September (In a Few Words)

Well, hello. The month has officially drawn to a close, so this will serve as my September synopsis. Good luck surviving this post. Enjoy. (:

When August bled into September, no evidence of change presented itself. But September did, however, surprise me.

I remember August, and I remember first moving to MSA. A lot has changed since then. For starters, everything seemed so unfamiliar and daunting. I had a hundred ignorant questions, and I let stress consume me. Not only that, but I realized just how much my creativity had died. If you have never felt this way, let me clarify by saying that it was absolutely awful. Everything had become so mundane, and what was left of my shriveled creativity eluded me.

September started off relatively uncertain. I knew that I had experienced growth since the start of the school year, but I did not know the exact amount. But as the month progressed, everything changed. I could actually see the growth in vivid detail, and that astounded me. My first week here can only be described as  a mess of clumsiness, held together with duct tape and a fear of the unknown. Although the unknown does not necessarily terrify me, I do not find ignorance particularly pleasant, and I definitely felt like a blubbering idiot.

Anyway, yes, I kind of slipped into an odd routine, and I found the prospect of September dull. But this month actually surpassed August. I will say that a lot of unexpected variables elbowed their way in, but they ended up being not too bad. This month, my room has not caused me any problems, so I find that pretty awesome. And although I have the entire space to myself now, it does not bother me. I have brought a few plants, and they never fail to be great company. I would also like to add that the stress has become reduced. Everything is tolerable right now, and I hope it remains that way because I am actually able to breathe. I have more time to spend outside since I no longer spend a heap of hours on homework, and I find walking fairly pleasant. My only disagreement, however, is with the sun and the warm weather.

All in all, during September my writing improved, my number of questions decreased, and my environment became more familiar. I also feel happier than usual. More of my personality can seep through without judgment, and this has led to an odd clash of identity. I know who I am, but I have almost forgotten this piece of myself, if that makes sense. Anyway, I look forward to whatever October holds. I only hope that the next nine weeks will be manageable, hah.

Oh, yes, a quick interruption: Do not forget to eat tacos (“tahcos”) and fries that taste like happiness. And I would also like to add that I still miss my cat terribly.

Wednesday’s Fun Fact:

Are you aware of the part of the brain that is the cerebral cortex? Well, in Latin, cerebrum translates to “brain” and cortex translates to “bark”. Basically, your cerebral cortex is brain bark.

Author: Callie Matthews

"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right." - The Book Thief

3 thoughts on “September (In a Few Words)”

  1. It was interesting to see how your experience of MSA was these last few months. I know mine was different, so it was lovely to see you describe yours. I too, have grown during these past months.

  2. You are so funny! Your humor shines through your writing so well. Ah, September felt like it was just two days ago, but now it’s October and it barely feels like we were in September. This was a nice post to close September with. Good Job!

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