
So I’ve noticed yet another habit I’ve “developed” since being here at MSA. I love taking pictures of trees. Why? I have no clue. Remember that lovely picture I posted in the last blog post with Chloe and the tree? That’s just one of the many pictures I’ve taken. 

 Here it is! Chloe seems to also have a habit – ruining my beautiful shots. She’s always in the picture somehow, which is actually somewhat amusing. If you don’t think she’s there, always look at the sides or in the corners. You’d probably find some of her hair there because of the wind blowing, and all that stuff. 

It’s strange, but I love the vividness of the greens, oranges, yellows. And now, they’re gone. Winter is coming, fall is leaving. Fall did its job, making the trees beautiful before wiping it all away, but oh well. I have the pictures. In fact, here’s a couple of them! 

 A nice little collage of my nature shots… I don’t really know why I’m so attracted to the trees. Probably because where my house is located there are no trees. Just fake grass, sand for dirt, and all that other lovely stuff. Hmph, oh well. Although, just like every other kid, I always wanted a tree house. Of course there was always one little problem: we didn’t have any trees. For a good bit of my life, we stayed in apartments. I think it was around maybe fourth grade when we moved into a house. But alas, no trees still. But it had a huge yard, so I had room to play, and there was a shed where I would mess with the pool table until my parents kicked my siblings and I out of it for safety reasons.  

Anyway, I love trees. They’re just really pretty to me, and I enjoy looking at them. I’m contemplating making a story that is almost like The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, but not exactly because it wouldn’t be a children’s story. You’ll find out more after I’ve written it.  

Author: Morgan Crosby

The girl from D'Iberville is a really dull girl. She locks herself up in her room, content to spend her time reading and occasionally writing. She loves to read little YA romances and sometimes finds herself with books about history. The main thing motivating her writing is her overactive imagination and the strange dreams that plague her sleep. Her works also stem from what she has heard from music, conversations, or when half asleep. Crazed killers, haunted mirrors, and murderous siblings seem to be part of her stories in some way, but they always start off in her dreams. She started writing when she was in middle school, but had been telling stories since she was little.

3 thoughts on “Trees”

  1. All trees are Giving Trees I’d like to think. Personally, my favorite kind of tree is the Maple. A true good boi.

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