What the Clue?

After a short intermission, we’re back to the regularly scheduled program of ruining your childhood television shows and movies. In this installment we will discuss the TV show Blue’s Clues. 

If you have not seen this TV show (how in the world have you not?), here is a brief explanation of it for you: Blue is a dog that loves to leave clues around the house for her owner, Steve, for what she wants to do that day or what she is feeling. There are talking inanimate objects in the show, like other kid’s shows. Steve writes all of these clues in his “handy dandy notebook” as the objects around the home help him figure out what Blue is hinting at. This goes on for around the entirety of the 30-minute episode as Blue puts a blue paw print on an object in the house or in the front/backyard to hint towards what she wants or is feeling. Around halfway through the episode, our adventure is interrupted by the mailbox flying into the house to deliver a letter. Steve sings the “we just got a letter” song and opens the message. We are greeted by children somewhere in the world who ask Steve an educational question. He usually answers it in 2 minutes, and we go back to our scavenger hunt.

One thing that I have learned from this show is to not tell someone what you want up front, to string them along with clues and make them figure it out themselves. Or at least that’s what Blue does throughout the entire series. She makes Steve and the other characters involved speculate what she actually wants instead of voicing it. If the inanimate objects like the salt and pepper shakers can talk, so can the neon blue dog.

Another thing that didn’t sit well with me was the mailbox… how in the world did he get into Steve’s house every episode with a letter from children, does he go in through the door or window? How did the children have Steve’s address? Why are these kids mailing a grown man a letter? There are so many questions I have that could lead into categories that might get out of hand.

Another question I have is, why does Steve own so many child-like things. A pail and shovel for his backyard, a tire swing in the front? It just concerns me considering that he is a full-grown man. Maybe a family owned the house before and that explains the swing, but not the toys.

Also, why doesn’t Steve have a job? He spends every day figuring out what his dog wants and talking to inanimate objects instead of being a regular adult. Why does he make conversation with his dog, spices, soap, shovel, bucket, ducks, mailbox, and other objects every single day? How has no one questioned this man’s mental state or even had him evaluated? He’s at least in his mid-twenties and all he does is sit at home and talk to objects. Anyone know if Steve is actually ok?

Author: Katelynn Kennedy

Hey there! My name is Katelynn (she /her), but I have many nicknames so call me whatever you see fit. I enjoy hanging out with friends, reading, writing, music, history, and other things that might correlate to that. I am all over the place even in my own brain so that might be seen throughout my posts. I hope someday to be a lawyer, but I also want to be a published author.

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