Spring break is next week, and honestly, I’m so ready. I really just want to use the week to recharge, and I already have some plans for it. I was talking to my best friend, Jennifer, earlier, and I told her one of my little projects for this break was a quote board. I’m gonna take different quotes that I really enjoy and just paste them all together with some pictures and such. Her response was “Oooh how Pinteresty,” but we’re gonna work on it together. My other project is a present for her. My dad just told me Sunday night that I am going to be working concessions at his powerlifting meet. That’s honestly one of my favorite things to do because I just like working concessions for whatever reason. What sucks about this time, though, is that I won’t be able to actually see the meet. Usually, the “stand” is a table set up behind the racks, so we can see the meet while we work, but we’ll be at a different school so the stand will be set up differently. Maybe my mom will let me take breaks to watch the meet? I doubt it though. Concession gets really busy around lunch time, so we’ll have four or five people at a time ordering three or four things. It’s a little difficult to manage that much stuff already, but then you have to add in the change. And that’s between two people. Also, I’m really slow with math under pressure. So…. it’s not a great situation at times, but I still love it. I’m really looking forward to break now.
One thought on “Spring Break”
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I hope your spring break is amazing!!!