DC Comics Absolute Series

Good morning or evening Ladies and Gentlemen today I’m going to be talking about the upcoming comic book series Absolute Dc where they reconned all the characters in the original series but unfortunately this won’t be cannon to the original marvel universe.   

1. Absolute Batman.

Okie dokie since there isn’t a lot of information about him, I can’t go into a lot of details about him, but I can tell you what I do know. Compared to the original universe where he is stinking rich in this one his is dirt poor and works as a city engineer. he is 6ft but in his costume he is 7ft tall (I’m not Tryna fights this monster)

this batman does whatever it takes to clean up Gotham going through things that the original only even though of that’s why Alfred in this universe is his sniper is whereas in the original he is his adoptive father.

very brutal very efficient very demure

2. Absolute Wonder Woman 

so, in this universe wonder woman is still an amazon warrior but she dosen’t come from paradise island instead she is raised by witches in hell which may not infer that she has magic that we won’t find out until the comic comes out. 

at least she still as her sword though it’s quite big now. 

Absolute Superman 

So Again, not a lot of information surrounding this character but what we do know is that he will not have any morality. I know sounds like a certain someone  

in the absolute universe he won’t have the Kents with him at all, so we don’t know if that he won’t have parents at all or just bad parents in general. Now I got to be honest I’ve never been a fan of superman, but I can understand why people like him since he is basically like the allmight of dc but I’m not going to lie. 

He looks cold I he might just replace Kyle Rainer as my fourth favorite in dc.\

Expectations: I have very high expectations for this, and I know a lot of comic book fans do as well and with the support everyone’s giving the creator I’m sure it will be a hit. 

Dislikes:  I’m sorry but this is just a pet peeve of mine. 

WHY IS HE BLOND. Hear me when i say this no hate to the blondies out there I love y’all, but batman is not blond it ruins his entire aesthetics and a Frenchie… really his son had a German Shepard this one should at least have a bulldog.

Author: Quentin McClinton

I'm Quentin but you can call me Que I love fantasy and fiction books because magic and everything like it is so cool. My goals are to become a chemist and make a variety of things like medicine and ~chemicals. I also aspire to be an Author so i can spread the love of magic and fighting through my books. I absolutely love Manga, DC, Mahawa, and tv shows can't wait to figure out what the One piece is.

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