A quest on the question “Why?” and how it has changed my life…

I feel as if the most universal question in the world is “why?” (inserts mini dialogue)

Y/N: Why do you dress like that?

Y/N: Why do you care?

Y/N: Why do you want to know?

Y/N: Why do you not want me to know?

From my award-winning dialogue skills, you can clearly see what my point is. The question “why?” is used so often, I don’t think people truly realize how often they use it. “Why” is one of the words that you just have to know. It’s as useful as “the,” “as,” & “and.” Without this word, many conversations wouldn’t incite. This word is clearly one of the most important word known to man. This word has impacted me in a big way recently. I was in my bed one day, scrolling mindlessly through my three favorite apps (twitter, Instagram, and snapchat of course because I am the typical socialite teenager…) and I was wondering to myself, “why do I do this everyday?” which of course led to me having a long period of reflection over my life. I had millions of questions running through my head. Some questions I rather not say out of fear of being completely stupid (despite of questions never being stupid…I’m being sarcastic here if you couldn’t tell.) Some questions that I will share with you all are more on the rational side of things and can actually be answered or at least given an appropriate amount of time to think over:

“Why am I so addicted to my phone?”

“Why were these apps created?”

“Why do I spend so much time on these three specific aapps?”

“Why don’t I have the energy to do any thing else?”

Why does my phone make me so idle?”

All these questions ran through my mind and it was almost like a switch flipped in me. I realized that I am addicted to my phone. As I took more notice of this, I saw the symptoms of my addiction. For the sake of being clear, I’ll list them for you.

  1. My impulse to check my phone every 3 minutes
  2. My lingering stare on my phone whenever I’m not on it
  3. I constantly have to have my phone with me
  4. The first and last thing I do everyday is look at my phone
  5. I sometimes kiss my phone when it is super close to my face

Now I know that last one is a bit outrageous, but who am I to lie to you guys? I try to be as honest as I possibly can with you guys and if you say don’t peck your phone for treating you so good from time to time…you’re lying! (ok maybe you don’t but to those who do…I completely understand)

With the new ios 13 update, you can see how long you are on your phone each day. Last week I averaged a usage of 9 hours and 8 minutes each day last week. That is a lot you guys! That’s almost all of the time of the 12 hours I’m awake! I felt so bad over these numbers and I’m determined to get them down. Thank you to apple for being my biggest problem, but also helping with my solution! I’m trying to spend less time on my phone and focus more on the things in life outside my phone. Maybe this will help with the crook in my neck from looking down so much LOL! But for real you guys…look at how much time your spending on your phone. If you are one of those people who can live without your phone, kudos to you BUT if your anything like me…we need to strive to do better!

I hope you enjoyed my little quest with the question “why?” and how it has changed the way I interact with my phone. It’ll be hard for me, but I’m determined to let go of my bad habits with this phone! Hope this has helped anybody under your phones captivating spell…



Author: Morgan Love

Just a girl trying to find out who she is :) Follow me on this journey of MSA and hopefully this will help you just as much as it helps me. xoxo