Shop: A pop opera by Jack Stauber

Shop is an album made by Jack Stauber that aired on adult swim in 2019. It consists of 8 songs, and I will be talking about the videos!

SHOP: a reanimated pop opera, trailer - YouTube

The musical begins with the main character struggling to choose a free sample. You can only get one and he’s not sure which on to get. The person selling it tells him to just take one and he walks away saying he’ll come back for it.

Image result for shop a pop opera


1. Milk

In the song milk a guy runs into an old lady saying “Pecan”. She wants pecan cookies, and he reaches to get them but grabs the wrong ones. The lady asks if he’s deaf then asks for him to get the right one, saying she’ll try the other cookies next time. He grabs the box but when he looks down the lady disappears. When he gets his milk, he sees that it’s expired.

The song consists of many questions. Like asking what kind of milk are you? What kind of life did you live? Was your life good or bad? Did you have friends or were you all alone? Did they laugh at you, or did you laugh with them? The song ends with saying your days are gone and the grocery list goes on. The guy eventually finds one that isn’t expired and puts it in his basket.

Shop: A Pop Opera - Milk - S2 - Smalls

2. Bread

It starts with the guy looking at artisanal vitamin bread. A man grabs it from him and the guy calls it interesting and asks about it. The man says it’s for his dog, he says doesn’t shop there and practically calls the food inedible. The guy makes a joke about his dog being artisanal bred and the man asks if he’s deaf because he just said the dog ate the bread. He then leaves. 

The song starts with talking about everything artisanal. A house, a wife, a car, an artisanal life. Just to see what people would think of him. He asks, “What’s an artisanal me?” Which people are his artisanal friends? Does he impress you? Can he hide behind his success? Is it really success if he lets his things talk to him? Then they all go away and he’s on his own again. He then grabs a bread branded ‘WOWZA’ and puts it in his basket. (I just think it’s a fun name.)

SHOP: A Pop Opera “Bread" | adult swim smalls - YouTube

3. Paper towels

This starts with a couple across the aisle looking for vegan hotdog buns. Something falls on the man’s head and it pans back to the guy where a glass falls in front of him. The employee asks if he just broke that, the guy says no. He then gets down and starts picking the glass up before cutting his finger. The guy asks if he’s okay, but the employee starts yapping about how the glass shattered instantly but it would take weeks to put it back together and it’ll never be the same. The guy keeps trying to talk but the employee keeps going on how even with his finger, it cut so easily but it’ll take years to heal. Then he tells the guy the paper towels are on aisle 8. He even says the more paper towels you use the more of a mess you make.

The songs start with saying messes are irreversible, unraveling, unstoppable. How can you contain it when it’s nonstop and endless? Can he put a halt on his? There’s an infinite gain but there’s a break in the chain. It’s out of his hands, the universe will expand! It ends with him finding and indestructible washrag. He even says, “No downside to mass producing these.”

Shop: A Pop Opera - Paper Towels - S2 - Smalls

4. Oatmeal

Starts with a man asking to guy to move out of the way. The man is clearly troubled and in a rush. He’s on a tight schedule and needed to be in the frozen sections 3 seconds ago. He won’t be able to have peas with his dinner this Wednesday! He says your body is like a clock and in you don’t plan accordingly you could, y’know. He stops explaining due to the fact he was behind. He then walks away, and the guy looks at oatmeal. A whole box isn’t expensive, for 100 bowls. He could eat it for the rest of his life!

The song starts with him saying he could have oatmeal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He could have it when he wakes up and brushes his teeth. He could have an oatmeal job, and oatmeal home, oatmeal sleep. An everyday oatmeal routine. Life could have rhythm and harmony! The vibe of the song changes and talks about unexpected circumstances. How could you know what will happen? Is routine human? Is it a master? It’s disastrous without one, but you can adapt to chaos faster. The guy just grabs a mystery flavored oatmeal.

SHOP: A Pop Opera “Oatmeal" | adult swim smalls - YouTube

5. Coffee

He thinks he has the whole aisle to himself until a lady appears out of nowhere with a cup of coffee in her hand. The lady talks very fast before just stopping, her entire face drops, and he’s confused. She fell asleep and all it took was a sip of the coffee to wake her up. She looks at the time and says she forgot her son at daycare. She asks his name, and he sits in silence, so she asks if he’s deaf, she then leaves and says she’ll pray for ears before he spaces out.

The song starts with asking is it needed? The coffee. How it makes you feel alive, but do you really need it to survive? Just a sip, the coffee is coaxing him into having more, but he’s conflicted on if he needs any more. The coffee is turning into an addiction, he spends money on it and not anything important. He says maybe he needs a cup of self-control. The song ends with him just getting decaf coffee. 

SHOP: A Pop Opera “Coffee" | adult swim smalls - YouTube

6. Cheese (and all of the cheese puns)

In this song he doesn’t meet anyone. Instead, it starts by saying, “A dark walk through the five aisles of grief.

In the song he is overwhelmed by choice “This can’t brie”. There’s so much cheese and he doesn’t know which on he wants. “You gouda be kidding me. I can’t make these decisions on my provolone.” He’s conflicted and unsure on which one to chose. It’s a throwback to the beginning where he’s indecisive. “Could someone else select my cheddar?” He’ll just look the other way and let the universe choose for him. He did! Dairy free maple coconut water cheese. He says I could’ve picked something better than that.

SHOP: A Pop Opera “Cheese" | adult swim smalls - YouTube

7. Finale

In this song he realizes that he can make his own choices. He could pick something better for himself than anyone else could! His decisions make him a good go-getter. All milk expires and sometimes your oatmeal/routines need to be tossed and something new can come out of it. Moderate your coffee! Life gets messy and the things you own do not define you. 

Stream goob | Listen to jack staubers full extended micropop playlist ...

The musical ends with him going back to get the free sample. He tries strawberry and thinks it’s amazing! He asks to try the other and the man tells him no. 

Author: Kierstyn Warner

I grew up in Natchez, Ms. Writing is my biggest outlet, and I enjoy writing short stories. :)

2 thoughts on “Shop: A pop opera by Jack Stauber”

  1. When I was younger I loved Jack Stauber but I never got too into his music so I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this album. I loved your breakdown of each song! If I was a kind of milk, I think I’d be strawberry…

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