The Sixth Day

August 8th: Today is my sixth day being at MSA and all I can really say is—wow. This experience, though its only been six days, has been so new for me. I’ve never been in a situation where I’ve had to wake up earlier than I have to just to write my name on a paper and now that I have…it has got to be one of my least favorite things to do. Despite the agony of having to sign in everyday, that seems to be the only fault I’ve seen so far at MSA but with any school, there’s bound to be more than just that one. My sister actually went to MSA before me and she graduated in 2017 so from then my perception of MSA has definitely changed. I can’t say exactly if it’s what I thought it was going to be like because I haven’t been here long enough. However, lately I’ve taken to the motto “take it one day at a time,” mainly because I have such a tendency of planning ahead and expecting things to come when I haven’t taken the time to see what’s right in front of me. As the days go on and I meet my teachers and realize how different they are and how different they teach—it kind of scares me. Like with any new venture—I have my doubts. Will they be to hard for me to handle? Will I be stressed and unable to function properly? Will this class lower my GPA if I don’t do well? All these questions have been running through my mind constantly but I’ve been trying to assure myself that everything will be okay. I have to tell myself that school has never been an issue for me before. I’m smart, I have…okay time management skills, I haven’t gotten a C or below in my entire life and I’ll absolutely lose my mind if I get my first C while in the last two years of my secondary education SO I think I’ll be okay…stressed…but okay. I have to constantly remind myself that everybody moves at different paces and no matter how fast or slow I go in my classes, I’ll eventually catch up with everybody else. These self reminders push me through my day and help me stay grounded and humble in this new experience. I’ll end this by asking any seniors who read this, what ways did you manage your time for being social and doing school work? Did anything that typically works NOT work for you? Any tips/advice/pointers you can give on procrastination? Anything helps!

Author: Morgan Love

Just a girl trying to find out who she is :) Follow me on this journey of MSA and hopefully this will help you just as much as it helps me. xoxo

3 thoughts on “The Sixth Day”

  1. I really appreciate your rawness in this post. I too, have many questions going through my mind while being here.

  2. You did a very good job on expressing your feelings and concerns about being at MSA. I feel that you got it down pact and if you do get stressed just slow down and take a deep breathe.

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