no one is incapable of love

Everyone, I’m sure, feels at some point they are incapable of being loved. Not the unconditional love your parents, siblings, grandparents, and other family feel for you, but the love it seems you have to work to earn. I’ve felt this way for years, however, it wasn’t until someone else that I care about told me they felt the same way that I realized It wasn’t my fault. It’s not anything I did or said, and it’s not anything about me that makes people treat me the indifferent way they do. It’s not that you can’t be loved, it’s that people our age are too immature and self-centered that they don’t “waste” their time on other people to love. It’s the kind of love you have to work for to earn that is nearly impossible to feel because desperately, you work to earn it, but the other person doesn’t work to give it.

You can’t go through this life hopelessly looking for people to love you so you can find love for yourself. All you will find is disappointment, and the reinforced lie that you aren’t lovable will seem to have more truth. we base what we believe on experience and perspective. If you base your worth on the way people act and what they say, you will never find love for yourself. Even if what they say is kind and complementary, you can’t rely on it to boost your confidence. You have to allow yourself to love yourself and find that part of you, and not expect those around you to do it for you. In the end, all you have is yourself and the feelings you create.

I’m not writing this to talk about how people are the worst (which they often are), but I’m writing this to give you the advice to love yourself. People will respect you and love you so much more if you respect and love yourself. It’s hard, but it’s not impossible.



Author: Katie Spiers

"You can't do all the good the world needs, but the world needs all the good you can do." - Jana Stanfield This is my favorite quote and is what I find myself striving towards everyday-- to do the most good I can.

6 thoughts on “no one is incapable of love”

  1. Loving yourself is so important! I appreciate how you touched on this matter. Many people think it is just a given to love yourself, but it is really hard for many people.

  2. I find it nice that you turned your own experiences into advice. I agree with a lot of this, and overall this post contains so much meaning a worth. We all need to hear this sometimes.

  3. In love with this post. Many people in this generation disregard love, any form of it, and it bothers me to no end. I love your insight on this.

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