Every Morning





Wake up. Instantly regret it.

Look at your roommate.

Ask yourself why you couldn’t be more like 



Drag yourself out of bed. 

Feel the freezing tile underneath

Your toasty tootsies. 

Regret waking up again.


Quietly get your clothes together.

Go to the bathroom. Get dressed. 

Get out. Brush your jumble of 

Green and yellow curls.




Go downstairs. Eat breakfast.

Give up on that when everyone

Leaves and you no longer have

Anything to keep you from the


Monsters in your mind. 

“Stop eating. They’re watching

Every move you make. They’re 

Judging you. Stop being 


Disgusting. Stop being fat.

Stop being filthy. Stop, Stop,

Stop.” On the short ride up the

Elevator to your room, you hear


Singing. “Why aren’t you talented?”

Torment. But don’t show a single soul.

How dare you feel anything but





The bell rings. Oh well.

Listen to music.

Sleep. Do anything but

Look at your reflection. 


Don’t look at your reflection.

Stop. You look gross. You

Look like a pig. Peppaaaaa-

Oh. Maybe you don’t.


No you definitely do.

Over analyze every line

And “beauty mark”.

Scoff at their idiotic name.


How inconsiderate.

Some of us aren’t beautiful. 

Refer to yourself when you

Say “some of us”. Check the


Time. 9:34. Okay.

Look again. 9:46.

Oh, okay. Rush to





10 o’clock.

Blog for 15 minutes,

Even though the board says

To blog for 12. You rebel.


Listen to Mrs. Sibley. 

Talk about how she

Has a secretly ghetto 

Side that she refuses to


Show you. Laugh at yourself.

Listen to her talk some more.

Laugh when you’re supposed

To. Nod when you need to. 


Pay attention. Heed her words

As best as you can at 11 in the

Morning. The bell rings again.

Gather your things slowly. 




Don’t rush to eat. Dread it.

Don’t look forward to it. Abhor it. 

It is your enemy. Don’t

Indulge your enemy.


Get through the line.

Hear Cuz yell “Smile,

Smile, Smile!” as you

Leave. Smile. 


Look for your friends.

See them having a good time.

Look for a spot. The table’s full.

Sit by yourself because everyone


Else is together. Their tables

Are full. Sit by yourself.

Feel sad. Get over it.

Don’t be a mess.


11:40. Malone’s Class. 

Get up. Go  to her class. 

Sit in your spot, nestled 

Between a redhead


And a dreadhead. Enjoy 

Their company. Find solace

In the work you so desperately

Need to complete. Try to


Complete it. Run out of time.

Vow you’ll finish that night. 

Grab your bags. Get out.

Try not to look at anyone


In the eyes.




These last 2 blocks go by quickly.

After Malone’s class, go to Sibley.

Journal for 10 minutes. Work on

Whatever she has you work on for that day.

The bell rings.


Take your time getting to go again.

Talk to the redhead. Listen to her

Stories about what happened while

She was that the computer. Walk


Out. Go to your next class. 

Try not to fall asleep. Doze off a little.

Wake up before you fall. Think about Her.

Smile. Look down at your hands. 


The bell rings. That’s it. It’s over.

Time to go back to being bored out

Of your mind. Eat dinner. Go to your


Author: Azya Lyons

“have i gone mad? im afraid so, but let me tell you something, the best people usualy are.” -Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderland aw skeet skeet

4 thoughts on “Every Morning”

  1. Oooh, I can see that you changed it up from last time. I really loved this, and it has a great flow. It is interesting to see your thoughts.

  2. This is so beautiful. I relate to a lot of this on a very deep level. Have I ever told you how much I love you? Because it’s a BUNCH!

  3. Agh, your poem, you posted it! This poem is so honest and beautiful, and I love how I can hear your voice in it. Like I have already said, you are a really powerful person and it reflects in your writing. I will be interested to see where this voice takes you.

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