Take a Wild Guess on What Musical I Saw.

I knew from the moment the theater went completely dark, and green spotlights began to circle the stage, that I was going to be in for a ride.

Picture this, you’re sitting next to me in a theater in Jackson, Mississippi. I begin tapping your shoulders wildly, loudly stating that Demeter just rolled on stage. She is always the first character to enter in “Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats.” I know every word to this musical. I know every word in the poetry book. Whichever route this takes, I will be able to recite it in its entirety.

This was an absolute experience.

The dancing was above and beyond, there were some crazy talented people in the cast. Each of them had a range of skills– everything from modern moves, to ballet. I really have to acknowledge how much energy it takes to do this show, there were some dancers that never seemed to catch a break, it was constant movement. The choreography was amazing, I loved it.

At one point, the rockstar cat jumped off of stage, ran into the audience, and danced with a middle-aged man. This was one of my favorite parts, as the woman sitting behind me loudly proclaimed “Oh my gosh… that’s my neighbor.”

Another 10/10 moment dance-wise was the Victoria and Plato scene. Victoria was so flexible, it was incredible. However, my favorite thing about this was that, after this dance, I received two texts from two different people asking about what just happened.


The music was played live, which was something i think added a nice charm to it. There were times when the actors wouldn’t be singing as strong, or there was a person slightly out of sync with the music. However, there were some moments where they truly shined.

Grizabella nailed the note in “Memory”, that’s a given. What truly impressed me was a cat that I didn’t care much for prior to seeing it live. Gus, the Theater Cat, sang The Awful Battle of The Pekes and Pollicles. I was not expecting this actor to suddenly start singing the way that he did, but it hit me in my soul. absolutely incredible. Considering he had just sang a song about how he’s old and dying– but then to suddenly go screamo opera on us? I just sat there, I couldn’t blink.

As for costumes, they were all adorable. I especially loved Alonzo, Rumpleteazer, and Cassandra. Cassandra’s costume lit up, which was not at all something I expected. I understood that Mistoffelees’s costume would light up, but then Cassandra’s lit up too?! and the lights would change color in sync to the music! absolutely spectacular, the costume designers outdid themselves on this one.

My one costume complaint was that Macavity wasn’t scary enough.

Overall, this was a great experience. I truly ascended into the Heaviside layer in that theater, that night.




Author: Kerri Bland

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