Hello everyone and welcome back to my LAST blog of the year. I’m not one to get all sentimental and stuff but I am truly gonna miss everyone, especially my literary class (worth counts). So I figured I would do a little quote book of all the literary moments to celebrate the ending of this chapter! Keep in mind that none of these are serious and are all in good fun. Enjoy.
- “I will cut off your toes” -me
- “Do you wanna get throat-punched?” – me
- “What would you do if I started yodeling right now?” – adele
- “I have to walk my fish.” -Simone
- “We have Victoria’s Secret, Spencer’s, and Church.” -anonymous
- “I love throwing radiators into the ocean” -Joesph
- “Is that carbonated pee?” -Leo
- “Not my womp womp privlegdges!” -me
- “Ka-chow!” – Leo
- “You can pay me five dollars to find out why I was obsessed with the word Kachow.” -Adele
- “…” -Jordan
- “Can MSA neuter me?” -Leo
- “A long time ago some white guy called the sky daddy and that’s why we have Tuesday. I may be having a stroke.” – Worth
- “Which one of ya’ll got bionic fingers?” -Adele
- “What would you say is the central THEME?!” – Worth
- “Back in my pants, it goes.” -me
- “I’ll have mistki in one ear and murder in the other.” -me
- “I want a kid and a kidney.” – Emma
- “It’s the withdrawals!” – me
- “One day you’ll just disappear.” -also me
- “I’ll believe in God if we don’t do anything today.” -Leo
- “Oh no! Our Barbie! he’s melting!” -adele
- “Mentally I am Italian.” -Emma
- “Handing her the divorce papers on Tuesday.” -Simone
- “Tuesday’s at 3:30 my neck gets creaky.” -Emma
- “you were born with the frat flu” -Emma
- “It was direct toe to toe contact!” – Elliot
- “Welcome H-E double hockey sticks!” – Joseph
That’s it, guys. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer and has lots of relaxation time because you’ve all worked so hard this year. I love you guys! Goodbye… for now >:)
Oh- and enjoy this little collage I made.