how i ‘survived’ msa auditions

I would like to share a little backstory on how I found out about Mississippi School of the Arts before I delve into my story. So I was with my good friend back in (about) 8th grade when we randomly searched up this school while having a sleepover. We thought it would be so cool to go there (I was mainly intrigued by the writing program), and after that I never thought about it again.

Until, 2018 when I passed by MSA on the way to see my friends play. I began asking questions, and set my mind to going there.

So here I am now at the lovely MSA-best decision of my life (and also the most wise).

But how did I get here? How was the audition process? How am I liking it now?

Well, I plan to answer all of those questions, and more that you may have in this blog post. So stay with me, okay?

I had to go online for starters (the MSA website). I frequently checked for when they would open audition applications, and I believe they opened in November?

Anyway, in December I went to experience MSA day (which you should go to if you are interested). It was such an amazing environment, and I really wanted to go there even more after that.

But first, I had to put hard work into my portfolio. Which consisted of memorizing a monologue, and doing several writing pieces (some writing styles I had not done before). There were also recommendations etc. that I had to turn in. If you did not realize it, I auditioned for both theater and literary (though writing is my passion).

I’m not going to lie to you, I did not truly start writing until January, and did not practice my monologue until the weekend before I had to do it (yes, I am a procrastinator). I got it all done though!

Then…it was audition weekend *cue horrifying scream* DUH DUH DUH! Yeah, I was kind of freaking out on the inside because you basically get one chance to audition(no pressure).

I was extremely nervous for my theater audition because I had not truly acted in a long time. I also just recently learned the monologue, as previously stated (good going).

The first audition I went to was for literary. It did not involve speaking, so I was completely fine. We were given a prompt that we had to write about in a certain time. It was not that stressful, but I had doubts that I would get into that discipline.

Then my theater audition was next(*internally screams*). Boy oh boy was I scared. I was escorted to the black box room, a timer was set, and I began(I was nervous). Then I had to switch the mood/tone of my monologue (If it was sad, do it happy this time). Then I did a cold read which wasn’t too bad. But that movement improvisation… was not good(at least to me). It’s where you, for example, walk sad then walk angry.

So basically I truly believed I bombed my auditions and my dreams of going to this school was over. My audition process was not over yet though. I still had to have an interview about basic things (just making sure you are good to be here). That part was not as stressful as I thought it would be (it was the simplest part actually).

Auditions were over, and I had no idea if I would get in or not. My mind was saying that I probably was not. But, a word of advice, do not doubt your abilities.

It was weeks after auditions on a Thursday. I was really hoping that the letter would of come in sooner. I checked the mail, and nothing was there. Disappointed, I went inside and waited for my mom to take me out to eat.

In the car she was talking about how the letter probably got lost in the mail. I thought I was just not getting accepted into MSA. I was really upset about that.

Until, we sat down in the restaurant and my mom pulled out a letter. It was the MSA letter! I was both shocked and doubtful that I would get in still. My mom’s face said that she already saw that I got in.

Here’s the video 😉

Okay, I know the video is a bit cringey, but I mean that was my raw reaction so…

To my surprise I got into both literary and theater. I was baffled, and actually cried because I was so happy. All that work paid off.

Now, I am here and I truly love this place. I have really come out of my shell(that sounds weird) since being here. I have amazing friends, and am able to write everyday- which I have been loving.

So if you are even thinking about coming here (if you are in 10th grade), I would highly encourage you to start working on what you need(check the MSA website). Follow your passions, and do not let fear drive you away from them!

If you do plan to audition, I wish you good luck and strength. It is possible. You can do it!


Author: Maple

Maple(hold the syrup) is a wild creature from beyond. He likes connecting with others, and having philosophical conversations, while also laughing a ton. He adores nature in general, and cannot breathe if he's not in it once a day. He dreams of owning a plant shop with a corgi, and a brewery on the side. He also wants to major in psychology, and, of course, write.

3 thoughts on “how i ‘survived’ msa auditions”

  1. this was so intriguing to read about and so relatable hahaha. It’s very well written and I’m so proud of you!

  2. IM IN TEARS OMGGGGAJKAKJDKHJNGREHK IANKDOINENGKA. This so pure and precious like omg my heart is so warm.

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