Being stabbed By Bailey in the delta

I told Katie to pick A or B, and she picked B. So, I’m going to tell a story about something that starts with B.

Before I get into the story itself, I need to give a little Backstory. So, out of all of my immediate cousins on my Birth mother’s side, I am the 4th oldest; first, there’s Tristian, then Blarrington (we called him Boo-Boo), Shawn, then me, then Shaykera (Shay and I were Born in the same year; I was May, she was August). So, Being that Shay and I were the oldest girls, we had the longer legs, so were  the faster of the girls. And, even though Shay and I are the same age, I’m taller, so my legs were even longer. That will come into play around, roughly, the middle of the story.

So, one very hot and humid day in the Delta (Greenville, to Be exact), my cousins and I were at our grandparents’ house. I, at the time, was about 7 or 8. We were sentenced outside, my grandmother had gotten mad at us for stabbing an air mattress with a fork, and we were Bored out of minds Because our newest past time activity was ripped away from us By an angry 50-something year old lady. We were over it.

Side note; on her land, she had a nicely sized front yard. On that front yard, there was a drive way made of rocks. Nice, shiny, harmless rocks.

Or so I thought.


While Shawn and I were deliberating what to do, Bailey, the Baby of all the children, Began to look around. She didn’t seem to Be looking for anything specifically, But she did seem interested in the pretty, shiny rocks, so none of us thought anything of it. Then Shawn and I had the most Beautiful idea known to man: we are going to race a half mile down the street to the park, turn around at the park, race Back to the house, and the first one Back would get someone else to steal them an extra Popsicle.  With the stakes Being so high, we had to really show out, or we could kiss that ‘sicle goodbye.


Shawn and I went first, beings that we were the older ones. After us would be Shay and Corrine, after that Niema and Niami (they’re twins), then Bailey to bring up the rear.

Shawn and I go, and almost immediately, I face plant. I fell hard, earning me a bruised ribcage and ego, Bloody hand, and probably a minor concussion. But, I refused to get out of that race. So, I get up and I haul……Butt. And, pretty soon, he and I are neck and neck. Then, the others start to file in behind us. So, we get to the park, we turn, and I’m in the lead. And, about half way Back to the trailer, I feel a sharp pain in the Bruised side of my Body. I fall out, hollering in anguish and Shawn sits Beside me.  He’s yelling and looks at Bailey, a sharp rock in her little chubby fist.

So, long story short, no one in my family knows about this story except for the kids involved, and even then they most likely forgot about it. And, Boy did I enjoy my extra Popsicle.



I promise this story is true.

Author: Azya Lyons

“have i gone mad? im afraid so, but let me tell you something, the best people usualy are.” -Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderland aw skeet skeet

2 thoughts on “Being stabbed By Bailey in the delta”

  1. This was so funny. I really love the line, “…or we could kiss that ‘sicle goodbye.” I really enjoyed how you told this real life story. I want to read more like this.

  2. “bro your cousin really just stabbed you with a rock.”- me to you. “yeah every child in my family has mental issues.”-you to me. I loved reading this so much and sitting next you, hearing you describe it verbally just made the experience like 10x better. I love your writing so much ok.

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