The Night Call


Trigger warning: Mentions of cuts and blood..

-This is a scene from a short story I’m writing, it’s called a summer with lily!


We were flawed people. Our skin, tattered with old marks that held time, sunken to the bone, all hollow and empty- looking. The only time we ever glowed was at night, when we would visit the desolate road. The cracks in its pavement were evident signs of its labor. It was full of missing spots and deep holes mauled by horse hooves and wagons. Pieces of it were scattered over the sidewalk, torn off from the force of gripping wheels and pure malice. We would wait for the day to put away its flesh-eating whip and find the road finally at peace, away from the cruel practice of daily transportation. It was like a big breathing grandma, just worn out. It seemed I could watch it breathe up and down; I could feel its tired sighs through the wind. Calling me and lily like a whisper; something only the two of us could hear.

 We’d climb out the window, our shoes would be kicked off. Our nightgowns blowing in every direction. Our feet would have more cuts and bruises by the time we’d reach the road. We didn’t seem to care as long as we were in its presence, harkening to its call. Lilly would watch the night for a bit. As though this moment was too good for us to catch it as well. It surprised us how two beautiful things could work together to create something that surpassed this universe. It was heavy in the air anytime either of us stopped for a moment to catch some wind. We imagined the road and the night to be husband and wife, complimenting each other’s faults and powers. It was magical and serene when we thought of the road and night like that.

  We would feel a tousle in our bellies, a swarm of butterflies pattering against our stomachs like urchins trying to get out. It’d make us pick up our feet and jump around, all crazy and messy. Our hair bonnets would slip from our head and land on the road, we would lift our arms to the sky, to God. Like a prayer to never end this moment if he could help it. Our hips were nonexistent but if they found a way to sway then they may as well have done it here. Our bodies were in tune with the whole earth. We were dancing and blind to everything but the night and the cool, rough pavement against our feet. Even Lilly was under the influence of the roads glory. Her skin became extraordinary. The streetlights illuminated her like a queen, a dancer on the center stage stealing away the attention for the night. Our tattered skin illuminated; our sunken bones highlighted against the broken road. We became something beautiful.

Author: Elayjah Earles

My name is Elayjah Earles, and I love being alive. Every feeling that being alive produces isn't nice but it's necessary and I cherish it. Writing for me is capturing those feelings, the best ones. The ones that make you smile in the mirror. And at times the worst ones. I like fictional/nonfictional characters that I can find myself in or people I know of.

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