge hill that had a little concrete balcony connected to the parking lot. They had potted ferns with the kinds that curl up when you touch them so every morning I would go outside to harass the ferns because I thought it was so cool. I’m still looking for those kinds of ferns by the way, I want to have one and touch the leaves every morning. That would be a nice full circle moment.

Anyway, one day I was running up (or down) the huge slope of the driveway, and I fell. I rarely did anything active so I rarely got hurt, but this one was bad. (This is super gross so skip to the next paragraph if you’re easily grossed out!) Somehow, I scraped almost all of the skin off of my elbow. Like gone. I get so uncomfortable thinking about it now. 

To my knowledge, I don’t have a scar to prove it but I remember my dad making me wear an arm sling that used to belong to him. Actually, when I was looking through my paperwork to apply to MSA, I found a picture of him wearing that exact sling!


It was fun to finally write down all of these memories that might fade out as I get older. Spending so much time thinking about the past made me really sad. When my dad found videos of me playing with my toys and putting my stuffed animals to sleep, I cried so hard. At this point, I was like 10. I don’t even know why I started crying, but if he found those videos again I would probably cry even harder.

I miss being a little kid, and that’s so strange to say. I have so much now and I have so much ahead of me, but I can’t help but miss the past so much. Honestly, my life was probably worse back then but I just want to go back. Writing this blog made me realize how often my dad was in my favorite memories. I miss him, which is something I haven’t said since I was a kid going off to elementary school for the first time.

Sometimes I get these visions of my childhood, like I knew that moment wouldn’t last forever so I decided to remember it until I was 16 and writing about the few memories I have from Indonesia. Watching memories of my childhood is like watching short clips of a TV show that grows more static as time goes on. Something that’s just slightly out of my reach now, but it’s slipping away more and more as the years go on. I don’t want to grow up, but I can’t do anything about it now. I think I should text my dad.

Author: Steph Hartmann


4 thoughts on “My Pre-Immigrant Memories”

  1. I loved the way you wrote this. From the imagery of the cobwebs and gears to the motel on a hill, I felt all the emotions in this small narrative. You write memories so well!

  2. I love hearing/reading about other people’s memories as a child. The way you write them is like I’m watching a show of this kid growing up and it’s heartwarming. It is comforting to know that I’m not the only one who thought fairies were real.

  3. Oh this is so sweet. I was giggling at your little memories, I love thinking back on those moments on that. My dad was also my favorite person in my memories. I miss those younger years<3

  4. This was written so well I felt like I was experiencing everything alongside you! Also, my mom tried to get me to believe in fairies too I ended up only believing in one and I was terrified of them. (the tooth fairy)

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