Pandemic School Prep

Back to school can be a thrilling and terrifying time. Usually before heading back to school during the summer, (or fall) summer memories are made with friends and family. Adjustments are being made to better adapt to a school schedule. If you’re an athlete, you might be trying desperately to get back into shape. But, when there is a global pandemic breathing down our necks (something it has the privilege to do unmasked) getting ready for back to school is ANYTHING but normal.

Usually I would shop for the cutest shoes and nicest clothing, instead the pandemic forced me to look for masks with a more creative flair. I was left asking myself, “Would this mask work with these shoes?” (Surprise, surprise, it doesn’t!!!) No one can even see my shiny lip gloss. The hunt for sanitizer is even more wild. I had to order bulk of it because the shelves of  stores were as vacant as the school parking lot post spring break. (I’m still not over how we thought we just had an extra week at home…) 

Anywho, if  you do plan on physically going back to school, here’s a list of needed essentials:

  • Masks- I would recommend getting ones made mainly with nylon, they’re breathable, but still do a GREAT job of protecting you from Mrs. Rona.
  • Personal Sanitizer- I can not stress enough how important this is and always will be. Ever since the pandemic things that were unappealing to me now are just plain disgusting. Sanitize those hands, friends!!!
  • Patience- No one else is probably going to tell you this, but patience is definitely going to be needed when heading back to school after 6 months of a needed, but unsuspected vacation. NOTHING is going to be “normal”. You’re only going to see people top half of their face (weird, right??) 

Now, that some essentials have been named, be sure to collect them with normal school supplies. It may be a minute before we are truly back to the way things were, but hold on to hope that WE WILL GET THERE. Be safe friends and be sure to protect yourself.



Author: Taylor Lafayette

Taylor Lafayette is a Senior Literary at Mississippi School of the Arts. She is Editor-In-Chief over Mississippi School of the Arts newspaper, RISE. She plans to pursue a study of broadcast journalism after graduation. Senior Season is upon us!!!

One thought on “Pandemic School Prep”

  1. Aw, hey, roommate! I can not wait to meet you in person. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, and I love your writing style already (from what I have seen). Your metaphors are truly beautiful, by the way…especially the one about the shelves and parking lots. It is quite sad to return to school in a different reality, but, yes, it is important to have hope and do our bests to prevent the spread of the virus. I definitely found your listed essentials necessary, and I appreciated your perspective on going back to school, especially in this day and age. Already I can tell that you have a killer style, so may your masks match your shoes :)). I can not wait to read more from you!

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