The amazing Amanda Palmer

Amanda palmer is one of my favorite artists at this time in my life. I used to listen to her but not like how I do now. A lot of you may have even heard her before without knowing that it was her! Here I will be naming some things she has done and talk about my favorite songs from them.

Amanda Palmer Begins Paying ‘Crowd-Sourced’ Musicians

  1. Dresden Dolls

The Dresden Dolls - The Dresden Dolls Photo (8398989) - Fanpop

The Dresden dolls were formed in 2000. With, of course, Amanda Palmer and Brian Viglione. The two played at Halloween party together and formed the duo afterwards. Amanda did the vocals and piano, along with ukelele and a harmonica while Brian played the drums, bass, and guitar. The group was inspired by Kate Bush, Cyndi Lauper, and Laurie Anderson. One of their most popular songs is “My Alcoholic friends” and “Coin-operated boy” My favorite song by the duo is “Missed Me” (go listen to it.) The duo broke up in 2008 but continued to have reunions. 

2. Evelyn Evelyn

Evelyn Evelyn: A Tragic Tale In Two Tomes by Amanda Palmer | NOOK Book ...

This duo was made in 2007. While on tour Amanda and her friend Jason Webley found these girls on myspace, they were made by the Neville sisters. The two listened to the one song they had posted and fell in love with the song and the two conjoined twins, Eva and Lyn. They asked them if they wanted to record a song, and the creators agreed. They recorded multiple demos before it was actually released in 2010.  The most popular songs are “A Campaign of Shock and Awe” and “Have you seen my sister Evelyn?”. My favorite song from this is “Sandy Fishnets”! 

3. Amanda Palmer (Solo)

Listen to Amanda Palmer speak to a troll who sent her abuse online

In my final category I will be talking a little bit about her solo account. Amanda went solo in June of 2008. The exact month I was born! Her first solo album was “Who killed Amanda Palmer”.  Unfortunately, I’m still getting into her solo music so I can’t speak too much about it. But! My favorite song that she has is “Runs in the Family”. Her music is amazing and the way she sings always hypnotizes me and I think everyone who reads this should give these songs a listen!!




Author: Kierstyn Warner

I grew up in Natchez, Ms. Writing is my biggest outlet, and I enjoy writing short stories. :)

3 thoughts on “The amazing Amanda Palmer”

  1. OMG I LOVE HER MUSIC!!! i’ve listened to so much of her stuff without knowing it was connected- she’s such an amazing story teller and just an amazing artist. very fran bow, alice in wonderland, sally face vibes. i love her so much omg

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