Little Life Update: A Realization

Hello everyone! Me again. I don’t feel that I put myself personally on this blog, so I thought, what the heck, why not?

So, I had an intervention with a friend in which they told me that I read into things too deeply as if there is a hidden meaning in every little thing. I was shocked by this observation because after all, it is VERY true.

I guess I do this because I in fact do this. I almost always leave little hidden meanings in the things that I say. I don’t think I exactly mean to, and I wouldn’t exactly call it being passive. I think I just think differently.

I asked my friend if this is a bad thing. If hiding and looking for deeper meanings and hidden meanings in things is so bad. They then responded with something that completely changed my entire perspective of this: “Not everyone thinks the way that you do.”

I was taken back for a second because I guess I never really thought about this. Of course I didn’t think that everyone thought like me, but I also didn’t go around thinking that everyone thought completely different than me.

They also said, “Some people see things as black and white. You say something, and you mean it.”

This all ultimately led me to realize that it is okay for me to hide deeper meanings into the things I say, but to not expect other people to reciprocate or understand it.


Author: Victoria Jerde

Victoria Jerde is a writer who enjoys long walks through forgotten mine fields, cutting her hair spontaneously, and reading books that make her cry for no reason. She likes to spend all her money on face masks that probably don't make a recognizable difference, and she is also the type of person to lose everything that she owns. Her favorite hobbies include waking up at two in the morning because she thought of something to write about, sewing clothes when she gets stressed out, and being a fake IG model because hey, why not?

One thought on “Little Life Update: A Realization”

  1. It’s all that Shane Dawson conspiracy theory watching. But it is very true that everyone has a different way of thinking.

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