Dhmis is a show that most kids found and probably weren.t supposed to watch! The show has these three puppets who live together. Yellow guy, duck, and red guy. (Idk if they’re actually called that!!) The three of them were introduced to very educational creatures, who turned out to either be evil or very evil! I will be yapping about their songs.

1. The creativity song
The song starts with the three sitting at their kitchen table. A little notepad opens and sings about the idea of creativity. It’s her favorite idea, and she thinks creatively. She tells them all to think how she does, that she sees things differently and expresses herself different. She begins to convince to see everything like she does. Clowns are bad and green isn’t creative, of course!! Listen to the rain, and your brain, and your heart! They took a bit too far though.. (Literally covering a heart in glitter.) Anyway!! They all agreed to never be creative again!

2. The time song
This episode starts with red guy being excited about their show that starts in five minutes, Duck says there’s not enough time. The clock on the wall speaks and says, “There’s always time for a song!” He then goes on to explain what time is. You can put it on the wall or wear it on your wrist!! The past is far behind us and there is no future. It only goes forwards and no other way. The clock encourages them to learn more about time. Times flies by when you’re having fun, but there’s a time and a place for mucking around! Now it’s the future, and there’s so much more stuff you can do! Fish everywhere. The three begin asking questions about time, is time real? Is it just someone humans made up? This angers the clock, and he makes yellow guys ears bleed. The clock then ages all three of them rapidly making their bodies decay, all except yellow guy. He’s only a clock though, eventually everyone runs out of time!
3. The love song
This episode starts with the trio on a picnic. Duck has prepared a chicken picnic!! Yellow guy sees a butterfly, but Duck squishes it which makes him run away in tears. A butterfly (a little baby pigeon) sees yellow guy crying in the tree and says, “Makes you sad, doesn’t it?” The butterfly begins to sing about hatred and darkness, and that it doesn’t have to be that way. We could live in harmony! He takes yellow guy by the hand and tells him about love as they fly through the sky! Love is everywhere, it’s a feeling inside that everyone has. Red guy and Duck are left at the picnic, after they finish their chicken, they go look for yellow guy. The butterfly continues to speak on love, and everyone names what they love. Yellow guy loves everything, and they tell him that he’s doing it wrong. He must save his love for his “special one”. They tell the story of Micheal, the loneliest/ugliest boy in town. Everybody called him a freak, so he lived on his own underground, but everyone has a special one. Including Micheal. They begin speaking of pure love, that is protected with a ring. They worship a king named Malcolm who they feed gravel, or he becomes angry. They begin cleaning yellow guy’s brain and telling him to join their king. The episode ends with yellow guy waking up in a tree and his friends apologizing.
4. The computer song
The computer song begins with the trio playing a board game, it asks a question. “What is the biggest thing in the world?” They don’t know the answer, so they look at a globe! The globe turns and starts to sing but is interrupted by a computer. He’s a computery guy!! He speaks of his digital life and offers to show them. He speaks of how clever he is, and he can print pictures. He’s a clever smart boy, who can do it all digitally! The three agree to use his help and starts asking tons of personal questions, red guy tells him to shush over and over eventually yelling at him to shut up and trying to turn him off. The computer screams at him to not touch him, and they are transported inside of the computer. He introduces them to his digital home, and all of the different things that can be done! There’re over three things to do like pi charts, digital dances, and digital style. This sequence repeats multiple times before red guy begins spiraling. He tries to turn the computer off, following the cord to a room where he sees everything behind the scenes of dhmis. The episodes ends with his head exploding like a balloon and confetti coming from it!!
5. The healthy song
No more trio! Red guy is gone now. Duck and yellow guy sit in the kitchen and yellow guy speaks, “Something’s different!” He says, Duck replies, “Something’s missing.” As if they don’t remember their friend, despite pictures of him everywhere. Yellow guy points to something asking was it him, a piece of bread singing a intro to a song. A can begins singing to them asking if they’re hungry. She says, lots of people get hungry. A piece of steak then begins to sing about hungry coming from your body. It must be hungry, but not all tasty snacks are good to eat. A phone begins to ring which stops the music, Duck goes to answer the phone. When he says hello, he wakes up in a hospital bed. The song continues. The steak talks about the body, it’s like a house and food goes through the chimney. If the food is good, it stays for a party, but if it’s bad then it has to leave through the cat flap. Duck says it doesn’t make sense and the phone rings again. He answers it and they’re at the kitchen table again. The song continues speaking about what you can and can’t eat. Duck is distressed the entire time they’re explaining it all. The fridge begins singing to Duck about food tasting great, Duck says he doesn’t want to do this anymore and knocks down the camera as he runs away. Again, he’s in the hospital bed. The can and the steak continue to sing to yellow guy about what he can and can’t eat. Again, we see Duck in the hospital bed, his organs being pulled out and eaten by a giant giggling can. They begin chanting that you shouldn’t eat food from a stranger’s plate. The episode ends with yellow guy stuffed with food and cans with Duck’s face all over the table. The phone rings again. We also see red guy in the credits, walking with a briefcase.
6. The dreams song
This episode starts with yellow guy in his bed, crying. The three of them shared a room. He says, “Goodnight, guys, I miss you.” A lamp begins singing to him about dreams, yellow guy says no and turns the lamp off, laying back down. The light comes back on and continues, yellow guy refuses but all he can do is listen to the lamp. The lamp says you can dream about anything! Riding a horse or drowning in oil. Yellow guy wakes up and sees the lamp who begins singing about bad dreams. He begins sinking into his bed which is now made of oil. Then we see red guy, who wakes up in an office room. Someone asks him to file files, and red guys says, “Wouldn’t it be funny if these files came alive?” He begins singing and everyone starts at him, saying “That sounds really boring.” (the same thing he said to that notepad). We see his life; how boring and repetitive it all is. So, what does he do? He takes off his clothes and gets on stage and begins singing the creativity song. Everyone boos at him, but one person is interested. Yellow guys father, Roy, who is a businessman who showed up a bunch of times throughout the series. It’s Father’s Day after all!! All of these songs take place on June 19th, which is a day that Father’s Day took place on. The curtains behind him falls and he’s in a dark room. he hears the dream song and follows the noise. He sees multiple screens and one displays the lamp singing about yellow guy who’s is sobbing. Red guy presses buttons which begin to show everyone they’ve came into contact with along with other things. This contains for a while and yellow guy sobs; red guy keeps trying to fix the problem and he feels Roy touch his shoulder. He turns around and is frightened by the man. Red guy follows a cord and says, “I wonder what will happen?” He unplugs it and guess what? Everything starts over and the day is June 20th.
puppets always scare me
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who remembers DHMIS! It’s an odd but core memory of my childhood.
I was definitely one of the kids that found DHMIS when I was too young, and it honestly traumatized me but now it has a special place in my heart lol. I’ve been meaning to revisit it, so this was great!
I’ve never watched this show, but I do think I will now.
I’ve never heard of this but it’s so odd and colorful. Now I want to look it up.