The Oxford Dictionary definition of the word success is the fact that you have achieved something that you want and have been trying to do or get; the fact of becoming rich or famous or of getting a high social position.
So we are in November now and I have been at the Mississippi School of the Arts for almost a full semester. I have accomplished already so many of the goals that I set prior to being here. That makes me very ecstatic because one of my main reasons for going here was to grow, and every day I see myself growing and changing. I can only hope it is for the better.
I recently had a conversation with some friends of mine, Kailey Butler and Jericala’keisha Brown both dancers at MSA.
Kailey posed the question, “If you were able to see in the future on a device, would you?”
At first, my immediate answer was, “no, because I wouldn’t want to know my future if I can’t change it. What would be the reason?”
Now, looking back on the question, I have become really curious about how my future is going to turn out. I mean every since I was a young girl I thought about my future and I knew I wanted to be successful. But what really is success? Is it abstract or concrete? Can we reach out and grab success or is it only a feeling we store in our brain? Is success determine by how much money is in our bank account or how many people we impact in our lifetime? Is success having your name screamed and admired by thousands as you walk across a stage or is being knowledge for your work in your local community? Is success measured on how many awards you received or how many likes and comments you can get on an Instagram post?
We all have different definitions that define our own interpretation of the word success. I believe that there are also different levels of success, and I’m sure you have your own opinion about that. So why as humans are we so worried about becoming successful, or making a name for ourselves. Why have we, the people of society, place so much pressure on ourselves to be “successful” when we truly don’t understand what that word means. I mean let me rephrase that.Why do I put so much pressure on myself to become successful when I don’t know what that world means for myself? Because in reality the only human I need please with my decisions I make in my life, is me. I believe knowing who you are and what you stand for is really detrimental in your development as a person. As the saying goes, “If you don’t stand for nothing, you can fall anything.”
So, I say this to you and myself because I want us to recognize who we truly are, and what kind of person we want to become. Also what kind of impact that we want to leave on this world as an artist. Even though times may get hard, and we may get discouraged just remember to keep your head up along the way. Life is not easy and your goals won’t be either but just keep in mind, success is what you make it.
Some motivational and feel good videos in case you get discourage because I know it happens.
WOW, this was interesting to think about. Also, I love the videos you included 🙂
Stephyne, this post was truly awesome. First of all, I loved the structure. You presented different perspectives in different ways. Thank you, also, for providing your own personal thoughts. Society does place emphasis on success way too much. Thinking about this can send you into an endless void of unanswered questions. It is a pretty bleak topic. We are raised to contribute the most we can, and sometimes we end up forgetting ourselves in a constant pursuit of success. Thank you for your thoughts and the motivational videos. (: