The Dreaded Sestina


    Sestina: Dark Skin Beauty


You may be blind by thy beauty

of the deep roots of your true melanin

It cross fades with the prophets

 true vision of unity.

Pay no thought of insecurity

of your ever-glowing dark skin.


Some may speak that the gift of thy pearl skin

which is rich in beauty,

should be the foundation of insecurity.

But I say your over joyous melanin

provides the nation with unity,

and plenty insights to the prophets.


They see plenty, the prophets.

They envision that thy skin

will be the formation of unity,

 and everyone shall see the beauty

Of thy perfect, rich melanin.

Then you shall learn, that this must not be the foundation of insecurity.


The darkness of your insecurity

will be what the prophets

cherished, so deep as the melanin

implemented in your skin.

 That glorifies your beauty

and shows thy ancestors unity.


Your ancestors found unity

to defeat the insecurity

of their captors. They knew of the beauty

that was spoken among the prophets.

Your ancestors embraced the skin

that was gifted to them along with luxurious melanin.


All do not possess the gift of majestic melanin

which has been the reason of disperse unity.

Hate has been decided by color of the skin

compelling many to believe darkness as an insecurity.

“Giving the man in power to feed and devour,” says the prophets,

“Thou will never know true equality until thou embrace the dark beauty.”


The beauty of your deep melanin

will awaken the world and provide unity

to all skin tones defeating, the battle of insecurity.


Recently in the introduction to poetry class, my classmates and I were taught the poem type, the sestina. According to the Oxford dictionary, a sestina is “a poem with six stanzas of six lines and a final triplet, all stanzas having the same six words at the line-ends in six different sequences that follow a fixed pattern, and with all six words appearing in the closing three-line envoi.” I honestly found that writing a sestina was extra and time-consuming. It made your mind think about possible ways that your chosen words could fit into the poem. That’s a reason why I enjoyed it as well, you got to make your own story where your chosen words lived. That was so exciting because one of my joys of writing is when you are writing either shorty story, poem, flash fiction, any fiction. And you realize that you are in control of the story and how it plans out, it is such a magical feeling.

Author: Stephyne Weathersby

Lowkey trying my best.

One thought on “The Dreaded Sestina”

  1. Sestinas are definitely interesting. I like how, despite their specific structure, many varying topics and themes can be introduced to the reader. Reading this was such a rich experience. I found your word choice refreshing, and it really enhanced what the poem wanted to convey. Not only that, but this poem is just gorgeous in itself. The language you used was so eloquent and intentional. I also appreciate the bits of poetic imagination sprinkled in and how you described melanin as being over joyous at times. Proud of you. (:

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