Nature Walk

The land is vast and stretches for miles. And it all belongs to me. I am no queen or empress with a vault to my riches. But, I am rich. I am rich in love and harmony. Not love for a person, but love for myself and the nature that surrounds me. The sounds of nature soothe me. The steady stream of a whirling river is behind me and behind it stands a lush forest with the greenest of greens. The wild flowers that grace the land below it are grand in size, profound in color. The colors vary from wild fire orange, to ruby red, to mustard yellow and the palest of pinks. Any royals would envy me if they saw the beauty in the world around it. Nothing belonging to nature is trimmed down and made domestic. I stay in nature and nature stays in me. 

I have no reason to take a home from the honeybees. For this is the honeybees’ home and they have found it in their buzzing hearts to let me stay.

The neighbors call me crazy and never by my name.

Maybe because it is as enchanted as the stories I speak. Before I was here, I was neither here nor there, but everywhere at once. Because I am nature and nature is me. I follow the course of the whirling river right above the smooth rocks below. The fish gurgle at me as I pass and the beavers are thankful for the breeze. Hard at work until sundown thankful for nature as it provides for me. The sky above me remains blue with stray white clouds looking lost and searching. My meal for the day is made solely of greens and the tea I drink fresh from the trees. Because I am thankful to nature as it provides for me. 

Author: Taylor Lafayette

Taylor Lafayette is a Senior Literary at Mississippi School of the Arts. She is Editor-In-Chief over Mississippi School of the Arts newspaper, RISE. She plans to pursue a study of broadcast journalism after graduation. Senior Season is upon us!!!

One thought on “Nature Walk”

  1. Oh my gosh, Taylor, this is gorgeously written! “The neighbors call me crazy and never by my name” is such a strong line, and the imagery in this is incredibly eloquent.

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