How I’m Feeling

I’m in a constant state of movement. I rarely find time to just relax. To just lay down on my bed, eat a bunch of junk food, and watch Netflix. Even on the weekends, my time is occupied with school work. I mean hard and a lot of work isn’t the problem, I’m used to that part. But the part I’m not used to is the feeling of not having enough time to actually do the work. So my usual relax time is erase and my work time takes over. I mean I don’t even have the feeling of satisfaction when I finish my task because I have more assignments to do the next day.

Being here changed everything about my schedule, although I seem to believe that have a quite alright schedule work out. I have to remember to incorporate self-care in my schedule because that’s what’s important. Without self-care, your self-esteem becomes vulnerable for anyone to damage. Having strong self-esteem is the base of who you are and how other people see you. Self-love is something I’m learning and trying to incorporate into my daily routine.

For now on I’m going to revamp my schedule to add self-care into it. I’m hoping being here is helping me grow into a better self. However, I just have to remember what’s important is my mental health.



Author: Stephyne Weathersby

Lowkey trying my best.

4 thoughts on “How I’m Feeling”

  1. OMG, I feel you! It’s really hard to find to unwind, and I would like to see how you incorporate self-care into your schedule because I need tips!!

  2. It is so easy to neglect yourself while focusing on deadlines. We all need a reminder, so thank you for posting this. After all, we do not function as machines. We are only human, and we need to treat ourselves as such.

  3. Yes! I need my me time here and it just seems I can never get any. I try my absolute hardest to focus on me on the weekends no matter the work. My mental health is most important, in my opinion.

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