Happy New Decade

Have you given up on life at this point in your life? Don’t worry, I have too.

That wasn’t a good way to start this semester….

 Happy New Year! We’ve entered a new decade, and maybe we’ll see some change. However, it’s okay to not change, but you can strive for improvement! Small steps is the best way to accomplish things. For instance, it is currently 1:40 A.M., and I am working on this blog post. After I finish this, I plan to work on my passion project, but if I’m too tired, I might try to go to sleep. Yes, this does sound like a bad habit, but when compared to the fact that I have done almost nothing this whole weekend, that sounds like improvement to me. 

The moral? Improvement is a relative term that you can bend to whatever you want it to mean. Don’t strive for perfection; just try to do a little better than last time. Now, being the cheesy person that I am, I thought that I should include some quotes that I actually connected with somewhat. For those that don’t know, I don’t relate or associate myself with quotes very often, so looking for senior quotes was a trip.

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” — J.P. Morgan

The words are self-explanatory, but I feel like I have to be told to do some things. My first step this year/decade is acceptance. I will accept that staying up until unreasonable hours of the night is not good at all. I also accept that there’s a very small chance that I will go where I want to for college, and that I probably won’t land my “dream” job. And at this point, that’s okay. Instead, I will make moves to become a better student. I have spent this whole year procrastinating, halfheartedly doing my work, and distracting myself at any time I could. This decade will be my time for becoming a better version of myself. I want to come to peace with myself in terms of everything: romantically, socially, mentally, academically. None of this will happen within a week, month, or year. It’s gonna take time, but I think I owe it to myself to take some time for myself. Basically, I don’t want to be stuck in a rut where I constantly question myself, and I need to stop while I’m not too far behind. That’s what the quote means to me.

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” — Brad Paisley

This particular quote will actually inspire a possible passion project if Mrs. Sibley would approve of me switching out another project. We’re all literaries, minus Blake but he’s an honorary literary. Writing is more than a hobby for us. If we compare our lives to a piece of writing, what would it say about you? My book wouldn’t even be a bestseller, but that’s okay. At least I know my closest friends would buy a copy, or maybe they’d share one book and lend it out on certain days. However, I plan to change that. I want my book mean something, and if I need to alter something about myself, then guess what I’m doing?

“What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t even happened yet.” — Anne Frank

As my idol of sorts wrote, we don’t know what the future is bringing to us. At most, we know we’re graduating, but that’s it. This year, one of us could meet the love of our life. Another could get their dream job. Someone could adopt a pet and love it to pieces. The point is that we don’t know what’s in store for us, and it’s a beautiful thing. Mystery can be great, but that depends on your outlook of life. I think we should live every day focusing on the positive of that day. Give whatever bad moment you encountered a thought, but discard it for the rest of the day. Unless it’s something extremely sensitive.

“We are the authors of our destinies.” ― Nike Campbell-Fatoki

Again, we’re literaries. A good part of our lives revolve around writing. Well, it does at this school. It’s up to us how our life will turn out. Sure, bad decisions can’t be avoided, but even then, that depends on the angle you look at it from. The only thing we can do is take control and rewrite whatever was already written for us.

And so, as of 3:15 A.M., I will begin improving upon myself for the rest of this decade. I encourage those who read this post to do the same. Happy New Decade, literaries. Here’s a great spring semester, and seniors, we’re so close to the end. Hang in there because in 140 days, we’ll officially be done with high school. Then it’s on to the next stage of our lives.


Author: Morgan Crosby

The girl from D'Iberville is a really dull girl. She locks herself up in her room, content to spend her time reading and occasionally writing. She loves to read little YA romances and sometimes finds herself with books about history. The main thing motivating her writing is her overactive imagination and the strange dreams that plague her sleep. Her works also stem from what she has heard from music, conversations, or when half asleep. Crazed killers, haunted mirrors, and murderous siblings seem to be part of her stories in some way, but they always start off in her dreams. She started writing when she was in middle school, but had been telling stories since she was little.